Dr Hanaa Abumarshoud and Dr Lina Mohjazi listed among 'Top 100' females in 6G

Published: 15 April 2024

We are delighted that the dedication and passion of Dr Hanaa Abumarshoud and Dr Lina Mohjazi, in the field of 6G, has been recognised with inclusion in the Women in 6G™ 2024 list of '100 Women in 6G'.

Women in 6G™ is a community for thought leaders, industry professionals, researchers, academics who are currently working on 6G related projects and for students who are interested in 6G related careers. It is an international networking organisation promoting the achievements of females who work in this cutting edge research field, arranging online events and offline talks and highlighting published papers 

Hanaa and Lina are consistently active and visible in all areas of their academic field - be it as authors, editors, reviewers, conference organisers and participants, teachers, educators, and motivational speakers. Had they not been included on this list, it would have been more surprising!

Lina and Hanaa are part of a formidably talented group of academics researching and teaching students about the opportunities and challenges of 5G, 6G and related topics, within our diverse engineering team. Among their achievements, Hanaa received an endorsement as "Global Talent" by the Royal Academy of Engineering in the UK and Lina received an IEEE Women in Engineering UK&I Engineering Excellence award, in 2023. 

Dr Abumarshoud lists research interests in LiFi and visible light communications, intelligent communications, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces and physical layer security. Dr Mohjazi lists research interests beyond 5G (B5G) wireless technologies, physical layer optimization and performance analysis, wireless power transfer, machine learning for future wireless systems, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces, cooperative and relaying networks, information theory, and signal processing.

Dr Hanaa Abumarshoud and Dr Lina Mohjazi stand in the lobby of a building at Glasgow College, UESTC in Chengdu (China)

Image: Dr Hanaa Abumarshoud and Dr Lina Mohjazi on campus at Glasgow College, UESTC in Chengdu (China).

Both women are contributors to many published papers, such as (2023) URLLC in beyond 5G and 6G networks: an interference management perspective. IEEE Access, 11, pp. 54639-54663. (doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3282363) Siddiqui, M. U. A.Abumarshoud, H. , Bariah, L., Muhaidat, S., Imran, M. A. and Mohjazi, L.  

All of this while teaching and inspiring students at our prestigious Glasgow College, UESTC on topics including the design of intergrated circuits, embedded processors and communication systems & principles, along with supervising PhD students at the University of Glasgow.

Dr Mohjazi told us that one of her own long standing inspirations is a quote from Physicist, Chemist, and first female Nobel Laureate, Marie Curie.

"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood" - Marie Curie

She says that reflecting on Curie's words and her work, serves as a constant reminder that "nothing can stop us from achieving our dreams in a field that might bring fear to some" or where historically, women have been less prominent. Featuring on Women in 6G's list reminds Dr Mohjazi that she personally has "handled her fears" and is capable of "focusing on chasing her aspirations".

Dr Abumarshound asserts that ultimately, gender should not be considered a relevant factor in whether or not someone is considered a brilliant engineer.


First published: 15 April 2024