U21 Global Collaborative Research Awards

U21's Graduate Collaborative Research Awards (GCRA) have been designed to be flexible and encourage doctoral candidates, with the support of their supervisors/advisors, to think innovatively about how their research could benefit from engagement with other members of the U21 network.


  • Prospective applicants are invited to apply for up to US $5000 per project.
  • Projects can be in any discipline or cross-disciplinary and should aid the development of transferable skills for doctoral candidates, allowing them to work independently, as well as in teams, on activities that benefit their doctoral research.
  • These projects aim to give doctoral candidates a global view of problem-solving and group work and facilitate cross-cultural working practices.
  • Publicly accessible outputs are expected from each project; the form of the outputs will depend on the nature of the project.
  • At least three U21 member institutions — from at least two countries — must be involved in each project; there must be at least one doctoral candidate from each U21 member involved in the project.

How to meet your potential collaborators

This year U21 is providing prospective GCRA applicants access to a designated collaboration space in U21 Community, the network's new connection platform. There, you will be able to meet with potential collaborators and communicate via chatrooms and fora. U21 will also be facilitating social Zoom meet ups for prospective GCRA applicants via U21 Community.

U21 Graduate Collaborative Research Award - community sign Up form

Application process

If you are interested in applying for the Graduate Collaborative research award please send a note of interest and an outline of your project (no more than 500 words) to externalrelations-u21network@glasgow.ac.uk no later than Friday, 23 July 2021. 

Applications may be led by doctoral candidates but must be formally supported by a supervisor/advisor, and signed off by the appropriate staff member, at the lead institution (Geraldine Brown, Geraldine.brown@glasgow.ac.uk

The budget allocated to the 2020 call is US $30,000; candidates can apply for up to US $5,000 per project. It is expected that several projects will be funded.

Funding will be limited to 12 months, starting from 1 November 2021, although the projects may extend beyond that year.

Key dates:

  • Internal UoG deadline: Friday, 23 July 2021
  • Deadline for U21 applications  Friday, 6 August 2021
  • Decisions announced: the week commencing 6 September 2021
  • Funding: funding to be transferred to the lead institution’s Graduate School by Friday, 8 October 2021