Professor Catherine Schenk has contributed to a Chatham House Report: 'Beyond the Dollar: Rethinking the International Monetary System'.

Does the international monetary system require fundamental reform? The question is not new, but the need for reform has never been more urgent. The system is a lightning rod for tensions in the world economy. Its shortcomings may fuel protectionist pressure. It is also a system in flux, no longer meeting the needs of a changing world economy.

These and other considerations lie in the heart of this timely report produced by Chatham House in collaboration with the ESRC World Economy and Finance Programme.

The report looks at the current monetary system, assesses the goals and principles that underpin it, and makes recommendations for the way forward. With contributions from prominent experts, it maps out proposals for a new international monetary order and looks at ways in which monetary authorities and political leaders can help prepare the ground for a new system and facilitate the transition.

Full report available online

First published: 23 March 2010