WCGT Design Principles

The WCGT Design Principles are informed by the University Strategy and guide our design and delivery of improvements.


There are five design principles for the World-Changing Glasgow Transformation programme. These five principles are simplicity, holistic, user-focused, Once for Glasgow and end-to-end process ownership.


We will design solutions and new ways of working that address the whole organisation on an end-to-end basis, embracing the One Glasgow ethos


Easy to find and simple to use, with fewer, simpler interfaces/hand offs between services to enable us to cut across silos and organisational boundaries


Focus on what the service need from the user’s perspective to make it easier and more efficient for staff and students

Once for Glasgow

Where possible, if something works reuse it, share it and promote it for others to build upon

End-to-end process ownership

Design our services and experiences so that we focus on the ownership and visibility of the end to end process wherever possible