Operational - career journeys

feet going up stairs

Roles in the Operational job family are the backbone of the university and are concerned with operating and running the facilities and services. Roles involve direct or indirect service provision for students and staff, through maintenance, grounds, security, portering, residences, hospitality, cleaning and other site services or sporting activity and related services. Some roles are about providing these services personally; others enable or manage the services.

  • The annual Performance and Development Review is where you can talk to your line manager about career development.
  • If you feel that you are consistently doing work at a higher grade you could apply to be regraded through the Regrading Policy. The regrading panel meet at least four times a year.  
  • Staff in University Services are eligible for the Recognition Rewards (Voucher Scheme) which is an informal nomination process whereby staff are recognised for their contribution and awarded an e-voucher for between £10 and £250.