Number of items: 215.
Ballester, E., Ruiz, C., Rubio, N. and Veloutsou, C.
We match! Building online brand engagement behaviours through emotional and rational processes.
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 82,
(doi: 10.1016/j.jretconser.2024.104146)
Tolunay, A. and Veloutsou, C.
Don't make me hate you, my love! Perceived brand betrayal and the love-becomes-hate phenomenon.
Journal of Business Research, 187,
(doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2024.115060)
Veloutsou, C. and Ballester, E.
A typology of brand knowledge associations projected in brand-generated signals: evidence from the restaurant industry.
Journal of Product and Brand Management,
(doi: 10.1108/JPBM-03-2024-5022)
(Early Online Publication)
Fang, X., Chatzipanagiotou, K. and Veloutsou, C.
Untangling the complex and idiosyncratic nature of tourist destination brand equity.
Journal of Travel Research,
(doi: 10.1177/00472875241268404)
(Early Online Publication)
Chen, H., Veloutsou, C. and Kostyk, A.
Re-Approaching the Consumer-Brand Relationships: Assessment of Conceptual Definitions: An Abstract.
AMSWMC25: 2024 Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Bel Ombre, Mauritius, 25-29 June 2024.
Ballester, E., Ruiz-Mafe, C., Rubio, N. and Veloutsou, C.
I Want to Engage my Audience! the Role of Micro-Influencer Characteristics and Parasocial Relationships on Follower’s Engagement Behavior: An Abstract.
AMSWMC25: 2024 Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Bel Ombre, Mauritius, 25-29 June 2024.
Osuna Ramírez, S. A., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
On the antipodes of love and hate: the conception and measurement of brand polarization.
Journal of Business Research, 179,
(doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2024.114687)
Dong, X., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Negative Online Brand Engagement: Models of Brand-Related Antecedents and Anti-Brand Community Outcomes.
Academy of Marketing Science Conference, Coral Gables, Florida, USA, 22-24 May 2024.
Osuna Ramirez, S. A., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Drivers and Outcomes of Brand Polarization for Airlines Brands.
Academy of Marketing Science Conference, Coral Gables, Florida, USA, 22-24 May 2024.
Dong, X., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Negative online brand engagement: Conceptualisation, scale development and validation.
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing,
(doi: 10.1108/JRIM-09-2023-0303)
(Early Online Publication)
Ranfagni, S., Rosati, M. and Veloutsou, C.
Patchworking Research Paradigms to Investigate the Brand in Virtual Spaces.
In: XX SIM Conference, Florence, Italy, 20-21 October 2023,
Veloutsou, C.
Enlightening the brand building-audience response link.
Journal of Brand Management,
(doi: 10.1057/s41262-023-00331-y)
(Early Online Publication)
Dwivedi, Y. K. et al.
Metaverse marketing: how the metaverse will shape the future of consumer research and practice.
Psychology and Marketing, 40(4),
pp. 750-776.
(doi: 10.1002/mar.21767)
Veloutsou, C. and Liao, J.
Mapping brand community research from 2001 to 2021: assessing the field’s stage of development and a research agenda.
Psychology and Marketing, 40(3),
pp. 431-454.
(doi: 10.1002/mar.21782)
Chevtchouk, Y., Veloutsou, C. and Paton, R.
An Interdisciplinary-informed Brand Experience Scale.
Academy of Marketing Science Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, 17-19 May 2023.
Dong, X., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Examining the Key Consumer-related Determinants Towards their Intention to Participate in Anti-brand Communities.
Academy of Marketing Science Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, 17-19 May 2023.
Kontoliou, I., Veloutsou, C. and Panos, G.
Re-approaching Brand-centric Groups: Definitions, Forms, and Terminology Issues.
Academy of Marketing Science Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, 17-19 May 2023.
Sharma, G., Taheri, B., Veloutsou, C. and Rao, A.
Exodus from Russia: How do Consumers Feel?
Academy of Marketing Science Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, 17-19 May 2023.
Davari, A., Iyer, P., Guzmán, F. and Veloutsou, C.
The determinants of personal luxury purchase intentions in a recessionary environment.
Journal of Marketing Management, 38(13-14),
pp. 1401-1432.
(doi: 10.1080/0267257X.2022.2035798)
Veloutsou, C. , Christodoulides, G. and Guzmán, F.
Charting research on international luxury marketing: Where are we now, and where should we go next?
International Marketing Review, 39(2),
pp. 371-394.
(doi: 10.1108/IMR-04-2021-0154)
Chevtchouk, Y., Veloutsou, C. and Paton, R.
Outcomes Across the Brand Ethical Continuum in Luxury Services.
In: 2021 AUS-Chalhoub Symposium on Luxury Marketing and Branding, Dubai and Sharjah, UAE, 15-16 November 2021,
Chevtchouk, Y., Veloutsou, C. and Paton, R.
The experience-economy revisited: an interdisciplinary perspective and research agenda.
Journal of Product and Brand Management, 30(8),
pp. 1288-1324.
(doi: 10.1108/JPBM-06-2019-2406)
Dessart, L. and Veloutsou, C.
Augmenting brand community identification for inactive users: a uses and gratification perspective.
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 15(3),
pp. 361-385.
(doi: 10.1108/JRIM-11-2019-0191)
Morgan-Thomas, A. , Dessart, L. and Veloutsou, C.
Digital ecosystem and consumer engagement: a socio-technical perspective.
Journal of Business Research, 121,
pp. 713-723.
(doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.03.042)
Pedeliento, G., Andreini, D. and Veloutsou, C.
Brand community integration, participation and commitment: a comparison between consumer-run and company-managed communities.
Journal of Business Research, 119,
pp. 481-494.
(doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.10.069)
Veloutsou, C. and Black, I.
Creating and managing participative brand communities: the roles members perform.
Journal of Business Research, 117,
pp. 873-885.
(doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.06.032)
Veloutsou, C. , Chatzipanagiotou, K. and Christodoulides, G.
The consumer-based brand equity deconstruction and restoration process: lessons from unliked brands.
Journal of Business Research, 111,
pp. 41-51.
(doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.12.029)
Veloutsou, C. and Ruiz-Mafe, C.
Brands as relationship builders in the virtual world: A bibliometric analysis.
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 39,
(doi: 10.1016/j.elerap.2019.100901)
Dessart, L., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Brand negativity: a relational perspective on anti-brand community participation.
European Journal of Marketing, 54(7),
pp. 1761-1785.
(doi: 10.1108/EJM-06-2018-0423)
Dessart, L., Aldás-Manzano, J. and Veloutsou, C.
Unveiling heterogeneous engagement-based loyalty in brand communities.
European Journal of Marketing, 53(9),
pp. 1854-1881.
(doi: 10.1108/EJM-11-2017-0818)
Osuna Ramírez, S. A., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
I hate what you love: brand polarization and negativity towards brands as an opportunity for brand management.
Journal of Product and Brand Management, 28(5),
pp. 614-632.
(doi: 10.1108/JPBM-03-2018-1811)
Fang, X., Chatzipanagiotou, K. and Veloutsou, C.
The Impact of Different Aspects of Perceived Authenticity on the Tourist-Destination Relationship Quality.
22nd AMS World Marketing Congress, Edinburgh, UK, 9-12 July 2019.
Osuna Ramirez, S. A., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Advantages of Brand Polarization? Exploring Potential Beneficiaries: Structured Abstract.
Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 25-31 May 2019.
Dong, X., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Negative Consumer Engagement.
14th Global Brand Conference, Berlin, Germany, 8-10 May 2019.
Khan, M.A., Veloutsou, C. and Chatzipanagiotou, K.
Consequences Towards Brands After a Service Failure: A Holistic View.
14th Global Brand Conference, Berlin, Germany, 8-10 May 2019.
Veloutsou, C. and Dessart, L.
Socialising In and Outside Online Brand Communities.
14th Global Brand Conference, Berlin, Germany, 8-10 May 2019.
Chatzipanagiotou, K. , Christodoulides, G. and Veloutsou, C.
Managing the consumer-based brand equity process: a cross-cultural perspective.
International Business Review, 28(2),
pp. 328-343.
(doi: 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2018.10.005)
Veloutsou, C. and Delgado-Ballester, E.
New challenges in brand management.
Spanish Journal of Marketing, 22(3),
pp. 254-271.
(doi: 10.1108/SJME-12-2018-036)
Pedeliento, G., Adreini, D. and Veloutsou, C.
Brand Community Integration, Participation and Commitment: A Comparison Between Consumer-Run and Company-Managed Communities.
4th International Colloquium on Corporate Branding, Identity, Image and Reputation (COBIIR), Calabria, Italy, 3-4 Sept 2018.
Veloutsou, C.
Conceptualising and Operationalising Respect in Consumer-Brand Relationships.
21st Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress (WMC), Porto, Portugal, 27-29 June 2018.
Veloutsou, C. , Chatzipanagiotou, K. and Christodoulides, G.
The Consumer-Based Brand Equity Deconstruction and Restoration Process: Lessons from Unliked Brands.
In: 8th Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA), Valencia, Spain, 25-27 June 2018,
Veloutsou, C. , Dessart, L. and Aldas-Manzano, J.
Heterogeneous Brand Engagement in Brand Communities.
47th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Glasgow, UK, 29 May - 1 June 2018.
Osuna Ramirez, S.A., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Towards a Conceptualization of Brand Polarization.
13th Global Brand Conference, Newcastle, UK, 2-4 May 2018.
Chevtchouk, Y., Veloutsou, C. and Paton, R.
The Process of Brand Experience: An Interdisciplinary Perspective.
In: 45th Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Coronado Island, CA, USA, 24-26 May 2017,
pp. 499-500.
ISBN 9783319660226
(doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-66023-3_168)
Veloutsou, C. and Aimpitaksa, J. B.
The Lovemarks Effect.
In: 45th Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Coronado Island, CA, USA, 24-26 May 2017,
pp. 259-260.
ISBN 9783319660226
(doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-66023-3_94)
Beynon, M. J., Moutinho, L. and Veloutsou, C.
An exposition of the role of consideration sets in a DS/AHP analysis of consumer choice.
In: Moutinho, L. and Sokele, M. (eds.)
Innovative Research Methodologies in Management: Volume I: Philosophy, Measurement and Modelling.
Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, Switzerland, pp. 237-274.
ISBN 9783319643939
(doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-64394-6_10)
Veloutsou, C. and Black, I.
Brand Communities and the Roles of their Members.
3rd International Colloquium on Corporate Branding, Identity, Image and Reputation (COBIIR): Current and Future Trends, Developments and Challenges, London, UK, 7-8 Sept 2017.
Osuna Ramírez, S. A., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
A systematic literature review of brand commitment: definitions, perspectives and dimensions.
Athens Journal of Business and Economics, 3(3),
pp. 305-332.
(doi: 10.30958/ajbe.3.3.5)
Sahidi, D., Paton, R. and Veloutsou, C.
Ontological Foundation for Different Types of Value Creation Practices.
5th Naples Forum on Service, Naples, Italy, 6-9 June 2017.
Black, I. and Veloutsou, C.
Working consumers: co-creation of brand identity, consumer identity and brand community identity.
Journal of Business Research, 70,
pp. 416-429.
(doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2016.07.012)
Ruiz-Mafe, C., Aldas-Manzano, J. and Veloutsou, C. (Eds.)
Communicating Brands in an Increasingly Complex and Global Environment.
Athens Institute of Education and Research: Athens.
ISBN 9789605981709
Bian, X. and Veloutsou, C.
Consumers’ attitudes regarding non-deceptive counterfeit brands in the UK and China.
In: Balmer, J. M.T. and Chen, W. (eds.)
Advances in Chinese Brand Management.
Series: Journal of brand management: advanced collections.
Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 331-350.
ISBN 9781352000108
Chatzipanagiotou, K. , Veloutsou, C. and Christodoulides, G.
Managing the Consumer-Based Brand Equity Process Across Countries.
AMA Global Marketing SIG, Havana, Cuba, 6-8 Apr 2017.
Chevtchouk, Y., Veloutsou, C. and Paton, R.
Towards a definition of Brand Experience: an interdisciplinary perspective.
In: 12th Global Brand Conference, Kalmar, Sweden, 26-28 Apr 2017,
pp. 127-134.
ISBN 9789188357694
Dessart, L. and Veloutsou, C.
The Role of Self-Determination in Negative Brand Relationships: A Focus on the Apple Anti-Brand Community.
5th International Consumer-Brand Relationships Conference, Porto, Portugal, 18-20 May 2017.
Dessart, L., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Explaining Anti-brand Community Participation.
12th Global Brand Conference, Kalmar, Sweden, 26-28 Apr 2017.
Pasternak, O., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Self-presentation, privacy and electronic word-of-mouth in social media.
Journal of Product and Brand Management, 26(4),
pp. 415-428.
(doi: 10.1108/JPBM-04-2016-1150)
Ruiz-Mafe, C. and Veloutsou, C.
Special issue on information flow and WOM in social media and online communities.
Online Information Review, 41(7),
pp. 902-904.
(doi: 10.1108/oir-09-2017-0255)
Veloutsou, C. , Chatzipanagiotou, K. and Christodoulides, G.
Consumer-Based Brand Equity Development Process: A Diagnostic Tool for Least Favourite Brands.
12th Global Brand Conference, Kalmar, Sweden, 26-28 Apr 2017.
Veloutsou, C. and Guzmán, F.
The evolution of brand management thinking over the last 25 years as recorded in the Journal of Product and Brand Management.
Journal of Product and Brand Management, 26(1),
pp. 2-12.
(doi: 10.1108/JPBM-01-2017-1398)
Chatzipanagiotou, K. , Veloutsou, C. and Christodoulides, G.
Decoding the complexity of the consumer-based brand equity process.
Journal of Business Research, 69(11),
pp. 5479-5486.
(doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2016.04.159)
Dessart, L., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Capturing consumer engagement: duality, dimensionality and measurement.
Journal of Marketing Management, 32(5-6),
pp. 399-426.
(doi: 10.1080/0267257X.2015.1130738)
Black, I. and Veloutsou, C.
Working Consumers as Co-creators of the Brand Identity and the Brand Community Identity.
In: 19th Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Paris, France, 20-22 July 2016,
Chatzipanagiotou, K. , Veloutsou, C. and Christodoulides, G.
The Consumer-Based Brand Equity Process: An fs/Qualitative Comparative Analysis Approach.
In: 6th Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA 2016), Valencia, Spain, 20-23 March 2016,
Dessart, L. and Veloutsou, C.
The Central and Sufficient Role of Identification in Brand Communities.
In: 44th Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Orlanda, FL, USA, 18-21 May 2016,
Veloutsou, C. , Aldas-Manzano, J. and Ruiz-Mafe, C.
The Dual Nature of Spreading Negative eWoM for Branded Offers: Emotional Reaction Or Social Response?
In: 44th Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Orlanda, FL, USA, 18-21 May 2016,
Veloutsou, C. and Black, I.
Creating and Managing Brand Meaning: The Interaction and Roles of Brand Owners and Working Consumers.
In: 19th International Corporate Identity Group (ICIG) Symposium, Essex, UK, 13-15 June 2016,
Christodoulides, G., Cadogan, J. W. and Veloutsou, C.
Consumer-based brand equity measurement: lessons learned from an international study.
International Marketing Review, 32(3/4),
pp. 307-328.
(doi: 10.1108/IMR-10-2013-0242)
Dessart, L., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Consumer Engagement in an Online Brand Community: Development and Validation of a Scale.
In: 18th Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Bari, Italy, 14-18 Jul 2015,
Dessart, L., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Consumer engagement in online brand communities: a social media perspective.
Journal of Product and Brand Management, 24(1),
pp. 28-42.
(doi: 10.1108/JPBM-06-2014-0635)
Pasternak, O., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Identifying the Nature of Consumer’s eWOM Activity on Facebook Brand Pages: an Exploratory Study.
In: 10th Global Brand Conference, Turku, Finland, 27-29 Apr 2015,
Ruiz-Mafe, C., Aldas-Manzano, J. and Veloutsou, C.
The Effect of Negative Electronic Word of Mouth on switching Intentions: A Social Interaction Utility Approach.
In: 18th Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Bari, Italy, 14-18 Jul 2015,
Ruiz-Mafe, C., Aldas-Manzano, J. and Veloutsou, C.
Understanding and Managing Negative eWom: The Role of Trust, Dissatisfaction and Negative Brand Relationships.
In: 10th Global Brand Conference, Turku, Finland, 27-29 Apr 2015,
Veloutsou, C.
Brand evaluation, satisfaction and trust as predictors of brand loyalty: the mediator-moderator effect of brand relationships.
Journal of Consumer Marketing, 32(6),
pp. 405-421.
(doi: 10.1108/JCM-02-2014-0878)
Veloutsou, C. and Chreppas, C.
Training or vacation? The academic conference tourism.
Tourismos, 10(1),
pp. 101-130.
Veloutsou, C. , Dessart, L. and Arvaniti, G. M.
The role of online social interaction in the recommendation of a game brand community.
In: Parreno, J. M., Ruiz Mafe, C. and Scribner, L. (eds.)
Engaging Consumers through Branded Entertainment and Convergent Media.
Series: Advances in marketing, customer relationship management, and e-services (AMCRMES) book series.
Business Science Reference, An imprint of IGI Global: Hershey, PA, pp. 89-109.
ISBN 9781466683426
Dessart, L., Morgan-Thomas, A. and Veloutsou, C.
Customer engagement in online brand communities: a social media perspective.
In: 9th Global Brand Conference, AM SIG, Hertfordshire, UK, 9-11 Apr 2014,
Grigoriou, N. and Veloutsou, C. (Eds.)
Theoretical and Empirical Reflections in Marketing.
Athens Institute of Education and Research (ATINER): Athens.
ISBN 9786185065584
Dessart, L., Morgan-Thomas, A. and Veloutsou, C.
What drives anti-brand community behaviours: an examination of online hate of technology brands.
In: 2014 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, 21-23 May 2014,
Dessart, L., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Materiality of online brand community.
In: 17th AMS World Marketing Congress, Lima, Peru, 5-8 Aug 2014,
Dessart, L., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Brand communities and anti-brand communities: similarities, differences and implications to practitioners.
In: Grigoriou, N. and Veloutsou, C. (eds.)
Theoretical and Empirical Reflections in Marketing.
Athens Institute of Education and Research (ATINER): Athens, pp. 63-78.
ISBN 9786185065584
Pasternak, O., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
External brand communication: a literature review of the antecedents to word-of-mouth.
In: Grigoriou, N. and Veloutsou, C. (eds.)
Theoretical and Empirical Reflections in Marketing.
Athens Institute of Education and Research (ATINER): Athens, pp. 79-106.
ISBN 9786185065584
Veloutsou, C. and Arvaniti, G.M.
Brands as socialising agents.
In: 43rd European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Valencia, Spain, 3-6 Jun 2014,
Veloutsou, C. and Arvaniti, G.M.
Company initiated communities of fantasy and brands as relationship builders.
In: 17th AMS World Marketing Congress, Lima, Peru, 5-8 Aug 2014,
Veloutsou, C. and Arvaniti, G.M.
The role of online social interaction in the recommendation of a brand community.
In: 2014 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, 21-23 May 2014,
Morgan-Thomas, A. and Veloutsou, C.
Beyond technology acceptance: Brand relationships and online brand experience.
Journal of Business Research, 66(1),
pp. 21-27.
(doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2011.07.019)
Veloutsou, C.
Predicting disloyalty to a search Eengine: the role of satisfaction, brand relationship, reputation and the search engines features.
In: 16th Biennial World Marketing Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 17-20 Jul 2013,
Veloutsou, C. and Christodoulides, G.
Modelling the antecedents of consumer-brand relationship strength.
In: 8th Global Brand Conference, AM SIG, Porto, Portugal, 3-5 Apr 2013,
Veloutsou, C. , Christodoulides, G. and de Chernatony, L.
A taxonomy of measures for consumer-based brand equity: drawing on the views of managers in Europe.
Journal of Product and Brand Management, 22(3),
pp. 238-248.
(doi: 10.1108/JPBM-02-2013-0256)
Azar, S. and Veloutsou, C.
Getting loyal to and relating with feminine brands.
In: 41st European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Lisbon, Portugal, 22-25 May 2012,
Christodoulides, G., Cadogan, J., Veloutsou, C. and de Chernatony, L.
Revisiting brand equity: evidence from three European countries.
In: 41st European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Lisbon, Portugal, 22-25 May 2012,
Dessart, L., Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Brand communities and anti-brand communities: similarities, differences and implications for practitioners.
Atiner Conference Paper Series,
Tsiotsou, R. and Veloutsou, C.
Tribe: measuring tribal behavior in service brands.
In: MA SERVSIG 2012 International Service Research Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 7-9 June 2012,
Veloutsou, C. and Chreppas, C.
Training or vacation? The academic conference tourism.
In: 2nd Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing & Management Conference, Corfu, 31 May - 3 June 2012,
Veloutsou, C. and McAlonan, A.
Loyalty and or disloyalty to a search engine: the case of young Millennials.
Journal of Consumer Marketing, 29(2),
pp. 125-135.
(doi: 10.1108/07363761211206375)
Veloutsou, C. and Taylor, C.
The role of the brand as a person to business to business brands.
Industrial Marketing Management, 41(6),
pp. 898-907.
(doi: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2012.02.004)
Veloutsou, C.
Journal of Brand Management, 18(6),
pp. 371-373.
(doi: 10.1057/bm.2011.15)
Centeno, E. and Veloutsou, C. (Eds.)
New Perspectives on Contemporary Marketing.
Athens Institute of Education and Research (ATINER): Athens.
ISBN 9789609549691
Christodoulides, G. and Veloutsou, C.
Getting to Grips with the Dimensions of Brand Equity: An Exploratory European Study Amongst Consultants and Managers.
In: 7th Thought Leaders Conference on Brand Management, Lugano, Switzerland, 11-12 March,
El-Manstrly, D., Paton, R. , Veloutsou, C. and Moutinho, L.
An empirical investigation of the relative effect of trust and switching costs on brand loyalty in the UK retail banking industry.
Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 16(2),
pp. 101-110.
(doi: 10.1057/fsm.2011.9)
Tsiotsou, R. and Veloutsou, C.
The Role of Brand Personality on Brand Relationships and Tribal Behavior: An Integrative Model.
In: 40th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 24-27 May 2011,
Veloutsou, C. and Christodoulides, G.
European Study of Brand Equity.
In: Centeno, E. and Veloutsou, C. (eds.)
New Perspectives on Contemporary Marketing.
Athens Institute of Education and Research: Athens.
ISBN 9789609549691
Veloutsou, C. and Moutinho, L.
Tribal Behaviour and its Effect on Brand Relationships: The View of the More Mature Market.
In: 16th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications, Athens, Greece, 27-29 April,
Veloutsou, C. and Tsiotsou, R.
Examining the Link between Brand Relationships and Tribal Behaviour: A Structural Model.
In: 7th Thought Leaders Conference on Brand Management, Lugano, Switzerland, 11-12 March,
Jevons,, C., Veloutsou, C. , Christodoulidis, G. and de Chernatony, L.
Introduction: thought leadership in brand management.
Journal of Business Research, 63(11),
pp. 1111-1112.
(doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2009.10.005)
Christodoulides, G., Veloutsou, C. , Jevons, C., de Chematony, L. and Papadopoulos, N. (Eds.)
Contemporary issues in brand research.
Athens Institute of Education and Research (ATINER): Athens, Greece.
ISBN 9789606672682
Bazaki, E. and Veloutsou, C.
Brand communities, subcultures of consumption, neo-tribes: a melange of terminology.
In: Christodoulides, G., Veloutsou, C., Jevons, C., de Chernatony, L. and Papadopoulos, N. (eds.)
Contemporary Issues in Brand Research.
Athens Institute for Education and Research: Athens, Greece, pp. 163-180.
ISBN 9789606672682
Beynon, M.J., Moutinho, L. and Veloutsou, C.
A Dempster-Shafer theory based exposition of probabilistic reasoning in consumer choice.
In: Casillas, J. and Martínez López, F.J. (eds.)
Marketing Intelligence Systems Using Soft Computing.
Series: Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing (258).
Springer, pp. 365-387.
ISBN 9783642156052
(doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-15606-9_21)
Beynon, M.J., Moutinho, L. and Veloutsou, C.
Gender differences in supermarket choice: an expositional analysis in the presence of ignorance using CaRBS.
European Journal of Marketing, 44(1/2),
pp. 267-290.
(doi: 10.1108/03090561011008709)
El-Manstrly, D., Paton, R.A. and Veloutsou, C.
Where is customer loyalty in the UK retail banking industry?
In: Christodoulides, G., Veloutsou, C., Jevons, C., de Chernatony, L. and Papadopoulos, N. (eds.)
Contemporary Issues in Brand Research.
Athens Institute of Education and Research (ATINER): Athens, Greece, pp. 131-148.
ISBN 9789606672682
Moutinho, L., Beynon, M. and Veloutsou, C.
A new dempster-shafer theory based exposition of probabilistic reasoning in consumer choice.
In: Casillas, J. and Martínez López, F.J. (eds.)
Marketing Intelligent Systems Using Soft Computing.
Series: Studies in fuzziness and soft computing.
Springer Verlag: Berlin, Germany, pp. 365-388.
ISBN 9783642156052
Taylor, C. and Veloutsou, C.
Country of Origin for b2b Brands: the Views of Various Players.
In: 6th Thought Leaders Conference on Brand Management, Lugano, Switzerland, 18-20 April,
Veloutsou, C.
Le relazioni marca-consumatore.
In: Petruzzellis, L. and Chebat, J.-C. (eds.)
Comportamento del Consumatore: Teoria e Casi di Studio.
Pearson Prentice Hall: Milan, Italy, pp. 137-159.
ISBN 9788871926018
Veloutsou, C. and Chreppas, C.
Factors Affecting Meeting Participation Intentions: the Case of Academic Conference Tourism.
In: 39th European Marketing Academy Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1-4 June 2010,
Veloutsou, C. and Chreppas, C.
Factors affecting meeting participation intentions: the case of academic conference tourism.
In: Kefalaki, M. and Tixier, D. (eds.)
Challenges and Prospects in Tourism Research.
ATINER: Athens, Greece, pp. 189-211.
ISBN 9789606672941
Veloutsou, C. and Christodoulides, G.
Brand equity: does personality congruence matter?
In: Christodoulides, G., Veloutsou, C., Jevons, C., de Chernatony, L. and Papadopoulos, N. (eds.)
Contemporary Issues in Brand Research.
Athens Institute for Education and Research: Athens, Greece.
ISBN 9789606672682
Veloutsou, C. and McAlonan, A.
The Age Issue: Search Engines Satisfaction and Loyalty.
In: 6th Thought Leaders Conference on Brand Management, Lugano, Switzerland, 18-20 April,
Veloutsou, C. and Morgan-Thomas, A.
Online Brand Relationships: An Integrative Model of Satisfaction, Relationship and Technology Acceptance.
In: 6th Thought Leaders Conference on Brand Management, Lugano, Switzerland, 18-20 April 2010,
Veloutsou, C.
Brands as relationship facilitators in consumer markets.
Marketing Theory, 9(1),
pp. 127-130.
(doi: 10.1177/1470593108100068)
Veloutsou, C. and Moutinho, L.
Brand relationships through brand reputation and brand tribalism.
Journal of Business Research, 62(3),
pp. 314-322.
(doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2008.05.010)
Veloutsou, C. (Ed.)
Managing Small and Medium Firms in a Changing Environment.
Athens Institute of Education and Research (ATINER): Athens, Greece.
ISBN 9789606672620
Veloutsou, C. (Ed.)
Marketing Management: From Theory to Implementation.
Athens Institute of Education and Research (ATINER): Athens, Greece.
ISBN 9789606672613
Bazaki, E. and Veloutsou, C.
Brand Communities, Subcultures of Consumption, Neo-tribes: a Melange of Terminology.
In: 5th Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management, Athens, Greece, 6-7 April 2009,
Christodoulides, G. and Veloutsou, C.
The Impact of Self Congruity and Brand Relationships on Brand Equity Facets.
In: 38th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Nantes, France, 26-29 May,
Christodoulides, G. and Veloutsou, C.
The impact of self-congruity and brand relationships on brand equity facets.
In: Helfer, J.-P. and Nicolas, J.-L. (eds.)
EMAC Conference (38 : 2009 : Nantes).
European Marketing Academy: Nantes, France, p. 190.
de Chernatony, L., Veloutsou, C. , Christodoulides, G. and Cottam, S.
Introduction: special issue on advances in brand management.
Journal of Business Research, 62(3),
pp. 289-290.
El-Manstrly, D., Paton, R.A. and Veloutsou, C.
Where is Customer Loyalty in the UK Retail Banking Industry?
In: 5th Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management, Athens, Greece, 6-7 Apr 2009,
Veloutsou, C. and Christodoulidis, G.
Brand Equity: Does Personality Congruence Matter?
In: 5th Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management, Athens, Greece, 6-7 April 2009,
Veloutsou, C. and McAlonan, A.
Searching on the Internet: What Will Make Teenagers Loyal to a Search Engine?
In: 38th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Nantes, France, 26-29 May 2009,
Veloutsou, C.
In: Veloutsou, C. (ed.)
Managing Small and Medium Firms in a Chaning Environment.
ATINER, pp. 1-8.
ISBN 9789606672620
Veloutsou, C. (Ed.)
Advances in Entrepreneurship Research.
Athens Institute of Education and Research (ATINER): Athens.
ISBN 9789606672330
Veloutsou, C. and Papadopoulos, N. (Eds.)
Marketing in Dynamic Environments: Contemporary Research Advances.
Athens Institute for Education and Research.
ISBN 9789606672309
Bazaki, E. and Veloutsou, C.
Sport Related Factors, Brand Communities and Brand Relationship as Antecedents of Brand Equity.
In: 4th Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management, Birmingham, UK, 15-16 April 2008,
Veloutsou, C. and Bian, X.
A cross-national examination of consumer perceived risk in the context of non-deceptive counterfeit brands.
Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 7(1),
pp. 3-20.
(doi: 10.1002/cb.231)
Veloutsou, C.
Brand Evaluation, Satisfaction and Trust as Predictors of Brand Loyalty: The Mediator-Moderator Effect of Brand Relationships.
In: 4th Thought Leaders Conference on Brand Management, Birmingham, UK, 15-16 April 2008,
Veloutsou, C.
Branding: a constantly developing concept.
Journal of Brand Management, 15(5),
pp. 299-300.
(doi: 10.1057/bm.2008.2)
Bian, X. and Veloutsou, C.
Consumers' attitudes regarding non-deceptive counterfeit brands in the UK and China.
Journal of Brand Management, 14(3),
pp. 211-222.
(doi: 10.1057/
Veloutsou, C.
Idenifying the dimensions of the product-brand and consumer relationship.
Journal of Marketing Management, 23(1/2),
pp. 7-26.
(doi: 10.1362/026725707X177892)
Alghamdi, A., Veloutsou, C. and Moutinho, L.
Implicit Motivation and Outbound Tourism within the Context of Restricted Societies.
In: 36th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Reykjavík, Iceland, 22-25 May,
Veloutsou, C.
Brand identity, brand image and brand reputation for a country: some thoughts on Greece as a brand.
In: Epitropoulos, M.F.G. (ed.)
Issues on Tourism Policy.
Athens Institute for Education and Research: Athens, Greece, pp. 65-80.
ISBN 9789606672194
Veloutsou, C.
E ellada os touristika proion: eponime tautoteta, eponime eikona kai eponime feme.
In: Papanikos, (ed.)
Touristika Themata.
Athens Institute of Education and Research (ATINER), pp. 49-62.
Veloutsou, C. and Moutinho, L.
Tribal Brands Re-Addressing Brand Relationships.
In: Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management, Birmingham, UK, 25-25 April,
Davies, F., Veloutsou, C. and Costa, A.
Investigating the influence of a joint sponsorship of rival teams on supporter attitudes and brand preference.
Journal of Marketing Communications, 12(1),
pp. 31-48.
(doi: 10.1080/13527260500264574)
Veloutsou, C. (Ed.)
Managing the Development of SME's.
Athens Institute of Education and Research (ATINER): Athens, Greece.
ISBN 9789606672026
Papadopoulos, N. and Veloutsou, C. (Eds.)
Marketing from the Trenches: Perspectives on the Road Ahead.
Athens Institute of Education and Research (ATINER): Athens, Greece.
ISBN 9789606672064
El-Manstrly, D., Veloutsou, C. and Moutinho, L.
An Empirical Investigation of the Moderator Effect of Switching Costs on the Relationships Between Satisfaction, Trust and Loyalty in the UK Retail Banking Industry.
In: 35th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Athens, Greece, 23-26 May,
Gilbert, R., Phau, I. and Veloutsou, C.
Marketing Student Work Preferences.
In: 35th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Athens, Greece, 23-26 May,
Gilbert, R. and Veloutsou, C.
A cross-industry comparison of customer satisfaction.
Journal of Services Marketing, 20(5),
pp. 298-308.
(doi: 10.1108/08876040610679918)
Veloutsou, C.
The Role of the Overall Evaluation of Brands and Brand Relationship in the Development of Loyalty.
In: 35th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Athens, Greece, 23-26 May,
Veloutsou, C. and Ahmed, S.R.
Perception of sex appeal in print advertising by young female Anglo-Saxon and second generation Asian-Islamic British.
Journal of Promotion Management, 11(2/3),
pp. 91-111.
(doi: 10.1300/J057v11n02_07)
Moutinho, L., Veloutsou, C. , Gilbert, R. and Goode, M.
The Calibrated Convergence Index (CCI): A Measurement Tool for Multi-Country Replicated Research.
In: 34th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Milan, Italy, 24-27 May,
O'Donnell, C. and Veloutsou, C.
Exploring the effectiveness of taxis as an advertising medium.
International Journal of Advertising, 24(2),
pp. 217-240.
Panigyrakis, G., Veloutsou, C. and Mylonakis, J.
The role effectiveness of public relations managers in product and service firms in six European countries: background, activities, roles and work related factors.
Global Review of Business and Economic Research, 1(1),
pp. 19-40.
Spais, G. and Veloutsou, C.
Marketing analytics: managing incomplete information in consumer markets and the contribution of mathematics to the accountability of marketing decisions.
South European Review of Business Finance and Accounting, 3(1),
pp. 127-150.
Spais, G.B. and Veloutsou, C.
Marketing Analytics: Managing Incomplete Information in Consumer Markets and the Contribution of Mathematics to the Accountability of Marketing Decisions.
In: 2005 HERCMA Conference, Athens University of Economics & Business, Sept. 22-24,
Veloutsou, C.
Identifying the Dimensions of the Product-Brand and Consumer Relationship.
In: 1st Annual International Colloquium on Critical Issues in Brand Management, The Birmingham Business School, 11 April,
pp. 3-6.
Veloutsou, C. and Bian, X.
Consumer’s Attitudes Towards Non-Deceptive Counterfeit Brands in the UK and China.
In: 34th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Milan, Italy, 24-27 May,
Veloutsou, C. , Gilbert, G.R., Moutinho, L. and Goode, M.M.H.
Measuring transaction-specific satisfaction in services: are the measures transferable across cultures?
European Journal of Marketing, 39(5/6),
pp. 606-628.
(doi: 10.1108/03090560510590737)
Veloutsou, C. , Paton, R.A. and Lewis, J.
Consultation and reliability of information sources pertaining to university selection: some questions answered?
International Journal of Educational Management, 19(4),
pp. 279-291.
(doi: 10.1108/09513540510599617)
Veloutsou, C. , Saren, M. and Tzokas, N.
Relationship marketing: what if...?
In: Egan, J. and Harper, M. (eds.)
Relationship Marketing.
ISBN 1412908663
Veloutsou, C. and Scott, A.
Brand Expression and Brand Reputation: Developing Consistency.
In: 34th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Milan, Italy, 24-27 May,
Veloutsou, C. , Daskou, S. and Daskou, A.
Are the determinants of bank loyalty brand specific?
Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 9(2),
pp. 113-125.
(doi: 10.1057/palgrave.fsm.4770146)
Veloutsou, C. , Lewis, J. and Paton, R.A.
University Selection: Information requirements and importance.
International Journal of Educational Management, 18(3),
pp. 160-171.
(doi: 10.1108/09513540410527158)
Veloutsou, C.
Brand failures: the truth about the 100 biggest branding mistakes of all time: Haig, M. (2003), Kogan Press.
European Management Journal, 22(1),
p. 123.
(doi: 10.1016/j.emj.2003.11.020)[Book Review]
Veloutsou, C. and Panigyrakis, G.
Consumer Brand Managers' job stress, job satisfaction, perceived performance and intention to leave.
Journal of Marketing Management, 20(1/2),
pp. 105-131.
(doi: 10.1362/026725704773041140)
Veloutsou, C. and Papanikos, G. (Eds.)
The Modern Business Function and Environment.
Athens Institute of Education and Research (ATINER): Athens, Greece.
ISBN 9789608833197
Bian, X. and Veloutsou, C.
Perceived Risk When Purchasing Non-Deceptive Counterfeit Products.
In: 33rd European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Murcia, Spain, 18-21 May 2004,
Bradley, L., Brathwaite, T., Fent, T., Marktanner, M. and Veloutsou, C.
Hosting the Olympics: business and the economy.
Global Business and Economics Review - Anthology,
pp. 602-613.
Daskou, S., Veloutsou, C. and Tzokas, N.
The Uncharted Territory of Respect for your Customers: A Critical Incident Approach.
In: 33nd European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Murcia, Spain, 18-21 May 2004,
Gilbert, G.R., Veloutsou, C. , Goode, M.M.H. and Moutinho, L.
Measuring customer satisfaction in the fast food industry: a cross national approach.
Journal of Services Marketing, 18(5),
pp. 371-383.
(doi: 10.1108/08876040410548294)
Gilbert, R., Veloutsou, C. , Moutinho, L. and Goode, M.
Measuring Transaction Specific Satisfaction: Are the Measures Transferable Across Cultures?
In: 33nd European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Murcia, Spain, 18-21 May 2004,
Moutinho, L., Veloutsou, C. and Gioulistanis, E.
Own labels choice criteria and perceived characteristics in Greece and Scotland: Factors influencing the willingness to buy.
Journal of Product and Brand Management, 13(4),
pp. 228-241.
(doi: 10.1108/10610420410546943)
Veloutsou, C.
Two case studies.
In: Petrochilos, G. (ed.)
Management Economics: A European Text.
McMillan, 152 - 154.
ISBN 033399423X
Veloutsou, C.
Book review: Consuming behaviour by John Desmond (2003).
Journal of Customer Behaviour, 2(1),
pp. 125-126.
(doi: 10.1362/147539203764935417)[Book Review]
Veloutsou, C. (Ed.)
Communicating with Customers: Trends and Developments.
Athens Institute of Education and Research (ATINER): Athens, Greece.
ISBN 9789608782228
Papanikos, G. and Veloutsou, C. (Eds.)
Global Issues of Business [3 vols.].
Athens Institute of Education and Research (ATINER): Athens, Greece.
ISBN 9789608782228
Daskou, S., Veloutsou, C. and Daskou, A.
Retail Banking Image and Customer Loyalty: The Greek Experience.
In: 32nd European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Glasgow, UK, 20-23 May,
Gilbert, R., Veloutsou, C. , Goode, M. and Moutinho, L.
A Cross-Industry Comparison of Customer Satisfaction (abstract).
In: Academy of Marketing Science Ninth Biennial World Marketing Congress, Perth, Western Australia, June 11-14,
Veloutsou, C. , Daskou, S. and Kennedy, H.
Ethics and advertising: how unethical guilt, sex appeal and women in stereotyping roles are really perceived by young Scots?
In: Veloutsou, C. (ed.)
Communicating with Customers: Trends and Developments.
Athens Institute of Education and Research (ATINER), Athens, Greece, pp. 77-94.
ISBN 9789608782228
Veloutsou, C. , Daskou, S. and Kennedy, H.
Ethics and Advertising: How unethical the use of guilt, sex appeal and women in stereotyping roles are really perceived by young Scots? (abstract).
In: First International Conference on Business Economics, Management and Marketing, Athens, Greece, 2004,
Veloutsou, C. and Smyth, A.
Towards the Identification of The Dimensions of The Relationship with the Brand.
In: 32nd European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Glasgow, UK, 20-23 May,
Veloutsou, C.
Essential qualitative methods for business and management, Les Oakshott, Palgrave, 2001 (2nd edition).
European Management Journal, 20(6),
pp. 711-712.
(doi: 10.1016/S0263-2373(02)00127-5)[Book Review]
Veloutsou, C.
'Essential Qualitative Methods for Business and Management' by Les Oakshott.
European Management Journal, 20(6),
pp. 711-712.
(doi: 10.1016/S0263-2373(02)00127-5)[Book Review]
Veloutsou, C.
Brand managers' expected and perceived responsibilities in the automobile industry.
Journal of Brand Management, 9(6),
pp. 452-462.
(doi: 10.1057/
Moutinho, L., Davies, F. and Veloutsou, C.
Futurecast in marketing: findings from an academic think tank.
European Journal of Marketing, 36(4),
pp. 415-416.
Panigyrakis, G., Theodoridis, P. and Veloutsou, C.
All customers are not treated equally: financial exclusion in isolated Greek islands.
Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 7(1),
pp. 54-66.
(doi: 10.1057/palgrave.fsm.4770072)
Veloutsou, C.
Factors influencing the inclusion to the consideration set of a certain destination brand.
Tourism Today, 2,
pp. 62-78.
Veloutsou, C. , Saren, M. and Tzokas, N.
Relationship Marketing: What if ...?
European Journal of Marketing, 36(4),
pp. 433-449.
(doi: 10.1108/03090560210417255)
Veloutsou, C. and Panigyrakis, G.
Brand teams and the brand management structure in pharmaceutical and other fast-moving consumer goods companies.
Journal of Strategic Marketing, 9(3),
pp. 233-251.
(doi: 10.1080/096525401301420152)
Panigyrakis, G. and Veloutsou, C.
Public Relations Activities in the Services Sector.
In: 30th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Bergen, Norway, 8-11 May,
Panigyrakis, G. and Veloutsou, C.
Role Performance Differences of French and Japanese Consumer Product Managers.
In: 30th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Bergen, Norway, 8-11 May,
Panigyrakis, G., Veloutsou, C. and Theodoridis, P.
Banking Needs and Provided Bank Services in Isolated Islands in Greece.
In: Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Cardiff, Wales. UK, July 2001,
Veloutsou, C.
Developing Brand Relationships.
In: Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, (Competitive Paper), Cardiff, Wales. UK, July 2001,
Panigyrakis, G.G. and Veloutsou, C.
Problems and future of the brand management structure in the fast moving consumer goods industry: the viewpoint of brand managers in Greece.
Journal of Marketing Management, 16(1-3),
pp. 165-184.
(doi: 10.1362/026725700785100424)
Veloutsou, C.
Organising the Marketing Activities in the Automobile Industry: Expected and Perceived Responsibilities of Marketing Personnel.
In: Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Derby. UK, July 2000,
Veloutsou, C. and Panigyrakis, G.
Job Stressors and Work Outcomes of Consumer Brand Managers.
In: 29th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 26 May,
Panigyrakis, G. and Veloutsou, C.
Brand Manager’s Planning Role for Fast Moving Consumer Good Products.
In: Academy of Marketing Science Ninth Biennial World Marketing Congress, Malta, June 23-26,
Panigyrakis, G. and Veloutsou, C.
The Future of Brand Management Structure: The Brand Managers’ View.
In: Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Stirling, Scotland, UK, July 1999,
Panigyrakis, G. and Veloutsou, C.
The Future of the Brand Management System.
In: International Conference: Preparing the Manager of the 21st Century, Thessaloniki, Greece, 16-19 December,
pp. 67-75.
Panigyrakis, G. and Veloutsou, C.
Pasta in Europe.
In: Antonides, G. and van Raaij, F. (eds.)
Cases in Human Behaviour.
John Wiley, pp. 133-140.
ISBN 9780471987819
Panigyrakis, G. and Veloutsou, C.
Public relations management in bank and hotel industries in Greece.
Current Issues in Services Marketing.
Series: Discussion paper, 2 (1999/6).
Nottingham University. Business School.
Panigyrakis, G. and Veloutsou, C.
Teaching notes for the case study "Pasta in Europe".
Instructors Manual of Cases in Consumer Behaviour.
John Wiley, pp. 83-85.
Panigyrakis, G., Veloutsou, C. and Ventoura, Z.
The Role Effectiveness of Public Relations Managers in Product and Service Firms in Six European Countries. Background, Activities, Roles and Work Related Factors.
In: 28th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Berlin, Germany, 11-14 May,
Panigyrakis, G.G. and Veloutsou, C.
Brand managers in the pharmaceutical industry: are they any different?
Journal of Product and Brand Management, 8(6),
pp. 497-512.
(doi: 10.1108/10610429910299737)
Panigyrakis, G.G. and Veloutsou, C.
Brand managers’ interfaces in different consumer goods industries.
Journal of Product and Brand Management, 8(1),
pp. 19-37.
(doi: 10.1108/10610429910257959)
Panigyrakis, G.G. and Veloutsou, C.
Brand managers’ relations with industrial service providers in pharmaceutical and other companies.
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 14(3),
pp. 229-247.
(doi: 10.1108/08858629910272256)
Veloutsou, C.
The Brand Management System: Past, Present and Future.
In: Business and Economics Society International Conference, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, 22-26 July,
Panigyrakis, G. and Veloutsou, C.
Brand Manager’s Main Responsibilities in Different Consumer Goods Industri.
In: 27th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Stockholm, Sweden, 19-23 May,
Panigyrakis, G. and Veloutsou, C.
Brand Managers and Industrial Service Suppliers in Pharmaceutical and Other Fast Moving Consumer Goods Companies.
In: Academy of Marketing Science, Multicultural Marketing Conference, Montreal, Canada, 17-20 September,
Panigyrakis, G. and Veloutsou, C.
Brand Managers as Co-ordinators of Brand’s Team in Pharmaceutical and Other Fast Moving Consumer Goods Companies.
In: Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Sheffield, UK, 8-10 July,
Panigyrakis, G.G. and Veloutsou, C.
Sex-related differences of public relations managers in consumer goods companies in Greece and Italy.
Women in Management Review, 13(2),
pp. 72-82.
(doi: 10.1108/09649429810208747)
Panigyrakis, G.G. and Veloutsou, C.
Women and men as public relations managers in consumer goods industries in Greece and Italy: a comparison study of individual characteristics, roles played, interfaces and difficulties encountered.
In: Backhaus, K. (ed.)
Contemporary Developments in Marketing.
ESKA: Paris, pp. 521-534.
ISBN 9782869116726
Panigyrakis, G. and Veloutsou, C.
Interfaces of the Product/Brand Manager – A Cross Sector Analysis in Consumer Goods Companies.
In: 26th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Warwick, UK, 19-23 May,
Panigyrakis, G. and Veloutsou, C.
Men and Women as Public Relations Managers in Consumer Goods Industries in Greece and Italy: A comparison study of individual characteristics, role played, interfaces and difficulties encountered.
In: International Marketing: New Frontiers and Tendencies, Montpellier, France, 13-19 October,
Panigyrakis, G. and Veloutsou, C.
The Brand Management of Consumer Products in Greece – A Comparison Study of Gender Differences Based on Individual Characteristics and Job Related Factors.
In: 24th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Paris, France, 16-19 May,
This list was generated on Wed Feb 12 08:23:15 2025 GMT.