Sponsor our collections

Sponsor our collections

We hope you find our website useful.  The collections we hold are open to the public as well as the academic community and we welcome anyone who wishes to use our archives to further their research.  To make them available we must catalogue and conserve them, which inevitably has resource implications. 

Donations go towards the permanent preservation of the records we hold.  If you wish to make such a donation, you can use the University of Glasgow's secure online donation form.

To make a donation, click 'Donate' and you will be directed to a page titled 'Support World Changing Glasgow' (givingtoglasgow.hubbub.net).  Click on the 'Make a donation' button, then select any of the funds from the drop-down list except University Campus Development.  Click 'Make a donation' to be taken through to the form.   

Once you are in the donation form, in the 'Your gift' section, under the 'What would you like your gift to support?' drop-down list, please select 'Other', and in the box under 'Please direct my gift to:' type 'Library Fund - Archives & Special Collections'.

How we use your donations

Thanks to donations made by our supporters, we have purchased packaging materials which will aid the long-term preservation of the Stoddard-Templeton Archive.

The Archive includes a large volume of photographs, both loose and in albums, which require storage in acid-free sleeves and boxes to prevent deterioration. The photograph albums include photographs of the designs developed by the design teams at Stoddard and Templeton and the loose photographs are a large series of contract photographs.

These photographs show the finished carpets in situ in hotels, board rooms and government offices all around the world. This example (see right) is by Henry William Batley (1846-1932), an artist and furniture and textile designer most widely associated with the Aesthetic Movement. Batley is recognised as an important figure in the history of interior design.

From the Stoddard-Templeton Design Archive, an example of work by Henry William Batley (1846-1932), an artist and furniture and textile designer most widely associated with the Aesthetic Movement.  Batley is recognised as an important figure in the history of interior design.  (GUAS Ref: STOD DES 121/2/10. Copyright reserved.)  

Each of the contract photographs can now be packaged in an archival standard polyester sleeve, and the photograph albums in acid free boxes, ensuring their long term preservation. You can see some of these photographs and designs from the Archive on our Flickr set.

Many thanks to all those who have donated for their assistance.