Stonewall Workplace Equality Index survey now open

Published: 5 September 2019

WEI seeks feedback about LGBT equality in the workplace

The University of Glasgow is committed to creating an inclusive and welcoming campus, workplace and learning environment for all our staff and students, including those who identify as LGBT+. A few of the ways the University has worked to achieve this has included ensuring relevant University policies are LGBT+ inclusive, providing gender neutral toilets across campus and supporting funding projects such as LGBT Equality in the curriculum and classroom.

As part of our work on LGBT+ inclusion, the University is participating in Stonewall’s 2020 Workplace Equality Index.

A component of this Workplace Equality Index (WEI) application is the 2020 WEI Survey. Stonewall is seeking feedback directly from all University of Glasgow employees. The results of the survey are used to assess the impact of our organisational practice on LGBT inclusion and constitute up to 10% of our final Submission mark. The survey is comprised of questions around key indicators of inclusion in our workplace – examining both LGBT and non-LGBT employee experiences, opinions and attitudes. The University then receives analysis of our results in our Index feedback report and meeting. The aim of entering the Index is to allow us to benchmark the University and plan future activity, to ensure we are a welcoming organisation for the LGBT+ community.

The survey can be found at the following link: and our unique 4-digit code is 1687. Please be sure to use the correct code! The survey is anonymous and is open to all staff, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

The survey closes on Friday 1 November, and we would encourage you to complete as soon as possible. 

If you have any questions regarding the Workplace Equality Index Survey or the University’s submission please contact the Equality and Diversity Unit at


Prof. Roibeard O Maolalaigh

LGBT+ Equality Champion

VP and Head of College of Arts

First published: 5 September 2019