Yesterday's incident - message of thanks from the Principal

Published: 7 March 2019

Principal urges vigilance in wake of incident


I would like to thank everyone involved for their efforts in dealing with yesterday’s incident, when a suspect package was discovered in the mailroom. As most of you will know, our excellent teams from security and estates and commercial services worked closely with Police Scotland to identify the issue and contain the situation. The package was destroyed in a planned and controlled manner, unopened, in the late afternoon.

I know there was considerable disruption on campus. Our communications teams, supported and working with Police Scotland did all they could to keep staff and students informed about which buildings were being evacuated and to confirm – around about lunchtime - that classes in these buildings would be cancelled for the day. We also established a facility in the Fraser Building to assist anyone who required help.

Safety and the security of staff and students has to be our number one priority, but I apologise for the inconvenience caused.

The normal business of campus will resume today, with all classes and buildings reopened - although the Mailroom will remain closed for now as Police Scotland continue their investigations. A lost property room has been set up in the Boyd Orr and anyone who needs to recover personal belongings that were left at the time of the evacuations should contact the gatehouse on University Avenue. 

Although this incident, thankfully, did not result in any injury I would ask staff and students to be vigilant at all times and to report to security, or to the police, anything that looks unusual or out of place.   

My thanks once again to colleagues who were directly involved in the incident, and to staff and students who handled the disruption with patience and understanding.



First published: 7 March 2019