Widening Participation Glossary

Adjusted Offer of Entry

An adjusted offer of entry is an offer from the university which is lower than our standard tariff. We can offer these to target applicants who meet our eligibility criteria. In order to receive on of these offers applicants will need to successfully complete one of our pre-entry programmes. For more information on our Adjusted Offers of Entry is available .


The term ‘care-experienced’ refers to anyone who is currently in care, or anyone who is from a looked-after background or who has been in care at any stage in their life, no matter how short, including adopted children who were previously looked-after by a local authority. This care may have been provided in one of many different settings, such as in residential care, foster care, kinship care, or through being looked-after at home with a supervision requirement.

The University of Glasgow recognises that experience of care can take many forms, and that each person’s individual experience will be unique and particular to them. In recognition of this diversity of experience, we will always endeavour to be as flexible as possible in extending our support and provision. If you have any questions about how the definition above relates to your own experience and your eligibility for support, please contact our Care-experienced Student Support Coordinator to arrange a confidential chat: daniel.keenan@glasgow.ac.uk.


A carer is anyone who provides unpaid care, either physical or emotional to a family member or close friend. The University of Glasgow is committed to supporting those with caring responsibilities and in 2019 was awarded the Carers Trust Scotland Going Higher Award. We understand that everyone’s caring role will be unique to them and will endeavour to be as flexible as possible in extending our support and provision.

If you have any questions about how this definition relates to your own experience and your eligibility for our support, please contact our Carer Student Support Coordinator to arrange a confidential chat: denise.hooper@glasgow.ac.uk 


Estranged students are young people studying without the support of a family network, due to a breakdown in those relationships. Individuals in this position often have no contact at all with their family, or sporadic and conflictual contact. Key causes of a breakdown of family relationships could include (but are not limited to): emotional or physical abuse, mismatched expectations about family roles and relationships, or a clash of personality or values.

If you have any questions about how this definition relates to your own experience and your eligibility for our support, please contact our Estranged Student Support Coordinators to arrange a confidential chat: daniel.keenan@glasgow.ac.uk .


This refers to SIMD postcode areas. An MD20 is someone who resides in SIMD decile 1 and 2. MD40 refers to those residing in SIMD decile 1-4. To check whether you live in SIMD decile 1-4 please click .

Pre-entry programme

A pre-entry programme is a widening participation programme offered by the University of Glasgow. The programmes aim to aid in the transition to further and higher education and ensure that our applicants have the skills and experience to succeed in further and higher education.

SIMD – Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation

It is a statistical tool used by local authorities, the Scottish government, the NHS and other government bodies in Scotland to support policy and decision making. It divides the country into postcode areas based on the level of socio-economic variables. It is calculated based on seven criteria income, employment, health, education, skills and training, housing, geographic access and crime.