Ahsan Raza Khan
Research title: Federated Learning for Next-Generation Intelligent Applications
Khan, A. R., Manzoor, H. U., Rais, R. N. B., Hussain, S. , Mohjazi, L. , Imran, M. and Zoha, A. (2025) Semantic-Aware Federated Blockage Prediction (SFBP) in vision-aided next-generation wireless network. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, (doi: 10.1109/TNSM.2024.3525338) (Early Online Publication)
Bhatti, S., Khan, A. R., Zoha, A. , Hussain, S. and Ghannam, R. (2024) A machine learning frontier for predicting LCOE of photovoltaic system economics. Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research, 5(8), 2300178. (doi: 10.1002/aesr.202300178)
Ahmed, U., Khan, A. R., Mahmood, A., Rafiq, I., Ghannam, R. and Zoha, A. (2024) Short-term global horizontal irradiance forecasting using weather classified categorical boosting. Applied Soft Computing, 155, 111441. (doi: 10.1016/j.asoc.2024.111441)
Khosravi, S., Li, H., Khan, A. R., Zoha, A. and Ghannam, R. (2024) Exploring the elusive mind: a multimodal wearable sensor solution for measuring mind wandering in university students. Advanced Sensor Research, 3(1), 2300067. (doi: 10.1002/adsr.202300067)
Khan, A. R., Manzoor, H. U., Ayaz, F., Imran, M. A. and Zoha, A. (2023) A privacy and energy-aware federated framework for human activity recognition. Sensors, 23(23), 9339. (doi: 10.3390/s23239339) (PMID:38067712) (PMCID:PMC10708886)
Ahmad, I. , Khan, A. R., Bin Rais, R. N., Zoha, A. , Imran, M. A. and Hussain, S. (2023) Vision-Assisted Beam Prediction for Real World 6G Drone Communication. In: IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2023), Toronto, ON, Canada, 5–8 Sept 2023, ISBN 9781665464833 (doi: 10.1109/PIMRC56721.2023.10294031)
Manzoor, H. U., Khan, A. R., Sher, T., Ahmad, W. and Zoha, A. (2023) Defending Federated Learning From Backdoor Attacks: Anomaly-Aware FedAVG With Layer-Based Aggregation. In: 2023 IEEE 34th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Toronto, ON, Canada, 05-08 Sep 2023, ISBN 9781665464833 (doi: 10.1109/PIMRC56721.2023.10293950)
Al-Quraan, M., Khan, A., Centeno, A. , Zoha, A. , Imran, M. A. and Mohjazi, L. (2023) FedraTrees: a novel computation-communication efficient federated learning framework investigated in smart grids. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 124, 106654. (doi: 10.1016/j.engappai.2023.106654)
Hafeez, S., Khan, A. R., Al-Quraan, M., Mohjazi, L. , Zoha, A. , Imran, M. A. and Sun, Y. (2023) Blockchain-assisted UAV communication systems: a comprehensive survey. IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology, 4, pp. 558-580. (doi: 10.1109/OJVT.2023.3295208)
Al-Quraan, M., Khan, A., Mohjazi, L. , Centeno, A. , Zoha, A. and Imran, M. A. (2023) Intelligent beam blockage prediction for seamless connectivity in vision-aided next-generation wireless networks. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 20(2), 1937 - 1948. (doi: 10.1109/TNSM.2022.3216556)
Manzoor, H. U., Khan, A. R., Flynn, D. , Alam, M. M., Akram, M., Imran, M. A. and Zoha, A. (2023) FedBranched: Leveraging federated learning for anomaly-aware load forecasting in energy networks. Sensors, 23(7), 3570. (doi: 10.3390/s23073570)
Amin, A., Mahmood, A., Khan, A. R., Arshad, K., Assaleh, A. and Zoha, A. (2023) A two-stage multi-agent EV charging coordination scheme for maximizing grid performance and customer satisfaction. Sensors, 23(6), 2925. (doi: 10.3390/s23062925)
Khan, A. R., Ahmad, I. , Mohjazi, L. , Hussain, S. , Rais, R. N. B., Imran, M. A. and Zoha, A. (2023) Latency-aware blockage prediction in vision-aided federated wireless networks. Frontiers in Communications and Networks, 4, 1130844. (doi: 10.3389/frcmn.2023.1130844)
Bhatti, S., Khan, A. R., Hussain, S. and Ghannam, R. (2022) Predicting Renewable Energy Resources using Machine Learning for Wireless Sensor Networks. In: ICECS 2022: 29th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits & Systems, Glasgow, UK, 24-26 October 2022, ISBN 9781665488235 (doi: 10.1109/ICECS202256217.2022.9970851)
Khan, A. R., Bokhari, S. M., Khosravi, S., Hussain, S. , Ghannam, R. , Imran, M. A. and Zoha, A. (2022) Feature Selection Mechanism for Attention Classification Using Gaze Tracking Data. In: ICECS 2022: 29th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits & Systems, Glasgow, UK, 24-26 October 2022, ISBN 9781665488235 (doi: 10.1109/ICECS202256217.2022.9970936)
Khosravi, S., Khan, A. R., Zoha, A. and Ghannam, R. (2022) Employing a Wearable Eye-tracker to Observe Mind-wandering in Dynamic Stimuli. In: ICECS 2022: 29th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits & Systems, Glasgow, UK, 24-26 October 2022, ISBN 9781665488235 (doi: 10.1109/ICECS202256217.2022.9970787)
Manzoor, H. U., Khan, M. S., Khan, A. R., Ayaz, F., Flynn, D. , Imran, M. A. and Zoha, A. (2022) FedClamp: an Algorithm for Identification of Anomalous Client in Federated Learning. In: ICECS 2022: 29th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits & Systems, Glasgow, UK, 24-26 October 2022, ISBN 9781665488235 (doi: 10.1109/ICECS202256217.2022.9970909)
Manzoor, H. U., Khan, A. R., Al-Quraan, M., Mohjazi, L. , Taha, A. , Abbas, H. , Hussain, S. , Imran, M. A. and Zoha, A. (2022) Energy Management in an Agile Workspace using AI-driven Forecasting and Anomaly Detection. In: 4th Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM 2022), Cappadocia, Turkey, 14-17 June 2022, pp. 644-649. ISBN 9781665469258 (doi: 10.1109/GPECOM55404.2022.9815599)
AlQallaf, N., Chen, X., Ge, Y., Khan, A., Zoha, A. , Hussain, S. and Ghannam, R. (2022) Teaching Solar Energy Systems Design using Game-Based Virtual Reality. In: IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON2022), Tunis, Tunisia, 28-31 Mar 2022, pp. 956-960. ISBN 9781665444347 (doi: 10.1109/EDUCON52537.2022.9766460)
Khan, A. R., Khosravi, S., Hussain, S. , Ghannam, R. , Zoha, A. and Imran, M. A. (2022) EXECUTE: Exploring Eye Tracking to Support E-learning. In: IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON2022), Tunis, Tunisia, 28-31 March 2022, pp. 670-676. ISBN 9781665444347 (doi: 10.1109/EDUCON52537.2022.9766506)
Khosravi, S., Khan, A. R., Zoha, A. and Ghannam, R. (2022) Self-Directed Learning using Eye-Tracking: A Comparison between Wearable Head-worn and Webcam-based Technologies. In: IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON2022), Tunis, Tunisia, 28-31 March 2022, pp. 640-643. ISBN 9781665444347 (doi: 10.1109/EDUCON52537.2022.9766468)
Khan, A. R., Zoha, A. , Mohjazi, L. , Sajid, H., Abbasi, Q. and Imran, M. A. (2022) When Federated Learning Meets Vision: an Outlook on Opportunities and Challenges. In: EAI BODYNETS 2021 - 16th EAI International Conference on Body Area Networks: Smart IoT and big data for intelligent health management, Glasgow, Great Britain, 25-26 October 2021, pp. 308-319. ISBN 9783030955939 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-95593-9_23)
Al-Quraan, M., Khan, A. R., Mohjazi, L. , Centeno, A. , Zoha, A. and Imran, M. A. (2021) A Hybrid Data Manipulation Approach for Energy and Latency-Efficient Vision-Aided UDNs. In: 2021 Eighth International Conference on Software Defined Systems (SDS), Gandia, Spain (Virtual), 6-9 Dec 2021, ISBN 9781665458207 (doi: 10.1109/SDS54264.2021.9732115)
Khan, A. R., Zoha, A. , Hussain, S. and Imran, M. A. (2021) EXECUTE: Exploring Eye Tracking Data to Support E-learning. UK&IE EER Summer Event, 9 Sept 2021. (Accepted for Publication)
Khan, A. R., Manzoor, H. U., Rais, R. N. B., Hussain, S. , Mohjazi, L. , Imran, M. and Zoha, A. (2025) Semantic-Aware Federated Blockage Prediction (SFBP) in vision-aided next-generation wireless network. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, (doi: 10.1109/TNSM.2024.3525338) (Early Online Publication)
Bhatti, S., Khan, A. R., Zoha, A. , Hussain, S. and Ghannam, R. (2024) A machine learning frontier for predicting LCOE of photovoltaic system economics. Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research, 5(8), 2300178. (doi: 10.1002/aesr.202300178)
Ahmed, U., Khan, A. R., Mahmood, A., Rafiq, I., Ghannam, R. and Zoha, A. (2024) Short-term global horizontal irradiance forecasting using weather classified categorical boosting. Applied Soft Computing, 155, 111441. (doi: 10.1016/j.asoc.2024.111441)
Khosravi, S., Li, H., Khan, A. R., Zoha, A. and Ghannam, R. (2024) Exploring the elusive mind: a multimodal wearable sensor solution for measuring mind wandering in university students. Advanced Sensor Research, 3(1), 2300067. (doi: 10.1002/adsr.202300067)
Khan, A. R., Manzoor, H. U., Ayaz, F., Imran, M. A. and Zoha, A. (2023) A privacy and energy-aware federated framework for human activity recognition. Sensors, 23(23), 9339. (doi: 10.3390/s23239339) (PMID:38067712) (PMCID:PMC10708886)
Al-Quraan, M., Khan, A., Centeno, A. , Zoha, A. , Imran, M. A. and Mohjazi, L. (2023) FedraTrees: a novel computation-communication efficient federated learning framework investigated in smart grids. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 124, 106654. (doi: 10.1016/j.engappai.2023.106654)
Hafeez, S., Khan, A. R., Al-Quraan, M., Mohjazi, L. , Zoha, A. , Imran, M. A. and Sun, Y. (2023) Blockchain-assisted UAV communication systems: a comprehensive survey. IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology, 4, pp. 558-580. (doi: 10.1109/OJVT.2023.3295208)
Al-Quraan, M., Khan, A., Mohjazi, L. , Centeno, A. , Zoha, A. and Imran, M. A. (2023) Intelligent beam blockage prediction for seamless connectivity in vision-aided next-generation wireless networks. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 20(2), 1937 - 1948. (doi: 10.1109/TNSM.2022.3216556)
Manzoor, H. U., Khan, A. R., Flynn, D. , Alam, M. M., Akram, M., Imran, M. A. and Zoha, A. (2023) FedBranched: Leveraging federated learning for anomaly-aware load forecasting in energy networks. Sensors, 23(7), 3570. (doi: 10.3390/s23073570)
Amin, A., Mahmood, A., Khan, A. R., Arshad, K., Assaleh, A. and Zoha, A. (2023) A two-stage multi-agent EV charging coordination scheme for maximizing grid performance and customer satisfaction. Sensors, 23(6), 2925. (doi: 10.3390/s23062925)
Khan, A. R., Ahmad, I. , Mohjazi, L. , Hussain, S. , Rais, R. N. B., Imran, M. A. and Zoha, A. (2023) Latency-aware blockage prediction in vision-aided federated wireless networks. Frontiers in Communications and Networks, 4, 1130844. (doi: 10.3389/frcmn.2023.1130844)
Conference or Workshop Item
Khan, A. R., Zoha, A. , Hussain, S. and Imran, M. A. (2021) EXECUTE: Exploring Eye Tracking Data to Support E-learning. UK&IE EER Summer Event, 9 Sept 2021. (Accepted for Publication)
Conference Proceedings
Ahmad, I. , Khan, A. R., Bin Rais, R. N., Zoha, A. , Imran, M. A. and Hussain, S. (2023) Vision-Assisted Beam Prediction for Real World 6G Drone Communication. In: IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2023), Toronto, ON, Canada, 5–8 Sept 2023, ISBN 9781665464833 (doi: 10.1109/PIMRC56721.2023.10294031)
Manzoor, H. U., Khan, A. R., Sher, T., Ahmad, W. and Zoha, A. (2023) Defending Federated Learning From Backdoor Attacks: Anomaly-Aware FedAVG With Layer-Based Aggregation. In: 2023 IEEE 34th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Toronto, ON, Canada, 05-08 Sep 2023, ISBN 9781665464833 (doi: 10.1109/PIMRC56721.2023.10293950)
Bhatti, S., Khan, A. R., Hussain, S. and Ghannam, R. (2022) Predicting Renewable Energy Resources using Machine Learning for Wireless Sensor Networks. In: ICECS 2022: 29th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits & Systems, Glasgow, UK, 24-26 October 2022, ISBN 9781665488235 (doi: 10.1109/ICECS202256217.2022.9970851)
Khan, A. R., Bokhari, S. M., Khosravi, S., Hussain, S. , Ghannam, R. , Imran, M. A. and Zoha, A. (2022) Feature Selection Mechanism for Attention Classification Using Gaze Tracking Data. In: ICECS 2022: 29th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits & Systems, Glasgow, UK, 24-26 October 2022, ISBN 9781665488235 (doi: 10.1109/ICECS202256217.2022.9970936)
Khosravi, S., Khan, A. R., Zoha, A. and Ghannam, R. (2022) Employing a Wearable Eye-tracker to Observe Mind-wandering in Dynamic Stimuli. In: ICECS 2022: 29th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits & Systems, Glasgow, UK, 24-26 October 2022, ISBN 9781665488235 (doi: 10.1109/ICECS202256217.2022.9970787)
Manzoor, H. U., Khan, M. S., Khan, A. R., Ayaz, F., Flynn, D. , Imran, M. A. and Zoha, A. (2022) FedClamp: an Algorithm for Identification of Anomalous Client in Federated Learning. In: ICECS 2022: 29th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits & Systems, Glasgow, UK, 24-26 October 2022, ISBN 9781665488235 (doi: 10.1109/ICECS202256217.2022.9970909)
Manzoor, H. U., Khan, A. R., Al-Quraan, M., Mohjazi, L. , Taha, A. , Abbas, H. , Hussain, S. , Imran, M. A. and Zoha, A. (2022) Energy Management in an Agile Workspace using AI-driven Forecasting and Anomaly Detection. In: 4th Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM 2022), Cappadocia, Turkey, 14-17 June 2022, pp. 644-649. ISBN 9781665469258 (doi: 10.1109/GPECOM55404.2022.9815599)
AlQallaf, N., Chen, X., Ge, Y., Khan, A., Zoha, A. , Hussain, S. and Ghannam, R. (2022) Teaching Solar Energy Systems Design using Game-Based Virtual Reality. In: IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON2022), Tunis, Tunisia, 28-31 Mar 2022, pp. 956-960. ISBN 9781665444347 (doi: 10.1109/EDUCON52537.2022.9766460)
Khan, A. R., Khosravi, S., Hussain, S. , Ghannam, R. , Zoha, A. and Imran, M. A. (2022) EXECUTE: Exploring Eye Tracking to Support E-learning. In: IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON2022), Tunis, Tunisia, 28-31 March 2022, pp. 670-676. ISBN 9781665444347 (doi: 10.1109/EDUCON52537.2022.9766506)
Khosravi, S., Khan, A. R., Zoha, A. and Ghannam, R. (2022) Self-Directed Learning using Eye-Tracking: A Comparison between Wearable Head-worn and Webcam-based Technologies. In: IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON2022), Tunis, Tunisia, 28-31 March 2022, pp. 640-643. ISBN 9781665444347 (doi: 10.1109/EDUCON52537.2022.9766468)
Khan, A. R., Zoha, A. , Mohjazi, L. , Sajid, H., Abbasi, Q. and Imran, M. A. (2022) When Federated Learning Meets Vision: an Outlook on Opportunities and Challenges. In: EAI BODYNETS 2021 - 16th EAI International Conference on Body Area Networks: Smart IoT and big data for intelligent health management, Glasgow, Great Britain, 25-26 October 2021, pp. 308-319. ISBN 9783030955939 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-95593-9_23)
Al-Quraan, M., Khan, A. R., Mohjazi, L. , Centeno, A. , Zoha, A. and Imran, M. A. (2021) A Hybrid Data Manipulation Approach for Energy and Latency-Efficient Vision-Aided UDNs. In: 2021 Eighth International Conference on Software Defined Systems (SDS), Gandia, Spain (Virtual), 6-9 Dec 2021, ISBN 9781665458207 (doi: 10.1109/SDS54264.2021.9732115)