Siqi Qiao
Research title: Health, Income Inequality and Risk in the Past and Present
Research Summary
Research title: Health, Income Inequality and Risk in the Past and Present.
I study dynamics and variation in health as well as its relationship to income inequality. Idiosyncratic and aggregate health risk and income risk are also focused on. I am interested in studying these questions using both modern and historical datasets, since Victorian times, to investigate different forms of risk that are missing from the recent datasets (e.g. in the form of recurrent disease outbreaks).
Funder: College of Social Sciences (COSS).
Additional Information
2019-2020 MSc in Economics, the University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.
Master's thesis title: Austerity and the Elder’s Mental Health Status: Evidence from Europe.
2015-2019 BSc in Economics, the University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK.