Le cœur a ses raisons que la raison ignore
(The heart has its reasons that reason ignores)
Date: Monday 3rd September 2018
Time: 7pm
Venue: Waterstones, Sauchiehall Street
Speaker: Narwwar Al-Attar
Professor Al-Attar will take us through a journey of severe heart failure, the options available and the role of surgical techniques in the management of these incredibly sick patients. He will relate the tale of one very remarkable patient where love really did conquer all and save his life! His journey after an acute heart attack will be followed and the remarkable contributions of loved ones, nurses, physiotherapists, intensive care physicians, surgeons and the donor discussed (and in part shown on film!).
Professor Nawwar Al-Attar is a Consultant Cardiac and Transplant Surgeon and Director of Transplantation as well as Director of the Scottish National Advanced Heart Failure Service. He specialises in heart transplantation, total arterial coronary artery bypass grafting and valve repair. He is a member of many influential committees and research groups.