Professor Zhibin Yu

What was your personal experience of the Academic Promotions Process?

I had three promotions in recent years, and my experience of the Academic Promotions Process within the University was fantastic. The clearly defined promotion criteria was particularly helpful. I have also received excellent support from the line manager, the School, and HR.

What advice would you offer to future applicants?

Do not be shy to seek advice from your line manager if you are not quite sure if it is the right timing to make an application.  

In terms of your preparation and timescales, what top tips can you offer?

The application paper work requires a lot of fine details of your activities and achievements over a long period of time. It is therefore very useful to keep updating your CV to record them, regardless how big or small they are.   

What advice would you offer those just embarking on their academic careers?

Dream big and aim high – it is really important to be ambitious.

How will your promotion affect the work you are doing?

The promotion not only gave me a strong sense fulfilment, but also enhanced my visibility in the research communities, which brings me more opportunities of collaboration.  

What are your development plans going forward?

Stick to the strategy that worked for me so far, and seek more successes in research, teaching, knowledge exchange, etc.