Professor Herve Moulin

  • Professor (Donald J Robertson Chair) (Economics)


East Quad, South Flagpole, Room 340-D, University Avenue, Glasgow G12 8QQ

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Hervé Moulin graduated in 1971 from the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris and received his PhD in mathematics from the Université de Paris in 1975. After teaching at the Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et Administration Economique and Dauphine University in Paris, he moved to the USA in 1984, first to the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, then to Duke and Rice Universities. He joined the University of Glasgow in 2013. He is a Fellow of the Econometric Society since 1983, of the Royal Society of Edinburgh since 2015, and of the British Academy since 2018.

Herve Moulin - CV 2023

Research interests

Hervé is a member of the Microeconomics research cluster.

Areas of expertise:

  • Macroeconomics
  • Game theory
  • Social choice and welfare
  • Mechanism design
  • Fair division


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1982 | 1981 | 1980 | 1979 | 1978 | 1977 | 1976 | 1975 | 1972
Number of items: 140.


Aziz, H., Li, B., Moulin, H. , Wu, X. and Zhu, X. (2024) Almost proportional allocations of indivisible chores: computation, approximation and efficiency. Artificial Intelligence, 331, 104118. (doi: 10.1016/j.artint.2024.104118)


Dokka, T., Moulin, H. , Ray, I. and SenGupta, S. (2023) Equilibrium design in an n-player quadratic game. Review of Economic Design, 27(2), pp. 419-438. (doi: 10.1007/s10058-022-00299-2)

Bogomolnaia, A. and Moulin, H. (2023) Guarantees in fair division: general or monotone preferences. Mathematics of Operations Research, 48(1), pp. 160-176. (doi: 10.1287/moor.2022.1255)

Bogomolnaia, A. , Holzman, R. and Moulin, H. (2023) On guarantees, vetoes and random dictators. Theoretical Economics, 18(1), pp. 97-127. (doi: 10.3982/TE4832)


Bogomolnaia, A. , Moulin, H. and Sandomirskiy, F. (2022) On the fair division of a random object. Management Science, 68(2), pp. 1174-1194. (doi: 10.1287/mnsc.2021.3973)


Béal, S., Deschamps, M. and Moulin, H. (2020) Taxing congestion of the space commons. Acta Astronautica, 177, pp. 313-319. (doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2020.07.036)

Aziz, H., Moulin, H. and Sandomirskiy, F. (2020) A polynomial-time algorithm for computing a Pareto optimal and almost proportional allocation. Operations Research Letters, 48(5), pp. 573-578. (doi: 10.1016/j.orl.2020.07.005)

Moulin, H. , Seth, A. and Taub, B. (2020) Self-enforcing cooperation via strategic investment. Economic Theory Bulletin, 8(1), pp. 1-11. (doi: 10.1007/s40505-019-00163-7)


Caragiannis, I., Kurokawa, D., Moulin, H. , Procaccia, A. D., Shah, N. and Wang, J. (2019) The unreasonable fairness of maximum Nash welfare. ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation, 7(3), 12. (doi: 10.1145/3355902)

Moulin, H. (2019) Fair division in the age of the internet. Annual Review of Economics, 11, pp. 407-441. (doi: 10.1146/annurev-economics-080218-025559)

Aziz, H., Bogomolnaia, A. and Moulin, H. (2019) Fair Mixing: the Case of Dichotomous Preferences. In: 20th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC '19), Phoenix, AZ, USA, 24-28 Jun 2019, pp. 753-781. ISBN 9781450367929 (doi: 10.1145/3328526.3329552)

Bogomolnaia, A. , Moulin, H. , Sandomirskiy, F. and Yanovskaia, E. (2019) Dividing bads under additive utilities. Social Choice and Welfare, 52(3), pp. 395-417. (doi: 10.1007/s00355-018-1157-x)


Hougaard, J. L. and Moulin, H. (2018) Sharing the cost of risky projects. Economic Theory, 65(3), pp. 663-679. (doi: 10.1007/s00199-017-1034-3)


Bogomolnaia, A. , Moulin, H. , Sandomirskiy, F. and Yanovskaya, E. (2017) Competitive division of a mixed manna. Econometrica, 85(6), pp. 1847-1871. (doi: 10.3982/ECTA14564)

Moulin, H. (2017) Consistent bilateral assignment. Mathematical Social Sciences, 90, pp. 43-55. (doi: 10.1016/j.mathsocsci.2016.09.004)

Moulin, H. (2017) One-dimensional mechanism design. Theoretical Economics, 12(2), pp. 587-619. (doi: 10.3982/TE2307)


Moulin, H. (2016) Entropy, desegregation, and proportional rationing. Journal of Economic Theory, 162, pp. 1-20. (doi: 10.1016/j.jet.2015.12.002)

Caragiannis, I., Kurokawa, D., Moulin, H. , Procaccia, A. D., Shah, N. and Wang, J. (2016) The Unreasonable Fairness of Maximum Nash Welfare. In: EC '16 17th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 24-28 Jul 2016, pp. 305-322. ISBN 9781450339360 (doi: 10.1145/2940716.2940726)


Bogomolnaia, A. and Moulin, H. (2015) Size versus fairness in the assignment problem. Games and Economic Behavior, 90, pp. 119-127. (doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2014.11.006)


Hougaard, J. L. and Moulin, H. (2014) Sharing the cost of redundant items. Games and Economic Behavior, 87, pp. 339-352. (doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2014.05.010)

Moulin, H. (2014) Pricing traffic in a spanning network. Games and Economic Behavior, 86, pp. 475-490. (doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2013.06.002)

Moulin, H. , Ray, I. and Sen Gupta, S. (2014) Improving Nash by coarse correlation. Journal of Economic Theory, 150, pp. 852-865. (doi: 10.1016/j.jet.2013.10.008)


Moulin, H. and Velez, R. (2013) The price of imperfect competition for a spanning network. Games and Economic Behavior, 81, pp. 11-26. (doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2013.03.012)

Moulin, H. (2013) Cost sharing in networks: some open questions. International Game Theory Review, 15(2), p. 1340001. (doi: 10.1142/S021919891340001X)

Moulin, H. and Sethuraman, J. (2013) Loss calibrated rationing methods for bipartite rationing. In: EC13: Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 16-20 June 2013, pp. 697-714. (doi: 10.1145/2482540.2482581)

Bochet, O., Ilkilic, R. and Moulin, H. (2013) Egalitarianism under earmark constraints. Journal of Economic Theory, 148(2), pp. 535-562. (doi: 10.1016/j.jet.2012.09.016)

Holzman, R. and Moulin, H. (2013) Impartial nominations for a prize. Econometrica, 81(1), pp. 173-196. (doi: 10.3982/ECTA10523)

Moulin, H. and Sethuraman, J. (2013) The bipartite rationing problem. Operations Research, 61(5), pp. 1087-1100. (doi: 10.1287/opre.2013.1199)


Bochet, O., Ilkilic, R., Moulin, H. and Sethuraman, J. (2012) Balancing supply and demand under bilateral constraints. Theoretical Economics, 7(3), pp. 395-423. (doi: 10.3982/TE893)


Moulin, H. and Laigret, F. (2011) Equal-need sharing of a network under connectivity constraints. Games and Economic Behavior, 72(1), pp. 314-320. (doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2010.08.002)


Moulin, H. (2010) An efficient and almost budget balanced cost sharing method. Games and Economic Behavior, 70(1), pp. 107-131. (doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2008.09.028)

Hougaard, J.L., Moulin, H. and Osterdal, L.P. (2010) Decentralized pricing in minimum cost spanning trees. Economic Theory, 44(2), pp. 293-306. (doi: 10.1007/s00199-009-0485-6)

Bogomolnaia, A. and Moulin, H. (2010) Sharing a minimal cost spanning tree: beyond the folk solution. Games and Economic Behavior, 69(2), pp. 238-248. (doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2009.11.001)

Chae, S. and Moulin, H. (2010) Bargaining among groups: an axiomatic viewpoint. International Journal of Game Theory, 39(1), pp. 71-88. (doi: 10.1007/s00182-009-0157-6)

Moulin, H. (2010) Auctioning or assigning an object: some remarkable VCG mechanisms. Social Choice and Welfare, 34(2), pp. 193-216. (doi: 10.1007/s00355-009-0393-5)

Bogomolnaia, A. , Holzman, R. and Moulin, H. (2010) Sharing the cost of a capacity network. Mathematics of Operations Research, 35(1), pp. 173-192. (doi: 10.1287/moor.1090.0435)


Moulin, H. (2009) Almost budget-balanced VCG mechanisms to assign multiple objects. Journal of Economic Theory, 144(1), pp. 96-119. (doi: 10.1016/j.jet.2008.03.003)

Moulin, H. (2009) Pricing traffic in a spanning network. In: 10th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, California, CA, USA, 6-10 Jul 2009, pp. 21-30. (doi: 10.1145/1566374.1566378)


Moulin, H. (2008) The price of anarchy of serial, average and incremental cost sharing. Economic Theory, 36(3), pp. 379-405. (doi: 10.1007/s00199-007-0275-y)

Moulin, H. (2008) Proportional scheduling, split-proofness and merge-proofness. Games and Economic Behavior, 63(2), pp. 567-587. (doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2006.09.002)

De Clippel, G., Moulin, H. and Tideman, N. (2008) Impartial division of a dollar. Journal of Economic Theory, 139(1), pp. 176-191. (doi: 10.1016/j.jet.2007.06.005)


Moulin, H. (2007) Minimizing the worst slowdown: offline, online. Operations Research, 55(5), pp. 876-889. (doi: 10.1287/opre.1070.0447)

Moulin, H. (2007) On scheduling fees to prevent merging, splitting and transferring of jobs. Mathematics of Operations Research, 32(2), pp. 266-283.

Moulin, H. and Sprumont, Y. (2007) Fair allocation of production externalities: recent results. Revue d’Economie Politique, 117(1), pp. 7-36.


Moulin, H. and Sprumont, Y. (2006) Responsibility and cross-subsidization in cost sharing. Games and Economic Behavior, 55(1), pp. 152-188. (doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2005.03.006)

Moulin, H. (2006) Social choice. In: Weingast, B.R. and Wittman, D.A. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Political Economy. Series: The Oxford handbooks of political science. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780199272228


Moulin, H. and Sprumont, Y. (2005) On demand responsiveness in additive cost sharing. Journal of Economic Theory, 125(1), pp. 1-35. (doi: 10.1016/j.jet.2004.05.003)

Bogomolnaia, A. , Moulin, H. and Stong, R. (2005) Collective choice under dichotomous preferences. Journal of Economic Theory, 122(2), pp. 165-184. (doi: 10.1016/j.jet.2004.05.005)


Bogomolnaia, A. and Moulin, H. (2004) Random matching under dichotomous preferences. Econometrica, 72(1), pp. 257-279. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0262.2004.00483.x)


Moulin, H. and Stong, R. (2003) Filling a multicolor urn: an axiomatic analysis. Games and Economic Behavior, 45(1), pp. 242-269. (doi: 10.1016/S0899-8256(03)00129-5)

Moulin, H. and Vohra, R. (2003) Characterization of additive cost sharing methods. Economics Letters, 80(3), pp. 399-407. (doi: 10.1016/S0165-1765(03)00113-7)

Cres, H. and Moulin, H. (2003) Commons with increasing marginal costs: random priority versus average cost. International Economic Review, 44(3), pp. 1097-1115. (doi: 10.1111/1468-2354.t01-1-00102)

Moulin, H. (2003) Fair Division and Collective Welfare. MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, USA. ISBN 9780262134231


Bogomolnaia, A. and Moulin, H. (2002) A simple random assignment problem with a unique solution. Economic Theory, 19(3), pp. 623-636. (doi: 10.1007/s001990100168)

Moulin, H. (2002) The proportional random allocation of indivisible units. Social Choice and Welfare, 19(2), pp. 381-413. (doi: 10.1007/s003550100118)

Moulin, H. and Stong, R. (2002) Fair queuing and other probabilistic allocation methods. Mathematics of Operations Research, 27(1), pp. 1-30. (doi: 10.1287/moor.

Moulin, H. (2002) Axiomatic cost and surplus-sharing. In: Arrow, K.J., Sen, A. and Suzumura, K. (eds.) Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare. Series: Handbooks in economics, 1. Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 9780444829146


Moulin, H. and Shenker, S. (2001) Strategyproof sharing of submodular costs:budget balance versus efficiency. Economic Theory, 18(3), pp. 511-533. (doi: 10.1007/PL00004200)

Bogomolnaia, A. and Moulin, H. (2001) A new solution to the random assignment problem. Journal of Economic Theory, 100(2), pp. 295-328. (doi: 10.1006/jeth.2000.2710)

Crès, H. and Moulin, H. (2001) Scheduling with opting out: improving upon random priority. Operations Research, 49(4), pp. 565-577.

Moulin, H. (2001) Normative microeconomics and the social contract. In: Third Taesung Kim Memorial lecture. Seoul National University: Seoul, South Korea.

Moulin, H. (2001) Three solutions to a simple commons problem. Seoul Journal of Economics, 14(3), pp. 245-267.


Moulin, H. (2000) Priority rules and other asymmetric rationing methods. Econometrica, 68(3), pp. 643-684. (doi: 10.1111/1468-0262.00126)


Friedman, E. and Moulin, H. (1999) Three methods to share joint costs or surplus. Journal of Economic Theory, 87(2), pp. 275-312. (doi: 10.1006/jeth.1999.2534)

Moulin, H. and Shenker, S. (1999) Distributive and additive costsharing of an homogeneous good. Games and Economic Behavior, 27(2), pp. 299-330. (doi: 10.1006/game.1998.0673)

Moulin, H. (1999) Incremental cost sharing: characterization by coalition strategy-proofness. Social Choice and Welfare, 16(2), pp. 279-320. (doi: 10.1007/s003550050145)

Moulin, H. (1999) Rationing a commodity along fixed paths. Journal of Economic Theory, 84(1), pp. 41-72. (doi: 10.1006/jeth.1998.2468)


Moulin, H. and Watts, A. (1997) Two versions of the tragedy of the commons. Economic Design, 2(1), pp. 399-421. (doi: 10.1007/BF02499143)


Moulin, H. (1996) Stand alone and unanimity tests: a re-examination of fair division. In: Farina, F., Hahn, F. and Vannucci, S. (eds.) Ethics, Rationality, and Economic Behaviour. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 121-142. ISBN 9780198289814

Moulin, H. (1996) Cost-sharing under increasing returns: a comparison of simple mechanisms. Games and Economic Behavior, 13(2), pp. 225-251. (doi: 10.1006/game.1996.0035)

Moulin, H. (1996) Traffic based cost allocation in a network. Rand Journal of Economics, 27(2), pp. 332-345.


Moulin, H. (1995) On additive methods to share joint costs. Japanese Economic Review, 46(4), pp. 303-332. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-5876.1995.tb00024.x)

Barnett, W.A., Moulin, H. , Salles, M. and Schofield., N.J. (Eds.) (1995) Social Choice, Welfare, and Ethics: Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. ISBN 9780521443401

Moulin, H. (1995) Cooperative Microeconomics: A Game-Theoretic Introduction. Princeton University Press: Princeton, NJ, USA. ISBN 9780691034812

Moulin, H. (1995) An appraisal of cooperative game theory. Revue d'économie politique, 105(4), pp. 618-632.


Moulin, H. and Shenker, S. (1994) Average cost pricing versus serial cost sharing: an axiomatic comparison. Journal of Economic Theory, 64(1), pp. 178-201. (doi: 10.1006/jeth.1994.1061)

Moulin, H. (1994) Serial cost sharing of excludable public goods. Review of Economic Studies, 61(2), pp. 305-325.

Moulin, H. (1994) La présence d'envie: comment s'en accommoder? Recherches Economiques de Louvain, 60(1), pp. 63-72.

Moulin, H. (1994) Social choice. In: Aumann, R. and Hart, S. (eds.) Handbook of Game Theory with Economic Applications. Series: Handbooks in Economics, 2 (11). Elsevier: Amsterdam, pp. 1091-1125. ISBN 9780444894274


Moulin, H. (1993) On the fair and coalition-strategyproof allocation of private goods. In: Binmore, K., Kirman, A. and Tani, P. (eds.) Frontiers of Game Theory. MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, pp. 151-164. ISBN 9780262023566


Moulin, H. (1992) An application of the shapley value to fair division with money. Econometrica, 60(6), pp. 1331-1349.

Moulin, H. and Schenker, S. (1992) Serial cost sharing. Econometrica, 60(5), pp. 1009-1037.

Moulin, H. (1992) Welfare bounds in the cooperative production problem. Games and Economic Behavior, 4(3), pp. 373-401. (doi: 10.1016/0899-8256(92)90045-T)

Jackson, M. and Moulin, H. (1992) Implementing a public project and distributing its cost. Journal of Economic Theory, 57(1), pp. 125-140. (doi: 10.1016/S0022-0531(05)80044-4)

Moulin, H. (1992) All sorry to disagree: a general principle for the provision of non-rival goods. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 94(1), pp. 37-51. (doi: 10.2307/3440467)


Moulin, H. (1991) Welfare bounds in the fair division problem. Journal of Economic Theory, 54(2), pp. 321-337. (doi: 10.1016/0022-0531(91)90125-N)

Bianchi, M. and Moulin, H. (1991) Strategic interactions in economics: the game theoretic alternative. In: de Marchi, N. and Blaug, M. (eds.) Appraising Economic Theories. Edward Elgar: Aldershot, pp. 179-196. ISBN 1852785152

Keiding, H. and Moulin, H. (1991) The solidarity axiom in parametric surplus-sharing problems. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 20(3), pp. 249-270. (doi: 10.1016/0304-4068(91)90031-N)


Moulin, H. (1990) Uniform externalities. Journal of Public Economics, 43(3), pp. 305-326. (doi: 10.1016/0047-2727(90)90003-Z)

Moulin, H. (1990) Joint ownership of a convex technology: comparison of three solutions. Review of Economic Studies, 57(3), pp. 439-452.

Moulin, H. (1990) Cores and large cores when population varies. International Journal of Game Theory, 19(2), pp. 219-232. (doi: 10.1007/BF01761077)

Moulin, H. (1990) Fair division under joint ownership: recent results and open problems. Social Choice and Welfare, 7(2), pp. 149-170. (doi: 10.1007/BF01560582)

Moulin, H. (1990) Interpreting common ownership. Recherches Economiques de Louvain, 56(3/4), pp. 303-326.

Moulin, H. (1990) Monotonic surplus-sharing and the utilization of common property resources. In: Ichiishi, T., Neyman, A. and Tauman, Y. (eds.) Game Theory and Applications. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. ISBN 9780123701824


Moulin, H. (1989) Monotonic surplus sharing: characterization results. Games and Economic Behavior, 1(3), pp. 250-274. (doi: 10.1016/0899-8256(89)90012-2)

Moulin, H. and Roemer, J. (1989) Public ownership of the external world and private ownership of self. Journal of Political Economy, 97(2), pp. 347-367.


Moulin, H. (1988) Condorcet's principle implies the no show paradox. Journal of Economic Theory, 45(1), pp. 53-64. (doi: 10.1016/0022-0531(88)90253-0)

Moulin, H. (1988) Axioms of Cooperative Decision Making. Series: Econometric Society monographs, 15. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. ISBN 9780521360555

Moulin, H. and Thomson, W. (1988) Can everyone benefit from growth? Journal of Mathematical Economics, 17(4), pp. 339-345. (doi: 10.1016/0304-4068(88)90016-X)


Moulin, H. (1987) Equal or proportional division of a surplus, and other methods. International Journal of Game Theory, 16(3), pp. 161-186. (doi: 10.1007/BF01756289)

Moulin, H. (1987) Egalitarian-equivalent cost sharing of a public good. Econometrica, 55(4), pp. 963-976. (doi: 10.2307/1911038)

Moulin, H. and Young, H.P. (1987) Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas Caritat, Marquis de. In: Eatwell, J., Milgate, M. and Newman, P. (eds.) The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics. Macmillan: London, p. 566. ISBN 0333372352

Moulin, H. (1987) The pure compensation problem: egalitarianism versus laissez-fairism. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 102(4), pp. 769-783. (doi: 10.2307/1884280)

Moulin, H. J. (1987) A core selection for pricing a single output monopoly. Rand Journal of Economics, 18(3), pp. 397-407.


Moulin, H. (1986) Choosing from a tournament. Social Choice and Welfare, 3(4), pp. 271-291. (doi: 10.1007/BF00292732)

Moulin, H. (1986) Characterizations of the pivotal mechanism. Journal of Public Economics, 31(1), pp. 53-78. (doi: 10.1016/0047-2727(86)90071-X)

Moulin, H. (1986) Game Theory for the Social Sciences. Series: Studies in game theory and mathematical economics, 2nd and Revised Edition. New York University Press: New York, NY, USA. ISBN 9780814754306


Moulin, H. (1985) Choice functions over a finite set: a summary. Social Choice and Welfare, 2(2), pp. 147-160. (doi: 10.1007/BF00437315)

Moulin, H. (1985) The separability axiom and equal-sharing methods. Journal of Economic Theory, 36(1), pp. 120-148. (doi: 10.1016/0022-0531(85)90082-1)

Moulin, H. (1985) From social welfare ordering to acyclic aggregation of preferences. Mathematical Social Sciences, 9(1), pp. 1-17. (doi: 10.1016/0165-4896(85)90002-2)

Moulin, H. (1985) Egalitarianism and utilitarianism in quasi-linear bargaining. Econometrica, 53(1), pp. 49-68. (doi: 10.2307/1911723)

Moulin, H. (1985) Fairness and strategy in voting. In: Peyton Young, H. (ed.) Fair Allocation. Series: AMS Short Course Lecture Notes (33). American Mathematical Society: Providence, RI, pp. 109-142. ISBN 9780821800942 (doi: 10.1090/psapm/033)


Moulin, H. (1984) Generalized condorcet-winners for single peaked and single-plateau preferences. Social Choice and Welfare, 1(2), pp. 127-147. (doi: 10.1007/BF00452885)

Moulin, H. (1984) Implementing the Kalai-Smorodinsky bargaining solution. Journal of Economic Theory, 33(1), pp. 32-45. (doi: 10.1016/0022-0531(84)90038-3)

Moulin, H. (1984) Dominance solvability and cournot stability. Mathematical Social Sciences, 7(1), pp. 83-102. (doi: 10.1016/0165-4896(84)90090-8)

Moulin, H. (1984) The conditional auction mechanism for sharing a surplus. Review of Economic Studies, 51(1), pp. 157-170.


Moulin, H. (1983) The Strategy of Social Choice. Series: Advanced textbooks in economics, 18. North-Holland: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 9780444863713


Moulin, H. (1982) Non-cooperative implementation: a survey of recent results. Mathematical Social Sciences, 3(3), pp. 243-257. (doi: 10.1016/0165-4896(82)90073-7)

Moulin, H. and Peleg, B. (1982) Cores of effectivity functions and implementation theory. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 10(1), pp. 115-145. (doi: 10.1016/0304-4068(82)90009-X)

Moulin, H. (1982) Voting with proportional veto power. Econometrica, 50(1), pp. 145-162. (doi: 10.2307/1912535)

Moulin, H. (1982) Game Theory for the Social Sciences. Series: Studies in game theory and mathematical economics. New York University Press: New York, NY, USA. ISBN 9780814753866


Moulin, H. (1981) Implementing just and efficient decision-making. Journal of Public Economics, 16(2), pp. 193-213. (doi: 10.1016/0047-2727(81)90024-4)

Moulin, H. (1981) The proportional veto principle. Review of Economic Studies, 48(3), pp. 407-416.

Moulin, H. (1981) Prudence versus sophistication in voting strategy. Journal of Economic Theory, 24(3), pp. 398-412. (doi: 10.1016/0022-0531(81)90076-4)

Moulin, H. (1981) Théorie des jeux pour l’économie et la politique. Hermann: Paris, France. ISBN 9782705659318

Moulin, H. (1981) Deterrence and cooperation. European Economic Review, 15(2), pp. 179-193. (doi: 10.1016/0014-2921(81)90086-6)

Moulin, H. and d'Alcantara, G. (1981) Application of game theory to the multicountry models: methodology and an example with comet. In: Courbis, R. (ed.) Commerce International et Modèles Multinationaux. Series: Modèles et Macroéconomie Appliquée. Série Travaux du GAMA. Economica: Paris.

Moulin, H. and Laffond, G. (1981) Stability by threats and counterthreats in normal form games. In: Aubin, J. P., Bensoussan, A. and Ekeland, I. (eds.) Mathematical Technics of Optimization, Control, and Decision. Series: Annals of the C.E.R.E.M.A.D.E.. Birkhäuser: Boston, MA, USA. ISBN 9783764330323


Moulin, H. (1980) Implementing efficient, anonymous and neutral social choice functions. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 7(3), pp. 249-269. (doi: 10.1016/0304-4068(80)90012-9)

Moulin, H. (1980) On strategy-proofness and single peakedness. Public Choice, 35(4), pp. 437-455. (doi: 10.1007/BF00128122)

Moulin, H. (1980) On the uniqueness and stability of Nash equilibrium in non-cooperative games. In: Benoussan, A., Kleindorfer, P. R. and Tapiero, C. S. (eds.) Applied Stochastic Control in Econometrics and Management Science. Series: Contributions to Economic Analysis (130). North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam, p. 271. ISBN 9780444854087


Moulin, H. (1979) Dominance solvable voting schemes. Econometrica, 47(6), pp. 1337-1351. (doi: 10.2307/1914004)

Moulin, H. (1979) Two and three person games: a local study. International Journal of Game Theory, 8(2), pp. 81-107. (doi: 10.1007/BF01768704)


Gerard-Varet, L.A. and Moulin, H. (1978) Correlation and duopoly. Journal of Economic Theory, 19(1), pp. 123-149. (doi: 10.1016/0022-0531(78)90059-5)

Moulin, H. and Vial, J. -P. (1978) Strategically zero-sum games: the class of games whose completely mixed equilibria cannot be improved upon. International Journal of Game Theory, 7(3-4), pp. 201-221. (doi: 10.1007/BF01769190)


Moulin, H. (1977) On the asymptotic stability of agreements. In: Fuchs, G. and Munier, B. (eds.) Systèmes Dynamiques et Modèles Economiques. Series: Colloques Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (259). Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique: Paris. ISBN 9782222020448


Moulin, H. (1976) Cooperation in mixed equilibrium. Mathematics of Operations Research, 1(3), pp. 273-286.

Moulin, H. (1976) Extensions of two person zero sum games. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 55(2), pp. 490-507.


Moulin, H. (1975) Extensions of two person zero sum games. In: Grote, J.D. (ed.) The Theory and Application of Differential Games. Series: NATO Advanced Study Institutes Series: Series C, Mathematical and Physical Sciences. D. Reidel Publishing Company: Dordrecht. ISBN 9789027705815


Moulin, H. and Aubin, J.-P. (1972) Condition nécessaire et suffisante d'existence d'une solution du problème d'optimisation. Compte Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, 247, pp. 547-549.

This list was generated on Tue Oct 22 19:37:56 2024 BST.
Number of items: 140.


Aziz, H., Li, B., Moulin, H. , Wu, X. and Zhu, X. (2024) Almost proportional allocations of indivisible chores: computation, approximation and efficiency. Artificial Intelligence, 331, 104118. (doi: 10.1016/j.artint.2024.104118)

Dokka, T., Moulin, H. , Ray, I. and SenGupta, S. (2023) Equilibrium design in an n-player quadratic game. Review of Economic Design, 27(2), pp. 419-438. (doi: 10.1007/s10058-022-00299-2)

Bogomolnaia, A. and Moulin, H. (2023) Guarantees in fair division: general or monotone preferences. Mathematics of Operations Research, 48(1), pp. 160-176. (doi: 10.1287/moor.2022.1255)

Bogomolnaia, A. , Holzman, R. and Moulin, H. (2023) On guarantees, vetoes and random dictators. Theoretical Economics, 18(1), pp. 97-127. (doi: 10.3982/TE4832)

Bogomolnaia, A. , Moulin, H. and Sandomirskiy, F. (2022) On the fair division of a random object. Management Science, 68(2), pp. 1174-1194. (doi: 10.1287/mnsc.2021.3973)

Béal, S., Deschamps, M. and Moulin, H. (2020) Taxing congestion of the space commons. Acta Astronautica, 177, pp. 313-319. (doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2020.07.036)

Aziz, H., Moulin, H. and Sandomirskiy, F. (2020) A polynomial-time algorithm for computing a Pareto optimal and almost proportional allocation. Operations Research Letters, 48(5), pp. 573-578. (doi: 10.1016/j.orl.2020.07.005)

Moulin, H. , Seth, A. and Taub, B. (2020) Self-enforcing cooperation via strategic investment. Economic Theory Bulletin, 8(1), pp. 1-11. (doi: 10.1007/s40505-019-00163-7)

Caragiannis, I., Kurokawa, D., Moulin, H. , Procaccia, A. D., Shah, N. and Wang, J. (2019) The unreasonable fairness of maximum Nash welfare. ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation, 7(3), 12. (doi: 10.1145/3355902)

Moulin, H. (2019) Fair division in the age of the internet. Annual Review of Economics, 11, pp. 407-441. (doi: 10.1146/annurev-economics-080218-025559)

Bogomolnaia, A. , Moulin, H. , Sandomirskiy, F. and Yanovskaia, E. (2019) Dividing bads under additive utilities. Social Choice and Welfare, 52(3), pp. 395-417. (doi: 10.1007/s00355-018-1157-x)

Hougaard, J. L. and Moulin, H. (2018) Sharing the cost of risky projects. Economic Theory, 65(3), pp. 663-679. (doi: 10.1007/s00199-017-1034-3)

Bogomolnaia, A. , Moulin, H. , Sandomirskiy, F. and Yanovskaya, E. (2017) Competitive division of a mixed manna. Econometrica, 85(6), pp. 1847-1871. (doi: 10.3982/ECTA14564)

Moulin, H. (2017) Consistent bilateral assignment. Mathematical Social Sciences, 90, pp. 43-55. (doi: 10.1016/j.mathsocsci.2016.09.004)

Moulin, H. (2017) One-dimensional mechanism design. Theoretical Economics, 12(2), pp. 587-619. (doi: 10.3982/TE2307)

Moulin, H. (2016) Entropy, desegregation, and proportional rationing. Journal of Economic Theory, 162, pp. 1-20. (doi: 10.1016/j.jet.2015.12.002)

Bogomolnaia, A. and Moulin, H. (2015) Size versus fairness in the assignment problem. Games and Economic Behavior, 90, pp. 119-127. (doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2014.11.006)

Hougaard, J. L. and Moulin, H. (2014) Sharing the cost of redundant items. Games and Economic Behavior, 87, pp. 339-352. (doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2014.05.010)

Moulin, H. (2014) Pricing traffic in a spanning network. Games and Economic Behavior, 86, pp. 475-490. (doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2013.06.002)

Moulin, H. , Ray, I. and Sen Gupta, S. (2014) Improving Nash by coarse correlation. Journal of Economic Theory, 150, pp. 852-865. (doi: 10.1016/j.jet.2013.10.008)

Moulin, H. and Velez, R. (2013) The price of imperfect competition for a spanning network. Games and Economic Behavior, 81, pp. 11-26. (doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2013.03.012)

Moulin, H. (2013) Cost sharing in networks: some open questions. International Game Theory Review, 15(2), p. 1340001. (doi: 10.1142/S021919891340001X)

Bochet, O., Ilkilic, R. and Moulin, H. (2013) Egalitarianism under earmark constraints. Journal of Economic Theory, 148(2), pp. 535-562. (doi: 10.1016/j.jet.2012.09.016)

Holzman, R. and Moulin, H. (2013) Impartial nominations for a prize. Econometrica, 81(1), pp. 173-196. (doi: 10.3982/ECTA10523)

Moulin, H. and Sethuraman, J. (2013) The bipartite rationing problem. Operations Research, 61(5), pp. 1087-1100. (doi: 10.1287/opre.2013.1199)

Bochet, O., Ilkilic, R., Moulin, H. and Sethuraman, J. (2012) Balancing supply and demand under bilateral constraints. Theoretical Economics, 7(3), pp. 395-423. (doi: 10.3982/TE893)

Moulin, H. and Laigret, F. (2011) Equal-need sharing of a network under connectivity constraints. Games and Economic Behavior, 72(1), pp. 314-320. (doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2010.08.002)

Moulin, H. (2010) An efficient and almost budget balanced cost sharing method. Games and Economic Behavior, 70(1), pp. 107-131. (doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2008.09.028)

Hougaard, J.L., Moulin, H. and Osterdal, L.P. (2010) Decentralized pricing in minimum cost spanning trees. Economic Theory, 44(2), pp. 293-306. (doi: 10.1007/s00199-009-0485-6)

Bogomolnaia, A. and Moulin, H. (2010) Sharing a minimal cost spanning tree: beyond the folk solution. Games and Economic Behavior, 69(2), pp. 238-248. (doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2009.11.001)

Chae, S. and Moulin, H. (2010) Bargaining among groups: an axiomatic viewpoint. International Journal of Game Theory, 39(1), pp. 71-88. (doi: 10.1007/s00182-009-0157-6)

Moulin, H. (2010) Auctioning or assigning an object: some remarkable VCG mechanisms. Social Choice and Welfare, 34(2), pp. 193-216. (doi: 10.1007/s00355-009-0393-5)

Bogomolnaia, A. , Holzman, R. and Moulin, H. (2010) Sharing the cost of a capacity network. Mathematics of Operations Research, 35(1), pp. 173-192. (doi: 10.1287/moor.1090.0435)

Moulin, H. (2009) Almost budget-balanced VCG mechanisms to assign multiple objects. Journal of Economic Theory, 144(1), pp. 96-119. (doi: 10.1016/j.jet.2008.03.003)

Moulin, H. (2008) The price of anarchy of serial, average and incremental cost sharing. Economic Theory, 36(3), pp. 379-405. (doi: 10.1007/s00199-007-0275-y)

Moulin, H. (2008) Proportional scheduling, split-proofness and merge-proofness. Games and Economic Behavior, 63(2), pp. 567-587. (doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2006.09.002)

De Clippel, G., Moulin, H. and Tideman, N. (2008) Impartial division of a dollar. Journal of Economic Theory, 139(1), pp. 176-191. (doi: 10.1016/j.jet.2007.06.005)

Moulin, H. (2007) Minimizing the worst slowdown: offline, online. Operations Research, 55(5), pp. 876-889. (doi: 10.1287/opre.1070.0447)

Moulin, H. (2007) On scheduling fees to prevent merging, splitting and transferring of jobs. Mathematics of Operations Research, 32(2), pp. 266-283.

Moulin, H. and Sprumont, Y. (2007) Fair allocation of production externalities: recent results. Revue d’Economie Politique, 117(1), pp. 7-36.

Moulin, H. and Sprumont, Y. (2006) Responsibility and cross-subsidization in cost sharing. Games and Economic Behavior, 55(1), pp. 152-188. (doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2005.03.006)

Moulin, H. and Sprumont, Y. (2005) On demand responsiveness in additive cost sharing. Journal of Economic Theory, 125(1), pp. 1-35. (doi: 10.1016/j.jet.2004.05.003)

Bogomolnaia, A. , Moulin, H. and Stong, R. (2005) Collective choice under dichotomous preferences. Journal of Economic Theory, 122(2), pp. 165-184. (doi: 10.1016/j.jet.2004.05.005)

Bogomolnaia, A. and Moulin, H. (2004) Random matching under dichotomous preferences. Econometrica, 72(1), pp. 257-279. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0262.2004.00483.x)

Moulin, H. and Stong, R. (2003) Filling a multicolor urn: an axiomatic analysis. Games and Economic Behavior, 45(1), pp. 242-269. (doi: 10.1016/S0899-8256(03)00129-5)

Moulin, H. and Vohra, R. (2003) Characterization of additive cost sharing methods. Economics Letters, 80(3), pp. 399-407. (doi: 10.1016/S0165-1765(03)00113-7)

Cres, H. and Moulin, H. (2003) Commons with increasing marginal costs: random priority versus average cost. International Economic Review, 44(3), pp. 1097-1115. (doi: 10.1111/1468-2354.t01-1-00102)

Bogomolnaia, A. and Moulin, H. (2002) A simple random assignment problem with a unique solution. Economic Theory, 19(3), pp. 623-636. (doi: 10.1007/s001990100168)

Moulin, H. (2002) The proportional random allocation of indivisible units. Social Choice and Welfare, 19(2), pp. 381-413. (doi: 10.1007/s003550100118)

Moulin, H. and Stong, R. (2002) Fair queuing and other probabilistic allocation methods. Mathematics of Operations Research, 27(1), pp. 1-30. (doi: 10.1287/moor.

Moulin, H. and Shenker, S. (2001) Strategyproof sharing of submodular costs:budget balance versus efficiency. Economic Theory, 18(3), pp. 511-533. (doi: 10.1007/PL00004200)

Bogomolnaia, A. and Moulin, H. (2001) A new solution to the random assignment problem. Journal of Economic Theory, 100(2), pp. 295-328. (doi: 10.1006/jeth.2000.2710)

Crès, H. and Moulin, H. (2001) Scheduling with opting out: improving upon random priority. Operations Research, 49(4), pp. 565-577.

Moulin, H. (2001) Three solutions to a simple commons problem. Seoul Journal of Economics, 14(3), pp. 245-267.

Moulin, H. (2000) Priority rules and other asymmetric rationing methods. Econometrica, 68(3), pp. 643-684. (doi: 10.1111/1468-0262.00126)

Friedman, E. and Moulin, H. (1999) Three methods to share joint costs or surplus. Journal of Economic Theory, 87(2), pp. 275-312. (doi: 10.1006/jeth.1999.2534)

Moulin, H. and Shenker, S. (1999) Distributive and additive costsharing of an homogeneous good. Games and Economic Behavior, 27(2), pp. 299-330. (doi: 10.1006/game.1998.0673)

Moulin, H. (1999) Incremental cost sharing: characterization by coalition strategy-proofness. Social Choice and Welfare, 16(2), pp. 279-320. (doi: 10.1007/s003550050145)

Moulin, H. (1999) Rationing a commodity along fixed paths. Journal of Economic Theory, 84(1), pp. 41-72. (doi: 10.1006/jeth.1998.2468)

Moulin, H. and Watts, A. (1997) Two versions of the tragedy of the commons. Economic Design, 2(1), pp. 399-421. (doi: 10.1007/BF02499143)

Moulin, H. (1996) Cost-sharing under increasing returns: a comparison of simple mechanisms. Games and Economic Behavior, 13(2), pp. 225-251. (doi: 10.1006/game.1996.0035)

Moulin, H. (1996) Traffic based cost allocation in a network. Rand Journal of Economics, 27(2), pp. 332-345.

Moulin, H. (1995) On additive methods to share joint costs. Japanese Economic Review, 46(4), pp. 303-332. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-5876.1995.tb00024.x)

Moulin, H. (1995) An appraisal of cooperative game theory. Revue d'économie politique, 105(4), pp. 618-632.

Moulin, H. and Shenker, S. (1994) Average cost pricing versus serial cost sharing: an axiomatic comparison. Journal of Economic Theory, 64(1), pp. 178-201. (doi: 10.1006/jeth.1994.1061)

Moulin, H. (1994) Serial cost sharing of excludable public goods. Review of Economic Studies, 61(2), pp. 305-325.

Moulin, H. (1994) La présence d'envie: comment s'en accommoder? Recherches Economiques de Louvain, 60(1), pp. 63-72.

Moulin, H. (1992) An application of the shapley value to fair division with money. Econometrica, 60(6), pp. 1331-1349.

Moulin, H. and Schenker, S. (1992) Serial cost sharing. Econometrica, 60(5), pp. 1009-1037.

Moulin, H. (1992) Welfare bounds in the cooperative production problem. Games and Economic Behavior, 4(3), pp. 373-401. (doi: 10.1016/0899-8256(92)90045-T)

Jackson, M. and Moulin, H. (1992) Implementing a public project and distributing its cost. Journal of Economic Theory, 57(1), pp. 125-140. (doi: 10.1016/S0022-0531(05)80044-4)

Moulin, H. (1992) All sorry to disagree: a general principle for the provision of non-rival goods. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 94(1), pp. 37-51. (doi: 10.2307/3440467)

Moulin, H. (1991) Welfare bounds in the fair division problem. Journal of Economic Theory, 54(2), pp. 321-337. (doi: 10.1016/0022-0531(91)90125-N)

Keiding, H. and Moulin, H. (1991) The solidarity axiom in parametric surplus-sharing problems. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 20(3), pp. 249-270. (doi: 10.1016/0304-4068(91)90031-N)

Moulin, H. (1990) Uniform externalities. Journal of Public Economics, 43(3), pp. 305-326. (doi: 10.1016/0047-2727(90)90003-Z)

Moulin, H. (1990) Joint ownership of a convex technology: comparison of three solutions. Review of Economic Studies, 57(3), pp. 439-452.

Moulin, H. (1990) Cores and large cores when population varies. International Journal of Game Theory, 19(2), pp. 219-232. (doi: 10.1007/BF01761077)

Moulin, H. (1990) Fair division under joint ownership: recent results and open problems. Social Choice and Welfare, 7(2), pp. 149-170. (doi: 10.1007/BF01560582)

Moulin, H. (1990) Interpreting common ownership. Recherches Economiques de Louvain, 56(3/4), pp. 303-326.

Moulin, H. (1989) Monotonic surplus sharing: characterization results. Games and Economic Behavior, 1(3), pp. 250-274. (doi: 10.1016/0899-8256(89)90012-2)

Moulin, H. and Roemer, J. (1989) Public ownership of the external world and private ownership of self. Journal of Political Economy, 97(2), pp. 347-367.

Moulin, H. (1988) Condorcet's principle implies the no show paradox. Journal of Economic Theory, 45(1), pp. 53-64. (doi: 10.1016/0022-0531(88)90253-0)

Moulin, H. and Thomson, W. (1988) Can everyone benefit from growth? Journal of Mathematical Economics, 17(4), pp. 339-345. (doi: 10.1016/0304-4068(88)90016-X)

Moulin, H. (1987) Equal or proportional division of a surplus, and other methods. International Journal of Game Theory, 16(3), pp. 161-186. (doi: 10.1007/BF01756289)

Moulin, H. (1987) Egalitarian-equivalent cost sharing of a public good. Econometrica, 55(4), pp. 963-976. (doi: 10.2307/1911038)

Moulin, H. (1987) The pure compensation problem: egalitarianism versus laissez-fairism. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 102(4), pp. 769-783. (doi: 10.2307/1884280)

Moulin, H. J. (1987) A core selection for pricing a single output monopoly. Rand Journal of Economics, 18(3), pp. 397-407.

Moulin, H. (1986) Choosing from a tournament. Social Choice and Welfare, 3(4), pp. 271-291. (doi: 10.1007/BF00292732)

Moulin, H. (1986) Characterizations of the pivotal mechanism. Journal of Public Economics, 31(1), pp. 53-78. (doi: 10.1016/0047-2727(86)90071-X)

Moulin, H. (1985) Choice functions over a finite set: a summary. Social Choice and Welfare, 2(2), pp. 147-160. (doi: 10.1007/BF00437315)

Moulin, H. (1985) The separability axiom and equal-sharing methods. Journal of Economic Theory, 36(1), pp. 120-148. (doi: 10.1016/0022-0531(85)90082-1)

Moulin, H. (1985) From social welfare ordering to acyclic aggregation of preferences. Mathematical Social Sciences, 9(1), pp. 1-17. (doi: 10.1016/0165-4896(85)90002-2)

Moulin, H. (1985) Egalitarianism and utilitarianism in quasi-linear bargaining. Econometrica, 53(1), pp. 49-68. (doi: 10.2307/1911723)

Moulin, H. (1984) Generalized condorcet-winners for single peaked and single-plateau preferences. Social Choice and Welfare, 1(2), pp. 127-147. (doi: 10.1007/BF00452885)

Moulin, H. (1984) Implementing the Kalai-Smorodinsky bargaining solution. Journal of Economic Theory, 33(1), pp. 32-45. (doi: 10.1016/0022-0531(84)90038-3)

Moulin, H. (1984) Dominance solvability and cournot stability. Mathematical Social Sciences, 7(1), pp. 83-102. (doi: 10.1016/0165-4896(84)90090-8)

Moulin, H. (1984) The conditional auction mechanism for sharing a surplus. Review of Economic Studies, 51(1), pp. 157-170.

Moulin, H. (1982) Non-cooperative implementation: a survey of recent results. Mathematical Social Sciences, 3(3), pp. 243-257. (doi: 10.1016/0165-4896(82)90073-7)

Moulin, H. and Peleg, B. (1982) Cores of effectivity functions and implementation theory. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 10(1), pp. 115-145. (doi: 10.1016/0304-4068(82)90009-X)

Moulin, H. (1982) Voting with proportional veto power. Econometrica, 50(1), pp. 145-162. (doi: 10.2307/1912535)

Moulin, H. (1981) Implementing just and efficient decision-making. Journal of Public Economics, 16(2), pp. 193-213. (doi: 10.1016/0047-2727(81)90024-4)

Moulin, H. (1981) The proportional veto principle. Review of Economic Studies, 48(3), pp. 407-416.

Moulin, H. (1981) Prudence versus sophistication in voting strategy. Journal of Economic Theory, 24(3), pp. 398-412. (doi: 10.1016/0022-0531(81)90076-4)

Moulin, H. (1981) Deterrence and cooperation. European Economic Review, 15(2), pp. 179-193. (doi: 10.1016/0014-2921(81)90086-6)

Moulin, H. (1980) Implementing efficient, anonymous and neutral social choice functions. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 7(3), pp. 249-269. (doi: 10.1016/0304-4068(80)90012-9)

Moulin, H. (1980) On strategy-proofness and single peakedness. Public Choice, 35(4), pp. 437-455. (doi: 10.1007/BF00128122)

Moulin, H. (1979) Dominance solvable voting schemes. Econometrica, 47(6), pp. 1337-1351. (doi: 10.2307/1914004)

Moulin, H. (1979) Two and three person games: a local study. International Journal of Game Theory, 8(2), pp. 81-107. (doi: 10.1007/BF01768704)

Gerard-Varet, L.A. and Moulin, H. (1978) Correlation and duopoly. Journal of Economic Theory, 19(1), pp. 123-149. (doi: 10.1016/0022-0531(78)90059-5)

Moulin, H. and Vial, J. -P. (1978) Strategically zero-sum games: the class of games whose completely mixed equilibria cannot be improved upon. International Journal of Game Theory, 7(3-4), pp. 201-221. (doi: 10.1007/BF01769190)

Moulin, H. (1976) Cooperation in mixed equilibrium. Mathematics of Operations Research, 1(3), pp. 273-286.

Moulin, H. (1976) Extensions of two person zero sum games. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 55(2), pp. 490-507.

Moulin, H. and Aubin, J.-P. (1972) Condition nécessaire et suffisante d'existence d'une solution du problème d'optimisation. Compte Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, 247, pp. 547-549.


Moulin, H. (2003) Fair Division and Collective Welfare. MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, USA. ISBN 9780262134231

Moulin, H. (1995) Cooperative Microeconomics: A Game-Theoretic Introduction. Princeton University Press: Princeton, NJ, USA. ISBN 9780691034812

Moulin, H. (1988) Axioms of Cooperative Decision Making. Series: Econometric Society monographs, 15. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. ISBN 9780521360555

Moulin, H. (1986) Game Theory for the Social Sciences. Series: Studies in game theory and mathematical economics, 2nd and Revised Edition. New York University Press: New York, NY, USA. ISBN 9780814754306

Moulin, H. (1983) The Strategy of Social Choice. Series: Advanced textbooks in economics, 18. North-Holland: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 9780444863713

Moulin, H. (1982) Game Theory for the Social Sciences. Series: Studies in game theory and mathematical economics. New York University Press: New York, NY, USA. ISBN 9780814753866

Moulin, H. (1981) Théorie des jeux pour l’économie et la politique. Hermann: Paris, France. ISBN 9782705659318

Book Sections

Moulin, H. (2006) Social choice. In: Weingast, B.R. and Wittman, D.A. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Political Economy. Series: The Oxford handbooks of political science. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780199272228

Moulin, H. (2002) Axiomatic cost and surplus-sharing. In: Arrow, K.J., Sen, A. and Suzumura, K. (eds.) Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare. Series: Handbooks in economics, 1. Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 9780444829146

Moulin, H. (2001) Normative microeconomics and the social contract. In: Third Taesung Kim Memorial lecture. Seoul National University: Seoul, South Korea.

Moulin, H. (1996) Stand alone and unanimity tests: a re-examination of fair division. In: Farina, F., Hahn, F. and Vannucci, S. (eds.) Ethics, Rationality, and Economic Behaviour. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 121-142. ISBN 9780198289814

Moulin, H. (1994) Social choice. In: Aumann, R. and Hart, S. (eds.) Handbook of Game Theory with Economic Applications. Series: Handbooks in Economics, 2 (11). Elsevier: Amsterdam, pp. 1091-1125. ISBN 9780444894274

Moulin, H. (1993) On the fair and coalition-strategyproof allocation of private goods. In: Binmore, K., Kirman, A. and Tani, P. (eds.) Frontiers of Game Theory. MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, pp. 151-164. ISBN 9780262023566

Bianchi, M. and Moulin, H. (1991) Strategic interactions in economics: the game theoretic alternative. In: de Marchi, N. and Blaug, M. (eds.) Appraising Economic Theories. Edward Elgar: Aldershot, pp. 179-196. ISBN 1852785152

Moulin, H. (1990) Monotonic surplus-sharing and the utilization of common property resources. In: Ichiishi, T., Neyman, A. and Tauman, Y. (eds.) Game Theory and Applications. Academic Press: San Diego, CA. ISBN 9780123701824

Moulin, H. and Young, H.P. (1987) Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas Caritat, Marquis de. In: Eatwell, J., Milgate, M. and Newman, P. (eds.) The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics. Macmillan: London, p. 566. ISBN 0333372352

Moulin, H. (1985) Fairness and strategy in voting. In: Peyton Young, H. (ed.) Fair Allocation. Series: AMS Short Course Lecture Notes (33). American Mathematical Society: Providence, RI, pp. 109-142. ISBN 9780821800942 (doi: 10.1090/psapm/033)

Moulin, H. and d'Alcantara, G. (1981) Application of game theory to the multicountry models: methodology and an example with comet. In: Courbis, R. (ed.) Commerce International et Modèles Multinationaux. Series: Modèles et Macroéconomie Appliquée. Série Travaux du GAMA. Economica: Paris.

Moulin, H. and Laffond, G. (1981) Stability by threats and counterthreats in normal form games. In: Aubin, J. P., Bensoussan, A. and Ekeland, I. (eds.) Mathematical Technics of Optimization, Control, and Decision. Series: Annals of the C.E.R.E.M.A.D.E.. Birkhäuser: Boston, MA, USA. ISBN 9783764330323

Moulin, H. (1980) On the uniqueness and stability of Nash equilibrium in non-cooperative games. In: Benoussan, A., Kleindorfer, P. R. and Tapiero, C. S. (eds.) Applied Stochastic Control in Econometrics and Management Science. Series: Contributions to Economic Analysis (130). North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam, p. 271. ISBN 9780444854087

Moulin, H. (1977) On the asymptotic stability of agreements. In: Fuchs, G. and Munier, B. (eds.) Systèmes Dynamiques et Modèles Economiques. Series: Colloques Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (259). Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique: Paris. ISBN 9782222020448

Moulin, H. (1975) Extensions of two person zero sum games. In: Grote, J.D. (ed.) The Theory and Application of Differential Games. Series: NATO Advanced Study Institutes Series: Series C, Mathematical and Physical Sciences. D. Reidel Publishing Company: Dordrecht. ISBN 9789027705815

Edited Books

Barnett, W.A., Moulin, H. , Salles, M. and Schofield., N.J. (Eds.) (1995) Social Choice, Welfare, and Ethics: Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. ISBN 9780521443401

Conference Proceedings

Aziz, H., Bogomolnaia, A. and Moulin, H. (2019) Fair Mixing: the Case of Dichotomous Preferences. In: 20th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC '19), Phoenix, AZ, USA, 24-28 Jun 2019, pp. 753-781. ISBN 9781450367929 (doi: 10.1145/3328526.3329552)

Caragiannis, I., Kurokawa, D., Moulin, H. , Procaccia, A. D., Shah, N. and Wang, J. (2016) The Unreasonable Fairness of Maximum Nash Welfare. In: EC '16 17th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 24-28 Jul 2016, pp. 305-322. ISBN 9781450339360 (doi: 10.1145/2940716.2940726)

Moulin, H. and Sethuraman, J. (2013) Loss calibrated rationing methods for bipartite rationing. In: EC13: Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 16-20 June 2013, pp. 697-714. (doi: 10.1145/2482540.2482581)

Moulin, H. (2009) Pricing traffic in a spanning network. In: 10th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, California, CA, USA, 6-10 Jul 2009, pp. 21-30. (doi: 10.1145/1566374.1566378)

This list was generated on Tue Oct 22 19:37:56 2024 BST.


2020-22 Chair Blaise Pascal de la Region Ile-de-France, hosted by the Université Paris Sorbonne


Herve is interested in supervising projects examining:

  • Game theory
  • Social choice and welfare
  • Mechanism design
  • Fair division

Current doctoral supervision

Completed supervision

  • "Game-theoretical approaches to social interaction" (completed 2018)
  • "Matching under real-life constraints" (completed 2016)
  • "Three essays in mechanism design" (completed 2015)


  • Mechanism design
  • Welfare economics
  • Social choice theory
  • Fair division

Additional information

President of the Social Choice and Welfare Society (1996-8) and of the Game Theory Society (2018-20). 

Past Associate Editor of Mathematical Social Sciences, International Journal of Game Theory, Economic Theory, Mathematics of Operations Research, Transactions in Economics and Computations.

From January 2021, Editor in Chief of Games and Economic Behavior.

Recent and forthcoming papers