Publisher Arrangements

There are many publishers each with different procedures that they will communicate to authors during the submission and acceptance process.

Some of the open access routes are open to all authors with a current employment contract or student registration at the University.  Others facilitate open access to the published version when the paper acknowledges specific funders.

The majority of our arrangements are supported by funding from UKRI.  In many cases authors not funded by UKRI can benefit from them.

We consult on new publisher agreements for open access throughout the year and details of new agreements are added to the list below. Arrangements are generally negotiated nationally and terms are agreed at a national level. They are often restricted to original research and review papers from corresponding authors based at Glasgow but some do provide coverage of other article types.

For articles acknowledging UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), Wellcome Trust, British Heart Foundation or Cancer Research UK, eligible open access costs will usually be met from central funds that are provided by these funders, for the purpose of making research they have supported open access.

Do not assume that costs will be met. The budget provided by funders is finite and is sometimes restricted each year as the funds run low so that any papers that fit the eligibility criteria and have mandatory costs can be paid for and the author is not prevented from publishing.

The publisher arrangements are set up such that compliance with most funder requirements is built in.  In most cases this means the publisher providing a Creative Commons (CC BY) licence which allows best reuse of the material. 

Email with enquiries and to inform us of accepted articles and we will advise accordingly.

For more information on open access, see Open Access Process at Glasgow and Open Access for Books and Book Chapters.

Publishers that the University has an arrangement with:

American Chemical Society (ACS)

The University of Glasgow has an agreement with the American Chemical Society to enable UoG corresponding authors to publish their research articles in any of the ACS journal titles, both subscription and fully open access, regardless of funding source. The agreement operates from 2022-2024.

Please contact on acceptance of a paper.

American Institute of Physics (AIP)

The University of Glasgow has an arrangement to cover open access costs in American Institute of Physics (AIP) subscription journals for 2024-2025. This covers research articles by University of Glasgow submitting, corresponding authors. The agreement operates using a national publishing fund which will be drawn down on a first come, first served basis therefore may be subject to change. 

Please contact on acceptance of a paper.

American Physical Society (APS)

The University of Glasgow has an agreement with APS to cover open access publishing by eligible UofG corresponding authors in their subscription (hybrid) journals. The agreement covers all original research and reviews, including, but not limited to: regular articles, letters, reviews, perspectives and tutorials.

The agreement will operate from 2023-2025.

Please contact on acceptance of a paper.

American Society for Microbiology (ASM)

There is no publisher arrangement. If a submission is accepted for publication in an ASM hybrid journal and the funder requires a CC BY licence, the author (or library on their behalf) will contact the publisher to request use of a CC BY licence on the accepted version.  Contact for advice.

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

The University of Glasgow has an agreement with ACM to cover open access publishing of research articles and conference proceedings by UoG corresponding authors in their subscription and fully open access titles, regardless of funding source. The agreement will operate from 2024-2028.

Please contact on acceptance of a paper.

Biochemical Society (Portland Press)

The University of Glasgow has an agreement with the Biochemical Society for 2024. The agreement covers articles by UofG corresponding authors accepted for publication in any Portland Press subscription (hybrid) or fully open access journal, regardless of funding source.

Please contact on acceptance of a paper.

Biomed Central (BMC)

University of Glasgow corresponding authors are entitled to a 15% discount on the Article Processing Charge (APC) for eligible articles accepted for publication in fully open access journals across the Springer Nature portfolio (BioMed Central, Springer, Springer Nature, Nature Research and Palgrave Macmillan).

Eligible article types are Original Papers, Review Papers, Brief Communications and Continuing Education papers.

Authors should indicate their institutional affiliation on submission.

Please contact on acceptance of a paper. For articles acknowledging UKRI, Wellcome Trust, British Heart Foundation or Cancer Research UK, eligible open access costs may be met from central funds.


The University of Glasgow has an arrangement to cover open access costs in BMJ subscription journals for 2023-2024. This covers original articles reporting on primary research by University of Glasgow corresponding authors. UKRI funded review articles submitted from 1st April 2022 are included, does not include Protocols. The agreement operates using a national publishing fund which is limited to papers acknowledging funding by UKRI, Wellcome Trust or Cancer Research UK. Please contact on acceptance of a paper.

The University of Glasgow also has a pre-payment arrangement with BMJ Publishing for fully open access journals, covering papers acknowledging funding by UKRI, Wellcome Trust, British Heart Foundation or Cancer Research UK. Please contact on acceptance of a paper as the criteria may be subject to change.

Note this arrangement does not cover publication in BMJ Case Reports. Please speak to your Health Board Library for support on publishing Case Reports.


The University of Glasgow has a Read & Publish agreement with Brill that covers all article processing charges (APCs) for articles published by UoG corresponding authors, regardless of funding source. The agreement will operate from January 2023 to December 2024.

Please contact on acceptance of a paper.

Cambridge University Press (CUP)

The University of Glasgow has an agreement with Cambridge University Press to cover open access publishing by UoG corresponding authors in their subscription and fully open access journals, regardless of funding source. To view a list of journals eligible for the agreement, select United Kingdom and University of Glasgow from the agreement tool.

The agreement runs from 1st Jan – 31st December 2024. Eligible article types are: Research, Review Articles and Rapid Communications (RRR), Plus Brief Report and Case Reports.

Please contact on acceptance of a paper. 

Cambridge University Press Open Equity Initiative

The University of Glasgow supports the Cambridge University Press Open Equity Initiative 2023-2025.  The programme funds open access publishing for authors based in low and middle-income countries in all of CUP's Hybrid and Gold journals.

Company of Biologists

The University of Glasgow has an arrangement with The Company of Biologists to cover Open Access publishing of research articles for UoG corresponding authors in their 3 subscription journals (Development, Journal of Cell Science, Journal of Experimental Biology ) + their 2 fully Open Access journals (Disease Models & Mechanisms, Biology Open). The agreement will operate from January 2022 until December 2024.

Please contact on acceptance of a paper. 

Constructivist Foundations

The University of Glasgow maintains a Supporting Subscription to Constructivist Foundations. This publisher does not charge article processing charges (APCs).

Please contact on acceptance of a paper.


The University of Glasgow has an agreement with Elsevier for 2022-2025. The agreement covers research and review articles by UofG corresponding authors accepted for publication in eligible Elsevier subscription journals, regardless of funding source.

Please contact on acceptance of a paper.

The University of Glasgow has an arrangement with Elsevier which gives a 15% discount on Article Processing Charges (APCs) for papers by UoG corresponding authors accepted for publication in Elsevier’s fully open access journals.

Please contact on acceptance of a paper for advice on the billing process. 



The University of Glasgow has an open access pre-payment arrangement with Frontiers for papers acknowledging funding by UKRI, Wellcome Trust, British Heart Foundation and Cancer Research UK. The arrangement entitles eligible papers to a 10% APC discount and may cover papers accepted for publication in 2024.

Occasionally the funds do run out so please contact on acceptance of a paper.  Note that this agreement is subject to change.

Geological Society Lyell Collection

The University of Glasgow has an agreement with The Geological Society to make all article types open access in their Lyell Collection subscription (hybrid) journals and book series.  The agreement is open to University of Glasgow corresponding authors and will run from 1.1.24 to 31.12.25.

Please contact on acceptance of a paper. 


The University of Glasgow has an agreement with IEEE which allows all UofG authors to self-archive accepted manuscripts submitted to any of the subscription-based (hybrid) IEEE journals, magazines, or conference proceedings. Authors can immediately self-archive accepted manuscripts in an institutional or subject based repository with a self-attributed CC BY licence. The agreement covers all original research and review articles.

The agreement runs from 1st December 2023 to 31st December 2024.

Contact for further advice.

Institute of Physics (IOP)

The University of Glasgow has an agreement with Institute of Physics to allow unlimited open access publishing in all hybrid journals and all fully open access journals, with the exception of those published on behalf of the American Astronomical Society.

The agreement is open to University of Glasgow corresponding authors and eligible article types are: all primary research articles, including research papers, special issue articles, letters and review articles.

The agreement runs from 1.1.24 to 31.12.25.

Please contact on acceptance of a paper. 



The University of Glasgow has an agreement with Karger for 2023-2025. This covers all article processing charges (APCs) for articles published in Karger journals but may be subject to change.

To check if your article can be  covered by the agreement, please contact


University of Glasgow authors are entitled to a 20% discount on Article Processing Charges (APCs) for papers accepted for publication in MDPI journals, regardless of funding source.

Please contact on acceptance of a paper for further advice.

Microbiology Society

The University of Glasgow has an agreement with the Microbiology Society that covers article processing charges (APCs) for peer reviewed articles published by UoG corresponding authors, regardless of funding source. The agreement is in place until 31 December 2026

Please contact on acceptance of a paper.

Modern Languages Open (Liverpool University Press)

The University of Glasgow holds an institutional membership to Modern Languages Open. This covers the publishing cost of an allocation of papers by University of Glasgow authors.

Please contact prior to submission for further advice.

Nature Research

The University of Glasgow has an agreement with Springer Nature to provide open access publishing in hybrid Nature Research journals for University of Glasgow corresponding authors.

The agreement is restricted to original research and review articles, brief communications and continuing education articles.

The term of the agreement is 1st Jan 2023 - 31st Dec 2025 and eligible articles must have an Approval Date within this term.

To make sure your article is covered by this new agreement, when your article has been accepted for publication, Springer Nature will ask you to confirm the following:

  • My article has been accepted by an Open Choice eligible journal
  • I am the corresponding author (please use your institutional email address not your personal one)
  • I am affiliated with an eligible UK institution (select your institution's name)
  • My article matches one of these types: Original Paper, Review Paper, Brief Communication or Continuing Education

If you have any questions about the agreement or the process, please contact

Publish your research in small units such as problem, hypothesis, method, data, interpretation, implementation and review. These smaller units of publication encourage faster sharing.  Credit can be given to individual work at all stages of the research process.  The platform is designed to sit alongside journals and is free for researchers to publish their work and free for anyone to read.  UKRI are a core funder of the platform.  

Open Library of Humanities (OLH)

The University of Glasgow is a Bronze Super-Supporter of the Open Library of Humanities. This publisher does not charge article processing charges (APCs).

Please contact on acceptance of a paper.

Open Research Europe

Open Research Europe is an open access publishing platform for the publication of research stemming from Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe and/or Euratom funding across all subject areas. The platform makes it easy for Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe and Euratom beneficiaries to comply with the open access terms of their funding and offers researchers a publishing venue to share their results and insights rapidly and facilitate open, constructive research discussion. 



The University of Glasgow has an agreement with Optica (formerly Optical Society of America, OSA) for 2022-2024. The agreement covers research and review articles by UofG corresponding authors accepted for publication in eligible subscription and fully open access journals and provides a Creative Commons (CC BY) licence. See list of eligible journals:

Advances in Optics and Photonics

Applied Optics

Biomedical Optics Express (Open Access)

Journal of the Optical Society of America A

Journal of the Optical Society of America B

Optica (Open Access)

Optical Materials Express (Open Access)

Optics Express (Open Access)

Optics Letters

Optics Continuum (Open Access) (formerly OSA Continuum)


The agreement covers Open Access publishing for all eligible articles in 2022 and 2023.  This will be reviewed for 2024.

Please contact on acceptance of a paper. 

Oxford University Press (OUP)

The University of Glasgow has a Read & Publish agreement with Oxford University Press for calendar years 2024-2025. The agreement covers research articles, review articles, brief reports and case reports by UofG corresponding authors accepted for publication in eligible subscription and fully open access journals.

Please contact on acceptance of a paper.

Peer J

The University of Glasgow currently has an open access pre-payment arrangement with PeerJ. At present, this covers papers published by all University of Glasgow authors regardless of the source of funds for the underlying research. On acceptance of a paper please follow the instructions given by PeerJ.  If you have any questions about the University arrangement and eligibility please contact

Public Library of Science (PLoS)

The University of Glasgow has a 2024 Publish agreement with PLoS covering articles by UofG corresponding authors accepted for publication in PLOS ONE, PLOS Genetics, PLOs Pathogens, PLOS Computational Biology, PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, PLOS Digital Health and PLOS Complex Systems.

In addition, the University has entered a Community Action Publishing agreement for 2024 covering papers by University of Glasgow contributing and/or corresponding authors accepted for publication in PLOS Biology and PLOS Medicine.

Please contact for further advice on acceptance of a paper.

The Royal Society

The University of Glasgow has an agreement with the Royal Society which covers open access publishing by University of Glasgow corresponding authors in all of their subscription and fully open access journals, regardless of funding source. The agreement covers all article types by eligible authors and will run from 1st January 2024 – 31st December 2024.

Please contact on acceptance of a paper for further advice.

The Royal Society of Chemistry

The University of Glasgow has an agreement with Royal Society of Chemistry to cover open access publishing by UoG corresponding authors for papers accepted for publication in their subscription journals. All peer reviewed article types are covered in this agreement, which fall into three main categories: full papers, communications, and reviews.The agreement operates from 2022-2024

This agreement does not cover RSC’s gold open access journals or Chemistry Education Research and Practice (CERP).

Please contact on acceptance of a paper. 

University of Glasgow corresponding authors are also eligible for a 15% discount on papers accepted for publication in RSC’s gold open access journals.  


The University of Glasgow and Scottish Higher Education Digital Library (SHEDL) has an agreement with Sage to cover all article processing charges (APCs) for University of Glasgow corresponding authors. The agreement covers articles published in Sage subscription (hybrid) journals included in the current SAGE Premier collection, as well as in the SAGE IMechE and SAGE RSM collections. The agreement covers Research, Review and Case Reports and excludes some article types, for example; book reviews, commercially sponsored articles, and titles joining mid-year.

The agreement does not cover publication in Sage fully open access titles (gold) however these papers may be eligible for a discount of 20% on the article processing charge. Some exclusions apply where SAGE is contractually prevented from offering this discount.

This agreement runs from 01 January 2023 to 31 December 2024. 

If you have any questions about the agreement or the process, please contact 


The University of Glasgow sponsors SciPost. This publisher does not charge article processing charges (APCs).

Please contact on acceptance of a paper.

Science Advances

University of Glasgow authors are entitled to a 10% discount on the Article Processing Charge (APC) for papers accepted for publication in Science Advances. Authors should indicate their institutional affiliation on submission.

Please contact on acceptance of a paper.


The University of Glasgow is a participating institution of SCOAP3 (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics). SCOAP3 has converted key journals in the field of High-Energy Physics to Open Access at no cost to authors. A list of journals which participate can be found here.

Springer Nature

The University of Glasgow has an agreement with Springer Nature to provide unlimited open access publishing in Springer, Nature Academic and Palgrave MacMillan hybrid journals for University of Glasgow corresponding authors. Please note that only titles marked 'Hybrid (Open Choice)' on the title list are eligible. Titles marked 'Fully Open Access' are not covered by this agreement.

The agreement is restricted to original research and review articles, brief communications and continuing education articles.

The term of the agreement is 1st Jan 2023 - 31st Dec 2025 and eligible articles must have an Approval Date within this term.

To make sure your article is covered by this new agreement, when your article has been accepted for publication, Springer will ask you to confirm the following:

  • My article has been accepted by an Open Choice eligible journal
  • I am the corresponding author (please use your institutional email address not your personal one)
  • I am affiliated with an eligible UK institution (select your institution's name)
  • My article matches one of these types: Original Paper, Review Paper, Brief Communication or Continuing Education

If you have any questions about the agreement or the process, please contact 

Springer Nature Fully Open Access Journals

University of Glasgow corresponding authors are entitled to a 15% discount on the Article Processing Charge (APC) for eligible articles accepted for publication in fully open access journals across the Springer Nature portfolio (BioMed Central, Springer, Springer Nature, Nature Research and Palgrave Macmillan).

Eligible article types are Original Papers, Review Papers, Brief Communications and Continuing Education papers.

Authors should indicate their institutional affiliation on submission.

Please contact on acceptance of a paper. For articles acknowledging UKRI, Wellcome Trust, British Heart Foundation or Cancer Research UK, eligible open access costs may be met from central funds.

Student Strategy & Security Journal (3SJ)

The Student Strategy & Security Journal (3SJ) is a student led journal publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed articles as well as a digital academic journal, covering topics on security, strategy, international relations and geopolitics. Anyone can submit to the journal, following that they adhere to the submissions guidelines. All of the publications are open access. Information about the journal is available on the SPS pages and authors can get in touch at

Taylor and Francis

The University of Glasgow has an arrangement to cover open access costs in Taylor & Francis subscription (Open Select), Fully Open Access, F1000 Research and Routledge Open Research titles for calendar years 2024-2025.


This covers research articles by University of Glasgow corresponding authors. For F1000 Research and Routledge Open Research the following are covered: including but not limited to Research Articles, Method Articles, Antibody Validation Articles, Reviews, Systematic Reviews, Clinical Practice Articles, Case Reports, Opinion Articles.


The agreement operates using a national publishing fund which will be drawn down on a first come first served basis therefore may be subject to change.


Please contact on acceptance of a paper.

Wellcome Open Research

Wellcome Open Research is a rapid open access publishing platform for a broad range of Wellcome-funded research. The platform welcomes articles reporting on any basic scientific, translational and clinical research that has been funded (or co-funded) by Wellcome. The platform is open to submissions from researchers, practitioners and experts, and all articles will benefit from open peer review. Each publication must have at least one author who has been, or still is, a recipient of a Wellcome grant.

Articles must be original (not duplications). All research, including clinical trials, systematic reviews, software tools, method articles, and many others, is welcome and will be published irrespective of the perceived level of interest or novelty; confirmatory and negative results, as well as null studies are all suitable. See the full list of article types we accept for more information. 



The University of Glasgow has an agreement with Wiley which enables articles by our corresponding authors to be made open access in Wiley journals through a national open access fund. This covers article processing charges (APCs) for original research articles, reviews and case reports. Open Access publishing in Wiley’s subscription (hybrid) journals is unlimited however the national fund for fully open access journals is drawn down on a first come, first served basis therefore may be restricted toward the end of the calendar year, depending on demand. 

The agreement will operate for 2 years from 1st January 2024 to 31st December 2025.

Please contact on acceptance of a paper.