"5 minutes with..." Caroline Haig (Robertson Centre for Biostatistics)

Published: 1 February 2023

Biostatistician Caroline reflects on a job she loves, being neurodivergent in the workplace, and her increasing fluency in British Sign Language...

Spend 5 minutes with Robertson Centre for Biostatistic's Caroline Haig... (Biostatistician)

Photo of a Scottish beach with blue sky above

Tell us a bit about what you do in SHW

I’m a biostatistician. That means that I do the stats for clinical trials and other medical studies. Contrary to popular belief though, it’s not just stats – we’re involved in trials right from the start. I also co-chair the Athena SWAN LGBTQ+ working group and sit on the SAT.

Photo of progressive pride flag against a clear blue sky

What do you enjoy about your role?

It’s such a cliché, but the variety is definitely one of the best things. I’m currently working on trials of stem cells, Long COVID interventions, AI, cancer treatment, and more. Definitely keeps things interesting.

What are the challenges?

For me, the challenges come from being neurodivergent. Some days I struggle with people and meetings or might even be non-speaking, others I might find tasks overwhelming (and on others everything may be perfectly fine!). SHW is extremely supportive, however!

What is the best thing about working in SHW?

The people, by far!

Tell us something we might not know about you

I sign BSL. I’m qualified up to SQL level 4 and will achieve level 5 this summer.

When or where are you happiest?

I just love being in bed! Otherwise I’m happiest by the sea. There’s just something so relaxing about being by the water. A bed by the sea would be heaven.

Tell us about something (or more than one thing!) you are proud of

I’m proud of my mental health journey, my resilience, and my ability to help others.

If you could have your time again, what might you do differently?

Nothing! I’ve been through a lot that I wish I hadn’t, but you don’t know what would change if you change just one thing – chaos theory, the butterfly effect.

Any secret – or not so secret! – ambitions?

Does skydiving count as an ambition? If anyone’s skydived and can recommend a place to go with, please do!

photo of a person skydiving

Do you have a favourite quote or saying, or mantra by which you try to live your life?

Better to not be noticed for the right thing than be noticed for the wrong thing. My wee granny told me that and it stuck.

If you would like to appear in "5 minutes with...", do please get in touch (shwadmin@glasgow.ac.uk)! We aim to feature colleagues from across a wide range of roles and grades within our school, both staff and students, research/teaching and professional services. 

First published: 1 February 2023