The Imaging Concepts Group (ICG) conducts internationally leading research into a range of range of advanced optical sensing and imaging techniques. Research ranges from fundamentals of imaging science and the invention and demonstration of new imaging techniques through to their application in fields ranging through microscopy, biomedical imaging (particularly oximetry in the retina and in vivo imaging of cardiovascular structure and function in the developing zebrafish), remote sensing and surveillance. For students interested in studying for a PhD in our group, there are currently several vacancies for fully funded PhD/EngD studentships.
Since moving to Glasgow from Heriot-Watt University, the ICG has grown to a current complement of about twenty researchers consisting of two Academics (Prof Andy Harvey & Dr Jonny Taylor); six post-doctoral researchers, ten PhD/EngD students and typically three visiting scholars or MSc students.
The group benefits from recently refurbished research laboratories and over £1M of recent investment in state-of-the-art imaging equipment (eg fluorescence microscopes, two-photon microscope, tuneable coherent, broadband and incoherent light sources, spectrometry, light manipulation, state-of-the-art cameras, hyper and multispectral imaging, retinal cameras, six large optical tables and wide stock of optical infrastructure).
Research is conducted with funding from the EPSRC, medical charities, NC3R, European Union, Innovate UK and a wide range of industrial collaborators such as Qioptiq, Selex, QinetiQ, Findley Irvine, Edinburgh Instruments, STMicroelectronics and Optos.
- A list of publications can be found on Google Scholar
- A list of presentations can be found on FigShare
- A list of our staff and students can be found here
In addition to traditional routes to scientific publication, we are keen to tell the wider world all about our work. Jonathan Taylor has recently featured by the British Heart Foundation in their monthly supporters magazine for his research on beating-heart imaging. Also, PhD student Lewis MacKenzie was recently the winner of the Scottish Final of FameLAB and has represented the UK in the European Science Slam Final.
Research Areas
- Computational Imaging
- Retinal Imaging
- Spectral Imaging
- Advanced biomedical imaging tools