Content Warning: The content of this email relates to sexual violence. If you would like to access support, without reading further, please follow this link Dignity at Work and Study Support, Guidance and Reporting - this includes resources on sexual harassment, assault and violence.  

Investigation and review: the University’s current staff and student procedures and support arrangements in relation to gender-based violence 

Dear University of Glasgow staff, 

On 25 January 2022 I issued a message to all University staff with an update in relation to the work I am carrying out in my investigation and review.  That also came with an open invitation to contact me and to provide me with information and representations.  That message can be found here.  

I am very grateful to all those who have made contact with me already.  I have met a good number of people, as has David Blair, who is assisting me, and that is proving to be useful and informative.  We are still in the process of arranging some meetings and are still gathering information.   

In my original message I indicated that it would assist if all those who wished to submit their views did so by 29 April 2022.  The end of April is drawing closer.  If you would like to contact me or to contribute to this investigation and review, I would encourage you to do that soon.  I do not want to impose a rigid cut-off point but it will help me greatly if you could be in touch by 29 April 2022. 

I can be contacted at  

Morag Ross QC 

19 April 2022 

First published: 20 April 2022