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About us


The Low and Middle Income Countries Research Network (LMIC) brings together evidence from research projects in the College of Social Sciences at the University of Glasgow, to inform development policies, debates and practices.

LMIC aims to promote dialogue and partnerships between researchers, governments, multilateral institutions, and communities to address global challenges.

We believe that research generates positive impacts when a wide range of stakeholders are involved in knowledge production and dissemination, from local organisations to international actors. 

Please direct any enquiries about LMIC initiatives including the LMIC Publications Series to:

Ms Ana Miranda Knowledge Exchange Associate for the LMIC Network.

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Priority Challenges

Our work focuses on 5 Priority Challenges. To find out more about them, their geographic focus and the UN Sustainable Development Goals they are aligned with, click on the relevant tile below:

Where we work

Our network of research projects and partners covers 36 countries across Latin America, Africa and Asia