PI: Prof. Thomas Owen Clancy
CoIs: Prof. Katherine Forsyth and Dr Alasdair Whyte
Researchers: Dr Mairi MacArthur and Gilbert Márkus
This 3-year, AHRC-funded project will be surveying the place-names of Iona, one of the locations in Scotland where names have extraordinary time-depth (owing to the founding of the monastery there in 563), but also complexity, owing to the variety of communities who have lived on and interacted with the island over the past two and half centuries (crofters, tourists, artists, heritage bodies). As well as a full and detailed survey of the place-names of Iona, and also Staffa, the project team will investigate other key aspects: the names in the earliest records of Iona; the names of Iona's monuments; the relationship between Iona and Mull; and the problems of authority and authenticity in place-names, and the way in which place-names might be treated as artefacts in need of curation by heritage bodies.
To find out more please visit the Glasgow Iona Research Group webpage. 

First published: 5 September 2023