Girls@COP26 Health, Gender & Climate Day
Prof Petra Meier at the Girls@COP26 Health, Gender and Climate Day
Prof Petra Meier (second from right above) is an Associate Director of the Centre for Sustainable Solutions, as well as being Director of the SIPHER Consortium, Professor of Public Health in the MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit and Programme Lead for the Unit’s new Systems Science in Public Health programme.
Petra was invited to contribute to the Health, Gender and Climate Day during a 10-day series of events called Girls@COP26 - The Solutions are Feminist, for all S3 girls in Glasgow schools. This day saw 140 girls and their teachers attending; the photo here shows some of the results of their work together.
Petra said: "I found it really interesting to see both how much interest there was and how many great ideas the girls brought to the table".
The event, hosted by Glasgow City Council in partnership with Glasgow Caledonian University’s Centre for Climate Justice and Women of the World Foundation (WOW), enabled thousands of Glasgow secondary schoolgirls to have their voices heard on gender equality in the fight against climate change.
- SIPHER Consortium on Girls@COP26
- Glasgow City Council news item on Girls@COP26
- Glasgow Caledonian University news item on COP26
- Glasgow Caledonian University news item on Girls@COP26
- Women of the World Foundation blog post on Girls@COP26
- 'Glasgow pupils to attend COP26 conference with female twist' - Glasgow Times article
- Centre for Climate Justice