Finiteness properties of some automorphism groups of right-angled Artin groups
Gabriel Corrigan (University of Glasgow)
Monday 27th January 16:00-17:00 Maths 311B
Right-angled Artin groups (RAAGs) can be viewed as a generalisation of free groups. To what extent, then, do the techniques used to study automorphisms of free groups generalise to the setting of RAAGs? One significant recent advance in this direction is the construction of 'untwisted Outer space' for RAAGs, a generalisation of the influential Culler-Vogtmann Outer space for free groups. A consequence of this construction is an upper bound on the virtual cohomological dimension of the 'untwisted subgroup' of outer automorphisms of a RAAG. However, this bound is sometimes larger than one expects; I present work showing that in fact it can be arbitrarily so, by forming a new complex as a deformation retraction of the untwisted Outer space. In a different direction, another subgroup of interest is that consisting of symmetric automorphisms. Generalising work in the free groups setting from 1989, I present an Outer space for the symmetric automorphism group of a RAAG. A consequence of the proof is a strong finiteness property for many other subgroups of the outer automorphism group.
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