International Women's Day 2020

The ICS Athena SWAN V.O.I.C.E. Committee/BICR IWD 2020 Organising Team organised a week of events to celebrate inspiring women. The events were held in the week preceeding 8th March 2020 to lead up to International Women's Day.

We had an interactive gallery of women that inspire us as well as a special journal club on challenges women face in STEMM with Dr Julia Cordero and Prof Laura Machesky. We managed to raise £450 for Scottish Womens Aid and £120 for the Australian Bushfires with Bakesales (thanks for all the yummy treats). Another highlight of the week was our Seminar with Professor Josephine Bunch (NPL Fellow in Biomolecular Analysis and leader of the CRUK Grand Challenge Rosetta team) and Dr Diego Benedict Baptista (Diversity and Inclusion Adviser on Research Culture, Wellcome Trust) exploring the changing research culture and how this intersects with equality and diversity, followed by a lunch discussion.

The event was chaired by Dr Chris Halsey.

We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did and we want to thank everyone for their contribution and the great discussions!