Robert Burns the National Brand

This study takes the form of an assessment impact of Robert Burns as a Brand to promote Scotland’s economy. Major cultural assets can be held to have an existence value that is their worth to their users and reflects the value of their wider cultural or social impact (Pittock, 2018). This investigation tends to measure the value of Burns and its impact on Scotland’s reputation.

In 2009, Burns was voted the Greatest Scot of all time. The same year the 250th anniversary of Robert Burns was part of the Homecoming 2009.

The 2016 Anholt-Gfk Roper national brand study has ranked Scotland of around 15th position; and it is particularly noteworthy that much of the image of Scotland abroad is reflective of a national reputation which was created in the period from 1740 -1860.

Burns is believed to be an essential part of Scotland’s reputation and a significant driver in the promotion of Scotland’s image and economy. As for the real value of Burns as an Icon, it is limited to certain countries and certain industries; furthermore, Burns Imagery, recognisable portraiture and fonts represent a diluted brand owned by many and utilised in many products (with no consistency or umbrella structure).