CEES Seminars & Events 2006-2007

West Coast Seminar Series

  • Mr Andžs Ūbelis; former Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Latvia
    'After EU Membership: Challenges to economic stability in Latvia'
    Tuesday 20th March, 5.30pm
    University of Strathclyde, European Policies Research Centre, 40 George Street, Room 951.
  • Professor Donald Filtzer, University of East London
    'Hunger and Hygiene: Infant Mortality in Russia's Industrial Regions During Late Stalinism'
    Wednesday 18th April, 5.30pm
    University of Glasgow, Seminar Room, 8 Lilybank Gardens.
  • Marcin Dabrowski, University of Paisley
    'New regionalism' in Central and Eastern Europe: changing perspectives and challenges
    Wednesday 25th April, 5.30pm
    University of Paisley, Room A407.
  • Professor Mitchell Orenstein, University of Syracuse
    'Transnational Influences on CEE Pension Reforms'
    Wednesday 2nd May, 5.30pm
    University of Paisley, Room A407.
  • Dr Juliane Fuerst, University of Oxford
    'Comrades, Friends and Lovers: Soviet Post-War Morality in Theory and Practice'
    Wednesday 16th May, 5.30pm
    University of Glasgow, Seminar Room, 8 Lilybank Gardens.
  • David Moon, University of Durham
    '"Pyl'naia chasha (dust bowl)": the environmental history of the Russian steppes in comparative perspective.'
    Wednesday 30th May, 5.30pm
    University of Glasgow, Seminar Room, 8 Lilybank Gardens.

For further details please contact the series organisers:
Prof Terry Cox, University of Glasgow (0141 330 2343) t.cox@lbss.gla.ac.uk
Dr Irene McMaster, University of Strathclyde (0141 554 4905) irene.mcmaster@strath.ac.uk
Prof Martin Myant, University of Paisley (0141 848 3367) martin.myant@paisley.ac.uk

Events 2006-2007


  • Summer School '07: Postgraduate Research Methodology in Kraków, Poland (Theme: Processes of Europeanisation)
    The Summer School is co-organised event between the CRCEES, and it's international partner the Centre for European Studies, Jagiellonian University. The summer school programme will incorporate a comparative, cross-cultural and interdisciplinary approach to addressing the theme: 'Processes of Europeanisation'. [more]
    7-21 July, 2007
    Centre for European Studies, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.


  • Hungarian Ambassador to the UK visits CEES and CRCEES
    We are very pleased to announce a special lecture by Her Excellency Borbála Czakó, Hungarian Ambassador to the UK which we are hosting as part of her forthcoming visit to Glasgow. [more]
    11 June 2007, 17.00
    The Management Lecture Theatre Main Building, University Avenue, University of Glasgow.


  • CRCEES Research day
    The Centre for Russian, Central and East European Studies (CRCEES) will be holding the first of its annual Research Days. The plan is to have a combination of research panels, plenary sessions and informal workshops in order to explore the five research themes within CRCEES.
    These are:
    • Aspects of identity and culture and their social, political and economic implications;
    • Economic and social transformation;
    • Political transformation and international relations;
    • Literary, cinematic and cultural developments in the area;
    • The politics of language. [more]
    11-12 May, 2007
    Kelvin Conference Centre, University of Glasgow.


  • The Hungarian Studies Association of the UK (HSAUK) Launch
    A Joint venture organized by Richard Berry, Director, Centre for Russian, Central and East European Studies (CRCEES) and George Kolankiewicz, Managing Director, Centre for East European Language Based Area Studies (CEELBAS) - the inaugural meeting of the Hungarian Studies Association of the UK (HSAUK).
    The symposium will address aspects of:
    • History;
    • Politics;
    • Economics;
    • Social Change;
    • International Relations; and
    • Cultural Change. [more]
    15 March 2007, 14.00-17.00
    Hugh Fraser Room, Wolfson Medical Building, University of Glasgow.
  • Slavonic film club: Agnieszka Holland will visit Glasgow University
    Agnieszka Holland is a distinguished Polish filmmaker with an international reputation. Ed Harris plays the lead in her latest feature Copying Beethoven, which still awaits its UK premier. Agnieszka Holland will visit Glasgow University on 8-9 March. [more]
    8-9 March
    TBA, University of Glasgow.

CEES Conferences & Seminars 2007-08

BASEES Study Group 'Societal Change in the Post-Socialist States', annual workshop

This study group was founded in 2006 as an outcome of the seminar series 'Transnational issues, local concerns: insights from Russia, Central and Eastern Europe and the UK'. The Study Group aims to provide a focal point for research concerning contemporary societal trends and social issues evident in the countries of the former Soviet Union (FSU) and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). It is strongly inter-disciplinary in its conception and actively encourages participation from all areas of the social sciences including those engaged in postgraduate study. Furthermore, it places emphasis on the involvement of both practitioner and policymaker audiences.

The Study Group held its first annual workshop in January 2007, with the theme:

  • Wellbeing & Welfare: Theoretical and practical reflections on research practice in
        post-socialist countries
    [programme] [bibliography].

The second annual workshop will take place in Glasgow in January 2008, with the theme:

  • The state in everyday life: Historical & contemporary perspectives.

For further information about this event or the Study Group activities please contact Dr Jonathan Oldfield 

The EU and Minority Rights in East Central Europe

A panel at BASEES Conference 2007, titled 'The EU and Minority Rights in East Central Europe: Reality, Myths and the Future', where papers included, 'EU Eastern Enlargement and Minority Rights: A Pandora's Box?'


The Hungarian Studies Association of the UK (HSAUK) Launch

Joint venture organized by Richard Berry, Senior Lecturer in CEES and Director of the Centre for Russian, Central and East European Studies (CRCEES) and George Kolankiewicz, Managing Director, Centre for East European Language Based Area Studies (CEELBAS) - the inaugural meeting of the Hungarian Studies Association of the UK (HSAUK).

The symposium addressed aspects of:

  • History
  • Politics
  • Economics
  • Social Change
  • International Relations
  • Cultural Change

The event took place on 15 March 2007 in the Wolfson Medical Building at the University of Glasgow.

For more information, visit: CRCEES events.


'Participation of Minorities in Public Life' - UniDem seminar of the Council of Europe's Commission for Democracy through Law

On 18-19 May 2007 academics from the Department of Central and East European Studies co-organised and attended one of the regular 'Universities for Democracy' (UniDem) seminars of the Council of Europe's Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) in Zagreb, Croatia.

Dr David Smith and Hon Professor John Hiden were accompanied to the seminar by CEES colleagues Dr Eamonn Butler and Ms Laura Cashman (2007-08 Postdoctoral Fellow at the Centre for Russian, Central and East European Studies).

For more information, visit: CRCEES news.