2021 Elections

Published: 2 August 2021

The Half Yearly Meeting of the General Council was held virtually on Monday 21 June 2021 at 6pm.

The Half Yearly Meeting of the General Council was held virtually on Monday 21 June 2021 at 6pm.

The Chancellor, Dame Katherine Grainger DBE, was in the Chair. The meeting was addressed by the Principal, Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli, The Convenor of Court, Elizabeth Passey and by Rev Stuart MacQuarrie, Convenor of the General Council Business Committee.

We were delighted to welcome John Corrie (LLB 2001), Patricia Cunningham (LLB 1991) and Alan Mackintosh (BSc 1981), as the top three candidates with the most votes, to fill the vacant positions on the committee.

The General Council’s thanks were also expressed to Alan Daly, Ian Trushell, and Hillary Roberts, who stepped down from the Business Committee.

First published: 2 August 2021