Recent projects
Resources from some of the most recent research projects in Economic and Social History, including:
- websites and online exhibitions
- articles and books
- toolkits
- podcasts and films
Social and Political Sciences research

Energy in History
Follow the story of energy through the experiences of workers, local communities and citizens.
This online exhibition takes you from the dominance of coal to the oil boom and then the expansion of nuclear power and renewables.
Global History Hackathons: Doing Global History Through Local Archives and Museum Collections
Engaging small groups of students, academics, cultural heritage professionals, and members of the public in hands-on, collaborative brainstorming events—"global history hackathons”—this project uncovered "local" global histories in Glasgow's archives and museum collections and found ways to make them relevant and accessible to wider publics.
Employment, Politics and Culture in Scotland
The character of deindustrialisation on the moral economy, focusing on working-class understanding of the legitimacy of industrial change; and on Scotland’s distinct political trajectory within the UK.
The Redress of the Past: Historical Pageants in Britain 1905 - 1916
Research into pageants - community theatrical re-enactments of events from local and national history - provides a vista on to the ways people across the UK have understood and engaged with the past, and affords new insights into the role played by popular historical narratives in the formation of local and national identities.
The Development of International Financial Regulation and Supervision
This project assessed the development of international financial regulation by contrasting studies of institutional decision-making in three international financial centres in the late 20th century (from 1961-1982) as the market and regulators responded to a series of challenges and at the same time embarked on a process of liberalisation.
The Scottish Way of Birth and Death
The history of civil registration in Scotland from its beginning in 1855 until the Second World War. It shows how the basic tools of Scotland's 'vital statistics' - the registers of births, marriages and deaths, were produced.
A History of Working Class Marriage
This project explored the history of working-class courtship, marriage and marriage breakdown in Scotland in the period from the civil registration of marriages in 1855 to the introduction of no-fault divorce legislation in 1976.
Child Health in Scotland
A social history of Glasgow’s Royal Hospital for Sick Children, which examines the debates that lasted two decades from initial proposal to eventual opening of the first hospital in 1882. It looks at the roles of nurses, clinicians, and narrates the experiences of children. Other theme sare convalescence in the country, and the role of philanthropy both before, and after, the creation of the NHS.
- Child Health in Scotland
Other completed projects
- A socio-cultural exploration of the lives of polio survivors (January - August 2015)
- Shareholder Democracies? The History of Corporate Governance