Remote light-based detection and monitoring of cardiac dysfunction and congestion


Dr Pierpaolo Pellicori

Dr Daniele Faccio

Dr Fani Deligianni

Prof John Cleland 

PhD Project Summary:  

We have shown that it is possible to detect and measure, remotely, physiological and pathological heart sounds using low power lasers, a camera and artificial intelligence techniques. The next steps are to develop laser diagnostic technology further and determine the ability of this tool to identify, or exclude, cardiac dysfunction and its potential consequences, such as fluid accumulation, or “congestion”, in people with, or at risk of developing heart failure. We have established a strong interdisciplinary team that combines the strengths of engineering with robust experience in cardiovascular medicine, machine learning and statistics in which the successful PhD candidate will be embedded and provided with state-of-the-art training tailored to their skills and potential.