How should I receive feedback?

Receiving feedback can be challenging, but it should be a constructive and positive experience. The most important thing to remember is that the feedback is about your work, not about you. This is important because if you have made a lot of effort with a piece of work, feedback can feel really personal. Remember that feedback that critiques your work is often more useful than feedback that only praises it because you can learn something from the critique about how to improve next time.

Key Points

  • Feedback is about your work, not about you.
  • Feedback that is positive is lovely but is not necessarily useful.
  • Feedback that critiques your work supports you to develop.

Getting in contact

The student-facing staff in LEADS can help you to understand the feedback you have received and how you might apply it to your work in the future.

Have a look here to find the Learning Adviser for your College and to book a one-to-one appointment.