Maggie Cusack, Professor of Biomineralisationat at the University of Glasgow, has been appointed Vice-President (Physical Sciences) at the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Maggie is a former Head of the School of Geographical and Earth Sciences.

Image of Professor Maggie Cusack, University of Glasgow.The RSE announced that seven Fellows had been elected to join the RSE Council, or hold other office-bearer roles, from April 2017. Their election was confirmed at the Annual Statutory Meeting on 31 October, where the President, Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell, offered her congratulations.

  • ‌Professor Maggie Cusack (Vice-President, Physical Sciences)
  • Dr John Brown (Treasurer)
  • Professor Jill Belch (Ordinary Council Member)
  • Professor Rebecca Lunn (Ordinary Council Member)
  • Professor Petra Wend (Ordinary Council Member)
  • Professor Christopher Hall (Curator)
  • Professor Mary Bownes (Programme Convener)

In a statement, the RSE said: "Professor Cusack brings an excellent international reputation and a broad perspective on physical sciences and their interaction with other disciplines through her highly multidisciplinary work on biominerals. She sees an opportunity for disciplines to work together to support the work of the RSE, to be inclusive and to strive to ensure that the composition of the Fellowship better reflects Scottish society.

"Recently, as Head of School, she chaired the successful Athena SWAN Bronze Award application and introduced a highly successful summer school for widening participation. She has served the RSE in an editorial role and as sectional committee Chair."

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First published: 7 November 2016