Content Advice: The content of this email relates to sexual violence. If you would like to access support, without reading further, please follow this link Dignity at Work and Study Support, Guidance and Reporting - this includes resources on sexual harassment, assault and violence.  

Sent on behalf of Morag Ross KC 

Over the course of this year, David Blair and I have had extensive discussions with students and staff at all levels of the University. I am very grateful to all those who have taken the time to speak with us. I have also read a large volume of written material, including both University documents and personal accounts of people with relevant experience as well as material from elsewhere. Again, I am grateful for all contributions. The quality of my report, and the thoroughness of its recommendations, depend in large part on the quality of evidence which I receive. It has been important to take time with those enquiries and to hear from as wide a body of contributors as possible.

My investigations have now substantially reached their conclusion. I am drawing all of the themes and issues arising from those investigations together into my final report. There are a few further discussions I need to have, in order to clarify some matters arising, but I expect to be in a position to provide my report to the University’s Principal in the coming weeks.

Morag Ross KC

First published: 20 October 2022