A computational framework of patient-specific device on analysing aortic dissection

Lei Wang (University of Glasgow)

Friday 8th February, 2013 04:00-05:00 516


Several studies have shown that the aortic size used now is inadequate to predict the trend of aortic dissection (AD), and it is the aortic wall stress that could be a better indicator in the view of biomechanics and crucial information for updating diagnosis and treatment strategies of AD. We proposed a computational framework for analysing the stress distribution, especially the peak stress at the tear tip, in the context of finite element analysis. A series of boundary value problems, inflation of a thick-wall cylinder anisotropic nonlinear hyperelastic tube (simplified problem for predicting the initiation of AD) and balance of a same tube with prescribed tear (simplified problem for predicting the trend of AD) have been solved in FEAP and good agreement has been validated with analytical results. Integrated with an appropriate mesh generator (TetGen) of medical image aortic wall, a patient-specific software for aiding management of AD is prospective.

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