The MEd LTHE is a 3 year part-time course provided by the staff of the Academic Development Unit of the Learning and Teaching Centre at the University of Glasgow. For the final year of the MEd, Kurt and Niall selected and completed educational research projects and submitted their dissertations. 

Kurt’s project, which was titled ‘To lecture or not to lecture? That is the (epistemological) question’, evaluated the two main teaching methods used in the undergraduate dentistry curriculum; lectures and tutorials. The data collection used a mixed methods approach with mini-quizzes, questionnaires and focus groups that took place with undergraduate students.  The aim was to look for ways to further improve the effectiveness of dental teaching and ultimately result in a better learning experience for dental undergraduates.

As Director of Dental Electives, Niall considered it important to investigate students’ perceptions and motivators when preparing for Electives with a study entitled ‘Participatory Research to Enhance Dental Electives at the University of Glasgow Dental School’. This qualitative study with collegiate participation of fourth year BDS co-researchers utilised questionnaires and focus group discussions for data collection. The conclusions of the study are in the form of 14 recommendations that will enhance the Elective Programme. Furthermore, the participatory methodology and the enthusiastic engagement of our students confirm the exceptional value of maintaining and further developing enquiry-led learning opportunities.

First published: 9 January 2015