"5 MINUTES WITH..." Fergus Lamont, Marketing and Communications Administrator (Health Economics Health Technology Assessment)

Published: 17 May 2024

As recently appointed Marketing and Communications Administrator to HEHTA, here is a little more information you may not know about me.....

Spend 5 minutes with HEHTA's Fergus Lamont...(Marketing and Communications Administrator)

Tell us a bit about what you do in SHW
It’s my job to highlight all the innovative work undertaken by HEHTA and to support our MSc and CPD courses. Along with helping produce our newsletters and annual reports, I help with our online presence and social media channels.

What do you enjoy about your role?
It’s great to be part of such an important context, which, at a very high level, can be described delivering research that has a direct impact on clinical practice, population health, and health policies.

What are the challenges?
I work with an extremely talented but humble team, so convincing them to part with their accomplishments, including research publications and funding awards, can be challenging. I sometimes have nice coffee in, and if there is anything HEHTA loves more than being world-leading experts in Health Economics and Heath Technology Assessment, it’s coffee; I may start using this as a carrot on a stick.

What is the best thing about working in SHW?
The diversity in our multinational, multidisciplinary school, and the converging nature of all work therein. Special mention also goes to the dogs in our animal friendly space.

photo fo a dog called Martha  photo of a dog called Rudy  photo of a dog called Aria  photo of a dog called Bonnie

Tell us something we might not know about you
I am an identical twin! Also, a proud defender of the oxford comma.

When or where are you happiest?
Reading, rock climbing, making a racket playing the drums, or sitting outside with a coffee and buttery.photo of Fergus Lamont

Tell us about something (or more than one thing!) you are proud of
Selling out a music show with my band in my home of Aberdeen for one of my late friends.

Any secret – or not so secret! – ambitions?
To risk appearing sententious, to do what makes me happy. The syntax of language and the artistry of print media and advertising are two of my earliest fascinations. Seeing as I’m terrible at drawing, I would like to grow my career in communications with UofG.

Do you have a favourite quote or saying, or mantra by which you try to live your life?
“Soon I'll find the right words, they'll be very simple.” – Jack Kerouac

Any final words?
Follow @UofGHEHTA on X!

First published: 17 May 2024