Professor Annette Macleod

What was your personal experience of the Academic Promotions Process?

"The promotion process was straight forward. There are clear criteria provided on the UoG website."

What advice would you offer to future applicants?

"I would advise future applicants to view the criteria for promotion as early as possible and work on any weak areas, for example, evidence of PhD supervision in excess of the Russell group median, which means ensuring you are adequately recognised for co-supervised students. I would also suggest think carefully about the timing of your application, eg after a large award or significant paper."

In terms of your preparation and timescales, what top tips can you offer?

"For those embarking on an academic career, I would suggest drawing up a strategy or plan for your career as early as possible that includes serious consideration of the work/life balance. I never did this but wish I had."

What challenges have you encountered as a female participant through the Academic Promotions process? How have you dealt with them?

As a female researcher in a male dominated profession, I have encountered casual sexism in my career, which has only fired my determination to success and get the next grant. I have no control over people’s views, but I do have control over how I respond to them.

I was lucky enough to attend an intensive Wellcome Trust leadership course, which made me aware that successful leaders come in all shapes and sizes, and that I didn’t have to be an alpha male to be an effective leader. The most important factor is being authentic. This was very empowering. Effective leadership means bringing out the best in every member of your team and that means listening to the quiet-spoken and well as the loudest voice."