Peer Proofreader Register

Would you like someone to check your written English before you submit coursework, your CV or a job/course application?

A register of Peer Proofreaders is available to assist you. The Peer Proofreader Register is set up to help students connect with proofreaders who are familiar with the University of Glasgow system and who have the necessary skills to check particular texts.

The Peer Proofreader can comment on your use of English in such aspects as vocabulary, verb tense, use of definite/indefinite article, spelling and punctuation. The proofreader will also advise you on whether your structure is clear to the reader (especially your introduction and conclusion).


At least two weeks before you have to submit your work, log into the Peer Proofreader Register Moodle using your GUID and password (enrolment key is PPR-Student18-19) Browse the Peer Proofreader profiles to determine who would be most suitable to check your work – each proofreader’s profile states their specialist subjects, if they are willing to read work outside these subjects and if they are willing to read CVs or application forms. When you have chosen your proofreader, contact them via email.

Before submitting your work to your proofreader, please ensure that you have followed the relevant departmental style guide, with regard to formatting (paragraphs, quotations, headings, page layout, etc.) and referencing (footnotes/endnotes/in-text citation, bibliography), as proofreaders cannot check these for you.

If you have any questions about your agreement with your proofreader, or need to inform them of any further details, please contact them directly. If you wish to meet with your proofreader to discuss your work, your proofreader should inform you of fees that may be incurred.

You should agree in advance with your proofreader:

  1. The format by which you will submit your work to the proofreader (digitally or by hardcopy), and by which you would like your work to be returned to you.
  2. Fees for the work, payment arrangements and the date by which payment will be made. Proofreaders are responsible for setting their own fees, though we suggest a guide price of £10-£12 per hour. 
  3. The date by which you will deliver your work to the proofreader, the date by which you would like them to return your work and your submission deadline. Though turnaround times should be agreed between the Peer Proofreader and the student, the table below may be used as a rough guide.


 length turnaround time
 2,000  1/2 - 1 day
 5,000  1-2 days
 15,000  1 week
 20,000  10 days

Proofreading for Job Applications

When applying for jobs one of the most difficult parts of the selection process to overcome is the written application stage. This is where employers make the biggest cull of applications. 

As they attempt to reduce the number of applications to a manageable number the difference between success and failure is likely to come down to very fine details. Even just one or two spelling mistakes or typos may be enough to send your application onto the rejection pile. 

It is therefore vitally important to ensure that your CVs, cover letters, application forms and LinkedIn profile are 100% accurate. If English is not your first language then you may need some help with proof reading.

Careers, Employability & Opportunity provide lots of advice and support on all aspects of searching and applying for jobs

Their Peer Career Support team can also provide feedback on content, structure and formatting of your CV of applications, as well as providing more information about Careers, Employability and Opportunity support and services. 

Terms and Conditions


  1. No payment for this service should be made to or through the University of Glasgow. There is no contractual relationship at this time with proofreaders; students should make any payment directly to proofreaders, by a mutually agreed payment method.
  2. Proofreaders may charge per hour (the time taken to check the work) or by page (the length of the text). How fees are calculated should be agreed in advance and fee limits (upper and lower) should be confirmed.


Nature of Proofreading Work

  1. If a student is unsure of the type or level of corrections required for their work, they should consult their course supervisor.
  2. Students bear responsibility for selecting their own proofreader and establishing that they are suitable for the task.
  3. Proofreaders are expected to possess the relevant skills, time and secure, up to date software to carry out proofreading tasks.
  4. The University of Glasgow will bear no responsibility, financial or otherwise, for an unsatisfactory service. Students should contact proofreaders directly to resolve any issues. It is the proofreader’s responsibility to handle any complaints appropriately, and the student’s responsibility to abide by the agreement they establish with the proofreader.
  5. This service is only available in relation to University of Glasgow course work, CVs and job and course applications.  It cannot be used to proofread articles for publication or other research related activity.



  1. The student and proofreader should agree on the format in which the work is sent to the proofreader, checked and returned to the student. If working from a hardcopy, proofreaders should ensure that their corrections are legible. If working electronically, both parties are advised to use Track Changes and Comments in Microsoft Word: students bear responsibility for considering any suggested changes, instead of ‘accepting all.’
  2. Students are responsible for following the relevant departmental style guide, with regard to formatting (paragraphs, quotations, headings, page layout, etc.) and referencing (footnotes/endnotes/in-text citation, bibliography), as proofreaders cannot check these for you.


Confidentiality and Safety

  1. Electronic files supplied by the students should be virus-checked upon receipt.
  2. Both student and proofreader should keep a copy of the original file.
  3. Both student and proofreader are responsible for keeping copies of files and correspondence relating to the work.
  4. Proofreaders should treat student work confidentially and store it securely.



  1. The University of Glasgow will not recommend individual proofreaders and does not guarantee the quality of their work. The University of Glasgow can only state that any proofreader listed on the Peer Proofreader register is familiar with these terms and conditions and agrees to comply with them.
  2. Both student and proofreader have responsibilities in the proofreading process, but the ultimate responsibility for any text lies with the student and work, when submitted for assessment, will be assessed as the student’s. 

English for Study & Communication

Our English for Academic Study department offer workshops on a variety of English lanuage skills and situations, both academic and non-academic, for all international students and staff.

These sessions are aimed at those whose first language is not English, but anyone is welcome to attend. 

For further information on how to sign up for these classes, please visit the following link: