2000 publications
P R Aitchison, J N Chapman, H Holloway, D J Kubinski, M Parsons
"Magnetisation processes and magnetoresistance in Co/Cu multilayers as a function of the Cu layer thickness"
J Appl Phys, 87, 9, 5753-5755, 2000
H Ardhuin, J N Chapman, P R Aitchison, M F Gillies, K J Kirk, C D W Wilkinson
"Magnetization reversal of patterned spin-tunnel junction material: A transmission electron microscopy study"
J Appl Phys, 88, 5, 2760-2765, 2000
S Chowdhury, C J Emeleus, B Milton, E Skuras, A R Long, J H Davies, G Pennelli, C R Stanley
"Importance of symmetry breaking in two-dimensional lateral surface superlattices"
Phys Rev B, 62, 4821-4824, 2000
A J Craven, K He, L A J Garvie, T N Baker
"Complex heterogeneous precipitation in titanium-niobium microalloyed Al-killed HSLA steels-I (Ti,Nb)(C,N) particles"
Acta Mater, 48, 3857-3868, 2000
A J Craven, K He, L A J Garvie, T N Baker
"Complex heterogeneous precipitation in titanium-niobium microalloyed Al-killed HSLA steels-II. Non-titanium based particles"
Acta Mater, 48, 3869-3878, 2000
A J Craven, S Ostanin, D W McComb, D Vlachos et al
"Effect of relaxation on the oxygen K-edge electron energy-loss near-edge structure in yttria-stabilized zirconia"
Phys Rev B, 62, 14728-14735, 2000
R Cusco, L Artus, J Ibanez, N Blanco, G Gonzales-Diaz, M Rahman, A R Long
"Comparison of Raman-scattering and Shubnikov-de Haas measurements"
J Appl Phys, 88, 6567-6570, 2000
P Debray, O E Raichev, P Vasilopoulos, M Rahman, R Perrin, W C Mitchell,
"Ballistic electron transport in stubbed quantum waveguides: experiment and theory,"
Phys. Rev. B 61, 10950-10958 2000
P Debray, P Vasilopoulos, O Raichev, R Perrin, M Rahman, W C Mitchel
"Experimental observation of Coulomb drag in parallel ballistic quantum wires,"
Physica E 6, 694-697 2000
L G Deng, M Rahman, C D W Wilkinson
"Enhanced damage caused by light inlow-damage reactive-ion etching"
Appl. Phys. Lett. 76, 2871-2873 2000
L Folks, J N Chapman, M E Best, P M Rice, B D Terris, D Weller
"Perforated tips for high resolution in-plane magnetic force microscopy"
Appl Phys Lett, 76, 909-911, 2000
L A J Garvie, P Rez, J R Alvarez, P R Buseck, A J Craven, R Brydson
"Bonding in alpha-quartz (SiO2): a view of the unoccupied states"
American Mineralogist, 85, 732-738, 2000
D Grant, A R Long, J H Davies
"Commensurability oscillations due to pinned and drifting orbits in a two-dimensional lateral surface superlattice"
Phys Rev B, 61, 13127-13130, 2000
M Herrmann, S McVitie, J N Chapman
"Investigation of the influence of edge structure on the micromagnetic behaviour of small magnetic elements"
J Appl Phys, 87, 6, 2994-2999, 2000
K J Kirk
"Nanomagnets for sensors and data storage"
Contemporary Physics, 41,2, 61-78, 2000
K J Kirk, J N Chapman, S McVitie, P R Aitchison, C D W Wilkinson
"Interactions and switching field distributions of nanoscale magnetic elements"
J Appl Phys, 87, 9, 5105-5107, 2000
M Mackenzie and A J Craven
"Quantifying the oxidation of AIN using electron loss spectroscopy"
J Phys D: Appl Phys, 33, 1647-1655, 2000
C H Marrows, B J Hickey, M Herrmann, S McVitie, J N Chapman, M Ormston, A K Petford-Long, T P A Hase, B K Tanner
"Damage caused to interlayer coupling of magnetic multilayers by residual gases"
Phys Rev B, 61, 4131-4140, 2000
B Milton, C J Emeleus, K Lister, J H Davies, A R Long
"Modulation of Landau levels by a one-dimensional periodic potential"
Physica E, 6, 555-557, 2000
S J T Murdoch, J N Chapman, T G Pokhil, S Mao, E S Murdock
"Transmission electron microscopy study of thermal effects on the free-layer reversal of a crossed-anisotropy spin valve"
J Appl Phys, 87, 9, 4945-4947, 2000
W A P Nicholson and T A Hall
"The continuum normalization method for quantification of X-ray spectra in biological microanalysis. 1. Generalized bremsstrahlung production cross-sections and analysis using standards"
J Microscopy, 200, 3, 230-239, 2000
S Ostanin, A J Craven, D W McComb, D Vlachos, A Alavi, Finnis M W, Paxton, A T
"Effect of relaxation on the O K-edge electron energy-loss near-edge structure in yttria stabilised zirconia"
Phys Rev B 62, 14728 - 14735, 2000
A T Paxton, M van Schilfgaarde, M MacKenzie, A J Craven
"The near-edge structure in energy-loss spectroscopy: many-electron and magnetic effects in transition metal nitrides and carbides"
J Phys: Condens Matter, 12, 729-750, 2000
M Rahman,
"Damage in III-V semiconductors from very low-energy processplasmas,"
Defect Diff. Forum 183, 61-75 2000
M Rahman, K Mathieson
"Topographic effects in low-energy radiationdamage,"
Appl. Phys. Lett. 77, 1322-1324 2000
M Rahman, J G Williamson, K Mathieson, S Duffy, G Dick, C D W Wilkinson
"Quantum electron beam probing of sidewall dry-etch damage"
Microelectron.Eng. 53, 371-374 2000
P H W Ridley, G W Roberts, R W Chantrell, K J Kirk, J N Chapman
"Computational and Experimental Micromagnetics of Arrays of 2-D platelets"
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 36, 3163 - 3163, 2000
G Yi, J N Chapman, D N Brown, I R Harris
"TEM studies of the effects of Zr additions on some HDDR-processed, high boron, NdFeB-type powders and hot-pressed magnets"
J Magn Magn Mat, 220, 115-123, 2000