Our Regius Professors

The title of Regius Professorship is a rare and prestigious award. They have been bestowed on us by the Sovereign since 1637 to recognise exceptionally high quality research at an institution. The University of Glasgow currently has the highest number of extant Regius chairs:

Regius Professor of Precision Medicine [2012]

In 2012 the Regius Professorship of Precision Medicine was created to mark the 90th birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.  Professor Ross Cagan holds this chair.   

His laboratory has developed highly complex, whole animal models for cancer and inherited genetic diseases. Professor Cagan leads the Center for Personalized Cancer Therapeutics team that develops and treats thyroid and colorectal cancer patients through a personalized fly-to-bedside, open label clinical trial

Regius Professor in English Language and Literature [1861]

A post currently held by Professor Nigel Leask since 2004.  He has published widely in the area of Romantic literature and culture, with a special emphasis on empire, orientalism, and travel writing.

Regius Professor of Civil Engineering and Mechanics [1840]

In 2021 Professor Margaret Lucas became the 11th engineer to hold the post, and the first woman.

Her research has resulted in ultrasonic technologies in applications of surgical devices, planetary drilling, food processing, forming of metals and soft solids, joining of similar and dissimilar materials, and water treatment. Her current focus is on pioneering research in miniaturising ultrasonic devices integrated with surgical robots for minimally invasive surgeries.

My research in ultrasonics brings a modern perspective to the Chair. It is highly interdisciplinary, with fundamental discoveries driving innovation, while maintaining the Chair’s history and important connection with advancing industrial practice. The Regius Chair is also a platform for inspiring future generations of engineers, with an emphasis for me on encouraging, supporting and mentoring more early career female engineering researchers.

Regius Professor of Physiology/Cardiovascular Pathobiology [1839]

Professor Tomasz Guzik took this chair in 2012. His research focuses on:

  • the mechanisms of oxidative stress in human vasculature
  • the search for novel antioxidants which could be clinically more useful than vitamins currently available

Regius Professor of Botany [1818]

Currently held by Professor Michael Blatt. His research includes:

  • Ion channel structure and function in plant cell signalling
  • Mechanisms and roles of membrane trafficking proteins in cellular homeostasis
  • Stress responses of plants

Regius Professor of Chemistry [1817]

Professor Lee Cronin was appointed to the Regius Chair of Chemistry in 2013.

The Cronin Group is focused on the potential of complex chemical systems derived from non-biological building blocks .  And the major impact they have :

  • on our fundamental understanding of the interplay of chemical systems
  • to revolutionise modern technologies.

Regius Professor of Surgery [1815]

Professor Andrew Biankin is the Regius Chair of Surgery at the University of Glasgow. He is the Director of the Wolfson Wohl Cancer Research Centre which is focused on precision oncology.

The Regius Professor of Zoology [1807]

Created in 1807 by King George III when it was called the Regius Chair in Natural History.

Professor Pat Monaghan was appointed Regius Chair in 2012. Her work focuses on how animals deal with environmental change. And the effects of early life conditions on later life performance.

Regius Professor of Law [1713]

Our latest Regius Professor of Law was appointed in 2012.  Professor James Chalmers researches primarily in the area of criminal law and is the author of a number of leading texts:

  • The New Law of Sexual Offences in Scotland
  • Legal Responses to HIV and AIDS
  • Criminal Defences and Pleas in Bar of Trial (with Fiona Leverick).

Regius Chair of Medicine [1637]

In 2010, Professor Anna Dominiczak OBE became the first woman in our history to hold this Regius Professorship.

Her major research interests are in hypertension, cardiovascular genomics and precision medicine.