What is assessment?

Assessment is a way for you to learn how to improve, for you to show what you know, for the University to be assured that you are learning and for potential employers to gauge one aspect of your potential.

Key points

  • When people think of assessment they most often think of assessment that gives them a grade that counts towards their course grade or degree classification; this is known as summative assessment.
  • Sometimes assessment gives you feedback about how to improve and does not give you a grade that ‘counts’; this assessment is specifically designed to learn from and is called formative assessment.

These types of assessment are as important as each other so don’t make the mistake of thinking that only summative assessment is worth your attention.

Getting in contact

The student-facing staff in LEADS can help you to understand the assessment you will be taking and how to prepare effectively for it.

Have a look here to find the Learning Adviser for your College and to book a one-to-one appointment.