Dr Samantha Pilgrim

  • Research Assistant (Mathematics)


Curriculum Vitae


Bachelor of science in mathematics, june 2017 – Indiana University

M.S. in mathematics, june 2020 – university of Hawai`i at Mānoa

PhD in mathematics, december 2022 – university of Hawai`i at Mānoa


Graduate Assistant, Fall 2018 to December 2022  – UH Mānoa

Research Assistant, January 2023-present – University of Glasgow



Research interests

My research involves the interplay between dynamics, geometry, groups, and C*-algebras.  



Samantha Pilgrim. Isometric Actions and Finite Approximations. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems. 2022

Samantha Pilgrim. Isometric Actions are Quasidiagonal. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics. 2023

Samantha Pilgrim. Topological Rigidity of the Dynamic Asymptotic Dimension. Accepted for publication by Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics.  2024.  

Samantha Pilgrim. A Hurewicz-type Theorem for the Dynamic Asymptotic Dimension. Submitted 2023.  


London Mathematical Society Conference Grant -- YMC*A 2024


Teaching Experience

Instructor of Record -- University of Glsgow

Operator algebras (Fall 2023)

Instructor of Record -- UH Mānoa

Calculus I (Summer 2018, Fall 2021)

Calculus II (Spring 2020)

Precalculus (Spring 2022)

Teaching assistant -- UH Mānoa

Calculus I and II (Spring 2018, Spring 2019, Fall 2020, Spring 2020)

Calculus for the life sciences (Fall 2019, Fall 2022)

Mathematics for elementary school teachers (Spring 2021)

Assisted other graduate students preparing for qualifying exams (Summer 2020)


Additional information


2021 Sara Ann Martin ARCS award in Mathematics

Invited Talks

Invitation to speak at Structure of Dynamical C*-algebras conference in Jaca (June 2025)
Invitation to speak at geometry seminar in Birmingham (Fall 2024)
Analysis Seminar in Newcastle (March 2024)
Geometry and Topology Seminar in Bristol (February 2024)
Functional analysis seminar in Oxford (February 2024)
Coarse Geometry and Dynamics Workshop in Lyon (August 2023)
Operator Algebras Seminar in Odense (May 2023)
Operator Algebras in the South UK (March 2023)
University of Glasgow Analysis Working Seminar (Spring 2023)
East Coast Operator Algebra Symposium (October 2022)
Culminating workshop speaker -- Groundwork for Operator Algebras Lecture Series (2022)
Oberseminar in Muenster (Summer 2022)
JMM special session on advances in operator algebras (April 2022)
Culminating workshop speaker -- Groundwork for Operator Algebras Lecture Series (2021)
ARCS research symposium (2021)
Service Experience
Organizer for YMC^*A 2024 -- University of Glasgow (2023)
Organizer for analysis seminar -- University of Glasgow (2023)
Peer mentor to new graduate students (2018-2021)
AMS graduate chapter -- UH Mānoa

     Secretary (2020-21 academic year)

     President (2021-2022 academic year)

     Planned social events for graduate students

     Helped organize math and science activities for

          elementary school students

Graduate representative on department graduate committee (2018-2021)
UH Mānoa Directed reading program (2021)