Incunabula: bindings index

Listing of bindings by country and then chronologically by century. Follow the shelf-mark link for a full description of each binding.

See listing of bindings from:

England - France - Germany - Italy - Netherlands - Portugal - Scotland - Spain - Switzerland - Place uncertain - Unbound


15th/16th century

Ai-x.21An-y.22 (?); Bh6-e.1 (Weale, rubbing 322); Bi5-c.10 (?) (restored in 20th century); Bk5-b.3 (?) (restored in 20th century); Cm.1.3 (Low Countries?, restored in 1971); Eg6-e.20 (item 1, Low Countries); Eg6-e.20 (item 2, Low Countries); Eg6-e.20 (item 3, Low Countries); Eg6-e.20 (item 4, Low Countries)

16th century

BD7-d.23 (Low Countries?); Bh6-d.4 (or Germany (restored and rebacked in 20th century)); Bm6-d.12 (restored and rebacked ca. 2000)

17th century

Bw.2.1 (Low Countries, rebacked in 19th/20th century); Du-c.7 (Low Countries?)

18th century

Be.1.6; Be.2.3; Be.3.28 (?); Bg.2.17, 18; Bw.2.20; By.2.16