International visitor checklist

The checklist below is a sample which provides a helpful guideline to the considerations that should be made when organising a trip on the behalf of a short term visitor.

StepsVisiting for less than 4 weeks
1. Identify dates of visit and potential duration of stay.
2. Clarify the overall objective/purpose of the visit, and confirm with the visit co-ordinator.
3. Forward on visit brief to visit co-ordinator.
4. Complete online visitor registration form (covering accommodation, library, and IT services.)
5. Confirm the visitor’s start date and time with the initial point of contact in the University.
6. Ensure that the visitor has received appropriate documentation from the University e.g. copies of relevant policies, working permissions documents etc. prior to working date.
7. Arrange meeting rooms,  catering, and schedule of the visitor.
8. Arrange meetings with key individuals.
9. Arrange a health and safety briefing (if appropriate).
10. Arrange meet and greet for visitor on arrival to the school.
11. Arrange for a tour of the University for the visitor.
12. Advise visitor of things to do locally.
13. Farewell and return of room keys, etc.