Visiting staff and Students

There are two different routes to apply to visit our School:

  • if you are a student in another institution, please apply to become a visiting postgraduate research student.
  • if you are a staff/faculty at another institution, please apply to become a visiting staff.

Visiting Postgraduate Research Students

The College of Arts & Humanities welcomes applications from graduate students registered at other universities who wish to spend some time at the University of Glasgow. For example, you might wish to be supervised temporarily by a member of our academic staff and make use of the resources in the University Library for a semester or a number of months. 

Please visit this webpage for further information and details on how to apply 

Visiting Staff

The School of Humanities operates a Visiting Staff Scheme with periods up to 12 months' residency available, and accepts visiting academics from a wide range of backgrounds and research fields. 

During your visit you will have opportunities to discuss and share ideas with another academic in our School who works within the same field of interest. From this mutual collaboration may come ideas and, possibly, future projects. 

The School runs programmes of events during term-time which typically include research seminars, visiting speakers, PhD workshops and guest lectures on our programmes. Where relevant to your work, you will be able to attend such events and have the chance to exchange knowledge and ideas with others researching in cognate areas.  The School will arrange a University Staff card for you so that, during your stay, you will have full access electronic facilities and the library. The Library at Glasgow is a first rate facility that supports many of the University’s world leading research activities and, as well as providing visitors with access to an outstanding collection of materials and services, also offers comfortable desk space you can use and computer work stations.

How to apply

If you are planning to visit us, please complete the Visiting staff application form and email it to Fiona Bell.
Research visits normally take place during semester time (September to June) and vary in length but are usually from 3-12 weeks in duration.

All visitors coming into the UK must ensure they have the correct visa with which to enter the UK.  Please refer to the UK Visas and Immigration website for details.

Fees and charges

The School will normally charge a bench fee to the visiting researcher from other institutions who wish to be based at the University of Glasgow. This is to cover resources agreed locally by the School but likely to include access to seminars and other scholarly activity within the School, informal access to staff as well as access to the GU libraries. The baseline fee is £500 for 1 semester and £1,000 for 2 semesters - but a fee remission scheme may apply for colleagues from institutions in developing countries or for other strategic development reasons. If the visit is shorter than one semester, then the School would be willing to negotiate a pro-rata fee.  This will be confirmed to you once we receive your application.

VAT (20%) is chargeable to all UK and overseas visitors unless they are students.