Our Facilities
The School of Molecular Biosciences is supported by cutting-edge facilities and infrastructure. Explore some of our facilities below to learn more.

The School of Molecular Biosciences has access to a variety of fluorescence microscopes to support your fluorescence imaging research work.
New cutting-edge multiphoton & super-resolution microscopy equipment has recently been set up in the Cellular Analysis Facility. To find out more about what imaging technologies this facility can offer visit or email them:
mvls-srf@glasgow.ac.uk / Dr Anthony Dornan.
On contact they will provide technical support, training and access to the online booking website.
To learn about the specification of the equipment they have to break the diffraction barrier (e.g. Single Molecule Localisation Microscopy & 3D Lattice SIM²) click here.
Outwith the Cellular Analysis Facility:
Professsor Ilan Davies who is based in the School of Molecular Biosciences (Wolfson Link Building) has a range of fluorescent microscopes including the latest LEICA STELLARIS 8 FALCON LIGHTNING confocal microscope which can perform STED, lifetime and super-resolution imaging. Visit here to find out about their novel fluorescence research work.
To learn out more about the specification of the Ilan Davies equipment and possible useage & training email Danail Stoychev. Details of the LEICA STELLARIS technology can be viewed here.
A range of fluorescence microscopes (epifluorescence & aperture correlation structured illumination) & plate readers (end point & kinetic assays) are based within Prof. Graeme Milligan's research group in the ARC building. For more information about their specification access the links below:
-Plate Readers including imaging.
To enquire about their useage with training & access to the online booking calendar email Dr John Pediani.

The Glasgow Stomatal Physiology and Photosynthesis (GASPP) Facility
The GasPP facility is home to ten state of the art LICOR 6800 photosynthesis systems for Infrared Gas Analysis (IRGA) which can be used individually or simultaneously for measuring C02 and water flux across plant leaves.

College Facilities
The College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences has a range of facilities, public services, and internal research facilities that our academics have access to, explore our College Facilities to learn more.
Related Facilities
The School of Molecular Biosciences has access to a number of facilities at the University, including: