National Real Living Wage increases

Published: 19 November 2020

Increase to £9.50 per hour brings positive impact

The National Living Wage across the UK has increased to £9.50 per hour. This is a rise of some 2.15% for colleagues on spinal points 2 and 3 and a rise of 1.71% for colleagues on spinal point 4, effective from 9 November.

As in previous years, the University will implement this increase for those in scope with immediate effect.

  • Colleagues engaged on Grades 1 and 2, on spinal points 2, 3 and 4, will see the impact of the new rate in their November salary payment.
  • Payslips will show the monthly salary payment split across two rates, with pay for the period 1–8 November based on the rate applicable up to this date and pay accrued for the period 9–30 November payable at the new rate.

UofG is a firmly committed Living Wage Employer and has been fully accredited since November 2015.

Our commitment to the National Living Wage is complemented by our membership of the Scottish Business Pledge, a values-led partnership between Government and business. The Pledge encourages employers to adopt fair and progressive business workplace policies, including supporting activities to help improve gender balance and diversity in the workforce.

First published: 19 November 2020