Annual Progress Review (APR)

*NEW* April 2021

A new online MyCampus-based APR system has been developed and will be piloted in COSE and COSS.  The new system is due to go-live on 6 April 2021.  More information will be circulated to you about local processes and timelines in due course by your School. 

February 2021

The University understands that many students might be concerned about how they will represent their progress in the context of the ongoing pandemic-related disruptions to their work, whether this is for health or family reasons, other personal circumstances, or an inability to access resources, undertake fieldwork, etc. It is intended that the APR process will take place this year according to the normal timetable for your School or Institute and you will be informed of the specific details in due course.


Students are encouraged to engage fully with the process and to regard this as an opportunity to formalise and discuss the progress you have made, as well as what progress you have been unable to make to the extent that was expected. It’s very important to review where you are with your research, what you still need to do, and what your plans are for continuing or finishing your research project. This is also a good chance to reflect on and review any mitigating actions you have applied to your studies.


The APR process is an important element of assessing your work and the feedback you receive should be taken seriously. However, please be assured that the process is meant to be supportive of your progress and not to penalise you for things you could not have done or achieved.

More information

General guidelines for annual progress review can be found in section 9 of the Code of Practice and on your Graduate School web pages or Moodle sites (as relevant to your College).  While the process is broadly similar in content across the Colleges (Arts, MVLS, COSE, COSS), there are procedural differences and different deadlines and timelines to work to.