New ECR grant writing group

Published: 13 April 2023

The ECR Athena Swan Career Progression Subgroup shares the details of an initiative currently in development

The ECR Athena Swan Career Progression Subgroup shares the details of an initiative currently in development.

Photo of untidy desk with laptop notes pen and glasses

We are in the process of setting up an ECR Grant Writing Group to support ECRs in their grant application development.

This group will provide a supportive environment for ECRs to learn more about the grant writing process, ask questions, and receive constructive feedback on grant ideas that they are developing.

It is aimed at ECRs who are either new to grant writing, looking for support and advice in developing a grant idea, or would like to share their experiences of grant writing with ECRs who are beginning their grant writing journey. You do not need to have specific plans to write a grant to join the group.

The idea is that this group will involve the delivery of workshops/presentations on a series of topics related to grant writing that ECRs have previously expressed an interest in learning more about, followed by a Q&A session with the presenters. It is proposed that half of each session will be dedicated to the workshop/presentation, and the remaining half will be a space for ECRs to either discuss any grant writing challenges that they are experiencing or present a portion of a draft grant application for feedback from the group.

The career progression group would like your input on the structure and topics that we propose to cover in the workshop/presentation portion of the group meetings, and ask that you fill in this google form before 01 May 2023. 

Complete the form

First published: 13 April 2023