Zoomposium 23: 7 December 2021

Published: 18 November 2021

Dr Jake LEVER: 'Teaching Computers to Read so You Don't Have To' Dr Sammy GRIFFIN: 'Insight into a Martian Volcano?' Dr Sam BAYLISS: ‘Quantum engineering with molecular systems’

Watch Zoomposium 23 (Passcode: &4syWL7% )


Dr Jake Lever, School of Computing Science

‘Teaching computers to read so you don’t have to’

Wow, you’ve got a lot of research papers to read! Keep opening new tabs to save them? Can’t a computer just do that work for you? Well, yeah, we’re working on it! My research uses machine learning to get computers to read text and extract the meaning of it for searching and summarization. It helps medical researchers understand the causes of individual tumours by reading cancer research and assists everyone to find important coronavirus research papers. I’m now looking for other interesting machine learning challenges to get computers to read text from academic papers to health records and beyond!


Dr Sammy Griffin, School of Geographical and Earth Sciences

‘Insight into a Martian Volcano?’

My research centres around expanding the geological context of planetary meteorite samples using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) to further understand their source environment. To date my research has been focussed on investigating microstructures within olivine and pyroxene crystals within the nakhlite meteorites from Mars. I am keen to collaborate with anyone and everyone, particularly those of you who are also interested in material deformation and/or using experimental data to inform computational models.


Dr Sam Bayliss, James Watt School of Engineering

Quantum engineering with molecular systems’ 

Quantum states in chemically synthesized molecules offer a versatile platform for applications ranging from nanoscale sensing to energy harvesting. In particular, spin states in molecules provide a quantum-mechanical resource to realise such functionality and are central to phenomena underpinning next-generation optoelectronic materials and devices. My research deploys spin-sensitive techniques (e.g., optically detected spin resonance, magneto-optical spectroscopy) to understand and develop such molecular spin systems. This research programme spans quantum engineering, physics, chemistry, and materials science, and overall seeks to open new possibilities for quantum states in molecular materials and devices.


First published: 18 November 2021