Educational and health outcomes among children treated for chronic conditions: how do we use population-wide (big) data and what do they tell us?
Date: Monday 7th December 2020
Time: 7pm
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Speakers: Dr Michael Fleming
Health and education likely share a bidirectional relationship. Whilst targeted health promotion and education around healthier behaviours can directly improve our health outcomes, broader improvements in educational attainment, particularly in childhood and adolescence can indirectly enhance our long-term health and wellbeing through increased employability, higher income, greater social mobility, and better quality of life. However, is poor health another of the many factors that can produce initial barriers to achieving a good education? And what are the next steps? Scotland is world leading in its ability to carry out this type of research, owing to routinely collected and well-maintained national administrative datasets and a strong track record of performing record linkage for research purposes.
Dr Michael Fleming is a statistician who previously worked for the NHS and is currently a research fellow in the department of public health at the University of Glasgow. Michael’s interests include using novel record linkage techniques and statistical methods to analyse complex linked data for research purposes across the spectrum of public health. His current research focuses on educational and health outcomes related to childhood chronic conditions, early life factors, neonatal and childhood morbidity, and maternal/obstetric factors. Michael will briefly talk about the current landscape of record-linkage and population-wide (big) data in Scotland and then discuss some findings from his most recent research relating to childhood chronic conditions. What are the advantages, disadvantages, strengths, limitations, and challenges of this type of research both generally and with respect to educational and health outcomes in children?